Mr. lonelyranger1701, do you really want to go there? It is suspicious at best. What will you do if you find out the truth, regardless of who did it. You want to date their women?
hey lonely, i thought the polish plane crash was a bit interesting!
hey have a look at eastern russia, theres plenty girls there and closer to you,,, what i liked about the place they are not overly city minded on that side, it also has very little agency crap going on.
that area is having a big loss of people to western russia, or other country's.
kiwi,,, and the guy who was poisoned!!
You must also remember how close Cuba is to the gulf!!
I'm not going that far,,,, to Eastern Russia. It might be good advice, but I'll let someone else use it.
Armin,,,, it's more like a funnel!! And it's the whole world going to the Ukraine.
How many major hotels are in Kiev?????
There's a girl walking through the door every 5 minutes at each of them!!!
I had to change hotels during my stay in Kiev,,, and I couldn't FXXXing believe what the hell I was seeing with my own eyes!!!