When you meet up with your ukranian lady you will have to look out for suspect bomb packacges. If you survive your injuries you can look forward to a stay in a wonderful ukraine hospital.
If you need hospital treatment during a stay in in ukraine it is best to to take out private medical insurance before, and make sure you are sent by air ambulance to Italy or some other western european country .I think football foreign supporters are in for a surprise in ukraine come the euro tournament.
In Kyiv on Saturday, I saw three fires in rubbish bins around Independence Square.
I would have thought after the blasts the day before in Dnipropetrovsk, there might be some big official or public attention to these fires, but I observed no response.
BTW, I saw a press report saying Yulia Tymoshenko's has claimed that the bombings were organized by the Ukrainian government, in order to divert attention from her plight (the former PM is in prison, with a deteriorating health condition).
I met a russian lady she said she had visited a city in america called Arkansaw. I discovered this to be a lie becouse there is No place in america that sounds like Arkansaw