Everyone wants to feel secure, even a poor Ukraine girl, but you don't have to spoil her. Doing that will create creed, and just the better chance of her using you.
I am going to Kiev in Spring to be with my girl. I am 26, she is 23. She works, and she is real. I sent her chocolates for her, during valentines, but that's it.. It has nothing to do with being cheap. I am treating her like if I had a girlfriend from my country.
If a Ukrainian girl likes you, she will like you for you, and your security, not straight for her money, so don't provide this cash flow. This is what causes places like kiev to be full of scammers. If you provide, they will take it...
Girls from villages or small cities won't scam at all because they don't know any better.
If you need help finding love, a guy like arminbond could help. He's more Ukrainian than I will ever be.
Good luck out there! And don't go shopping on your first date because she is a scammer!!
zarkey thanks for recommending me mate. I just want to agree with you. I'd like to give an example. I have a student at my Language school, she's 25 and she's been studying for 2 years. She was a modest, shy and extremely beautiful model type girl when I first met her and came to study English because her boyfriend from Australia insisted that she accepted money for her studies, though she comes from a well-off family and could have paid by herself. That guy was quite rich and very generous. First she was rejecting expensive jewelry, I-phones, laptops and all that stuff he presented but soon after she gave up. In 4 month that guy found another girl in Belarus and they split up. But my student was already spoiled. Now she has an idea that her beauty can earn her a fortune without even having sex or relation with a foreigner. She doesn't need money from her parents, she doesn't even ask for anything from foreign guys they beg her to accept the gifts, she never promises them anything for those presents they give her. She has travelled all over the world and she receives a MacBook at least once a month a diamond ring every fortnight (I might be exaggerating a bit). Is she a scammer? Whose fault is that? Hey guys, Nikolaev, a city with a population of 500.000 people has 500 officially registered dating agencies. You know why? Because there's a great demand for being scammed by them.
.... And a second truth is. Most girls want young guys. Not for money... For a relationship.
They think how old he will be in the future. So to the person who said in another topic "Only Losers don't spend too much money", it's actually the other way around. It's called being smart!
Why do you see young couples together from Ukraine? They aren't rich, it's because they like each other for who they are.
If you're over 40, I still think Arminbondd can help out since they're girls who just want security and stabilizability, and a way out too for a future.
Arminbondd, here's an idea. Setting up tours specializing in girls from nearby villages!
I could see the look on their faces "An American.. Ooooo where where. I want!!"
Of course- men want to be heroes.If it is difficult to be so in own country- they go and look poor girls in another place.It is easy to be so for the poor one, but in your country it is quite difficult.
******************* I could see the look on their faces "An American.. Ooooo where where. I want!!"*******************************
Dreamers! do you realy think so? Do you really think that they consider you as supermen?
Where where!AN AMERICAN!!!!!! ìäÿ. Just your dream.Village girl... you want to be a king? For succesful girls you are nothing, so you decided to find pooriest one.Óäà÷è, ýòî ïðåêðàñíàÿ èäåÿ, âû ãåíèàëüíû, ìîëîäîé ÷åëîâåê! And you can also search among ÁÎÌÆèõ!
Some people just want old fashion type girls. Ukrainian girls are more old fashion than America, Canada, parts of Europe.
Every woman is different. But the first thing a vilage girl will think, is security. She will say to herself, rather I be here, or have fun with this guy, and a future.
Vesnovka, I never said anyone thinking they're superman. So you can go back to watching Twlight and dream of being in America one day....
P.S Vesnovka, I am Ukrainian! My grand parents came to Canada along time ago....
Some people just want old fashion type girls. Ukrainian girls are more old fashion than America, Canada, parts of Europe.
Old fashion type girls prefer not to quite their parents,and go to another country to marry to madmen. Do you think that FSU men will give you the best ones? 90% of foreign men are assholes.Who want you?
Every woman is different. But the first thing a vilage girl will think, is security. She will say to herself, rather I be here, or have fun with this guy, and a future.
############You are right- they want you for the better life.
Vesnovka, I never said anyone thinking they're superman. So you can go back to watching Twlight and dream of being in America one day....##############
Again stupid. Do you think that everybody in FSU want to live in America? If I ever wanted to go to that country I would have gone there.It is easy to deceive people like you.
P.S Vesnovka, I am Ukrainian! My grand parents came to Canada along time ago....
