Open a profile, any girl will do just to get the idea of where to find the stats.
Look along the top or bottom bar, where it says "send email" "flowers and gifts" "call me" the next one along is "get my stats" click that button, the profile will change from grey back ground to pink and the information you are looking for will appear as if by magic in the space of the button you clicked.
The stats consist of when the lady joined the site and had her profile posted and how many letters she has received since that date.
Thats all the stats which are available as far as I know.
What were you hoping for ?: 34-26-34 or something ? ;o)
Sorry mate, Im pretty sure thats all you get, but its a sorta added bonus when you join properly and pay the fee, the main reason you pay is to be able to write to the ladies :o))