didn 't jamie king hadd a sadd sad and pityfull existense life and gott scamed by afa inn nikolayev andd iz stil biter andd hazent goten ovur itt yett i 'm told and haz his pantys all twisted upp . mabey that 's why hee can 't lett any won else bee hapy heer . mabey dany 's lips culd servise himm and maik him happy againe .
So, the original purpose of the website is no longer valid since the woman changed her name. The website is now up to harass the (ex) husband of the woman who came to her aid as a husband should.
I am sory to everyone involved..... Nicolas Adrian Pearce Boby, I apologize!!!! Please accept my deepest apologies. I don't know what the phuck I was thinking???? The site will be down as soon. I promise. My regards to your ex when you see her. My gawd, that could have been me!!!
How many hours would be involved for Martin setting up that website?
I read on the website he had to re-mortgage his house, by that, I thought the house already had a mortgage on it and he opened a 2nd mortgage for the money towards the Ukraine Apartment.
Either way, at Martins age, from working all the years, everything should be paid for.
I paid my house off in 11 years.
But, I do feel sorry for him, that amount of money is the biggest I've heard somebody loose. It's a huge amount of money.
I do hope Martin removes that site and concentrates on his new life.
so why does a guy lie to the internet world that he was married for so long ?
all the storys of how he was visiting inlaws ect ect ect ..its a huge amount of money to loose but only a stupid desperate person would do what he did !
its what stupid people like martin do ...if his resort project is even real which i doubt it is .. he will again loose what little money he has ...
i still cant see how someone can call a place with no bar no pool ..roosters crowing neighbours making noise a RESORT ....it should be called what it is ... a hostel for the homeless .
The one word Danny knows how to spell correctly. Idiocy. Well he's gifted one and should be very proficient in knowing the definition of the word idiocy. He's the biggest ever to invade this forum.