No, you are not Ukranian.You dont know Ukrainian language, even Russian, you dont know
the cultural traditions you grew up on other information. My father's father is Ukranian, and I hardly can call myself Ucrainian.
I think Ves had her heart broken by a foreign man once! He probably found a younger, prettier, and more polite woman.##################
Your thoughts about me cange every day!Please- do not drink. About foreigners: most F men are nice and good people. Most of F grooms are stupid, idiots, perverts, losers, unable to find a wife in their country
Thats all. Do not argue with me. Of course your girls and agensies will never say this to you. And you don't hear about it. You prefer lie.And you have no other choice. otherwise you'll be without a wife.At all.
Zarkey wrote: "P.S Vesnovka, I am Ukrainian! My grand parents came to Canada along time ago...."
I'm Ukrainian too. My dad's parents came to the U.S. in 1913. I plan to visit Ukraine, look up some relatives and have a cute cousin be my wingwoman and introduce me to her girlfriends. Sounds like a plan.
Îäíè õîõëû âîêðóã, êóäà á äåòüñÿ:-) I won't be surprised if Obama is half Ucrainian too:-)
Do you like ÑÀËÎ ? If you have children with Ucrainian wife- what will you call them- that they are Ucrainian or Canadian(American, etc)? ))))))))))))))
I think girls are pleased to hear that you are ethnic Ukrainians.
I plan to visit Ukraine, look up some relatives and have a cute cousin be my wingwoman and introduce me to her girlfriends. Sounds like a plan.
The only smart idea in this forum*_* I think her girlfriends will ask her to introduce them to you (I write it seriously)
Ves, my opinion about you changes very little,,, but I am uncertain about which one of the lunatics here, is pretending to be a biased, ignorant, bitter, disgusting bitch of a woman!! Like I said before,,,, my opinion about you changes very little!!
Most men from my country look for women in the fsu, because they either don’t want an American woman,,,, or can’t find one.
Zarkey,, do you really believe fsu women are more old fashioned?? I’m not even going to bother to give you my opinion,,, you should find out for yourself!!! Find your girl on Vk!! Check out her profile there,,, look at the photos she posts on her wall!!! Look at the public profiles that she follows,,,,, find out for yourself just how old fashioned and modest she is!!
You think that smaller villages have more sensible or honest women?? Armin himself wrote in another post, that “every city that has women,,,, has agencies“ !! And if they have an agency,, they have scams!!!
Everybody here needs to realize or understand, why some say what they say??! Who is trying to make money here???
Armin,,, how much do you charge for helping the pathetic losers, who have given up on the websites and agencies????
Danny, my Irina did many of those same things. But they aren't the girls in the agencies anymore!! With the internet, cell phones, Vk, etc,,,, these girls are becoming worse than our American women ever were!!
Zarkey,,, I found,,, “ a “ scammer??? “a” refers to one,,,,, singular!!! I have lost count!!!! Of the women I have taken the time to get to know, through letters and/or meetings, everyone has been a scammer. I have opened letters from hundreds of women, responded to at least a hundred of them. Some show themselves to be a scammer in the first few letters, others take a little time, but EVERY one has turned out to be a scammer!!
It doesn’t matter if they are young or older,,, the scam is just different. Younger ones let the agencies scam for them and share a cut,,,, the older ones scam on their own. The older ones have been the biggest scammers.
I have ended my search on this website, and cut the last one loose tonight. Every email that I received from her had one common topic;,,,,,, money! My money and her wanting!!!
I found another website, it is free and it is better. But it is also filled with scammers, nothing changes!!!
I’m trying to remember a joke I had heard when I was a little kid, it went something like this;
Two boys meet each other on the street, one is carrying a paper bag. The other kid asks what the bag was for? The 1st says; this is a thinking bag,,,, it can make you smarter!! The 2nd says; I don’t believe that,,, how can that bag help make you smarter?? Simple says the 1st boy,,, you just put it over your head,,, here,,, try it!! The 2nd boy puts on the bag,,,,, and waits! Five minutes go by and the 2nd boy says; I don’t feel anything!! The 1st boy responds; it will work, just keep the bag on!! Another 5 minutes go by, and the 2nd boy says; I don’t think this is helping at all?! The 1st boy says;,,, It’s starting to work!! No it’s not replies the 2nd boy,,, you are just playing a trick on me,,,,, and he rips off the bag! The 1st boy says,, the bag worked,,, you are now smarter!!!!
I think everyone on this forum needs to put their dating thinking bag on!!!!!!