Barry Pring has been featured on this forum previously ... a stripper who gets her kit off for a guy ... he falls head over heels in love ... ring any recent bells? :)
First 1.5M pounds is no "fortune" I gave away way more than that to my first wife...
Second... nobody can be scammed UNLESS they are stupid... So Lonely man and Rag'n'Bull (and anybody else listening) If you were scammed then you are stupid... Just face the facts...
Third... A gift to someone is a "gift" ... By definition there should be no expectation of return by any means...
Somebody that gives a "gift" and then claims to have been scammed when they do not get back what they expected in their minds when they were giving the gift are both Losers (thinking that they are buying the love/affection of the person they are giving the gift to) and Stupid... (see 2 above)
If I married a rich woman (for whatever reason) and she died (by whatever means) I would also be on the phone to my solicitor telling him "what am I entitled to as her husband...?" That is not a Ukraine or Russian woman thing... That is a human nature thing... Following any grief (real or not) you then look at the "positives"... This guy was neither rich as depicted in the story (that car I can pick up here second hand for less than 50K, he owned a property or two in the UK... woopty doo..!! (I sold 4 last year)) nor smart... the story clearly depicted him as troubled by her behavior but nevertheless married her...
Now everybody is on HER back because she is looking to get what she may be very legally entitled to...
It could have been an accident, it could have been a hit, it could have been a murder organised by her... Who knows... But that story has nothing to do with "finding and marrying a FSU woman") it has much more to do with stupid people and greed and it could be a story from anywhere in the world about any wannabe average man and about any woman born in any country trying to get whatever she thinks she is entitled to or killing her husband to get access to his (albeit small) "fortune"...
But the thing that I find offensive is the 3 or 4 absolute LOSERS on this forum that have the hide to continue talking about me and my experience when they need only look at their back yard to see how f***ed up their lives are...!
First we have R'n'B who (from what I gather) has given up on FSU women most likely because he is stupid and undesirable by any of them and has gone to the Phillipines to buy his "girlfriend" from whatever bar she came from... ANYBODY knows that all the old senile dirty ugly desperate men in this world can go to the Phillipines or Thailand and buy themselves a "girlfriend" ... What did she cost R'n'B ? $200 and a goat...? Who the F*** are you to talk about me and my experience in any way whatsoever...?
Second we have Lonely old man... a miserable old thing who still thinks he is some sort of good looking stud of a man, despite the FACT that ALL the evidence tells him otherwise... His complete and UTTER FAILURE to attract anybody other than the scammers that took whatever little money he had made in his miserable life is ONLY PROOF about his STUPIDITY... (see above) and his complete and utter ignorance when it comes to human beings (Men and women) is only PROOF of the fact that he will die an old man having lived a miserable life... My only advice to you miserable Lonely man... go get yourself a cat... because that will be the only pussy you will stroke until the end of your days...
And the rest of you miserable people that think that you have permission to sit there and insult and ridicule me or my experiences or my journey when you have absolutely no idea about who I am and what I do and how I go about it... go and get a life... or go and succeed in something (ANYTHING) in your life ... and then you have my permission to talk to me about success...
People reading this (especially new people) that think they are coming here on this forum seeking the advice of experienced people... Listen to me... just go ... don't sit here and get sucked in to the world of a few miserable old men that have nothing better to do than act like 5 year old kids trying to prove that they are worth listening to simply so that they can inflate their shattered ego's...
In my life I found out the following TRUTH... If you want to get somewhere, follow the advice of someone that has already gone there... NOT tried and failed... If THEY tried and failed, THEY can ONLY tell you about their failures... THEY CAN NEVER TELL YOU ABOUT HOW TO SUCCEED...!
Lonely man for your benefit:
Fail-ure [feyl-yer]
1. an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success:
His effort ended in failure. The campaign was a failure.
That is something that you are MUCH more familiar than Success in your life, isn't it?
And R'n'B just because you got a Phillipino bride you should not kid yourself that you have succeeded in anything... so you need to learn the meaning of this word also... and stop acting like some hot shot experienced FSU dating guru when all you are is a proven STUPID FAILURE of a man...! (see "scammed" above)
Apal and the like, men that have succeeded in doing this... what about we chat about resources/forums that can help people like us rather than ridicule them and put them down...?
Bottom line... If you are reading this ... You are either on the side of the LOSERS and nay-sayers on this forum (proudly headed by Rag'n'Bull and co-chaired by the Lonely stupid old man) OR you are on the side of people like Apal and others that honestly and sincerely share their stories and experiences and try and listen and understand and HELP men succeed in their dream... I am not and would not classify myself as one of those that have succeeded yet... I am still on my journey.. But I do want to succeed and I will succeed... because I made a choice to succeed...
Lol w/Aussie. He painted a bullseye on the exact guys for their exact behavior. ;)
Yep. This week in the agencies. I noticed two or three of these guys at the airport (60+ years) looking at me with a snarl in their eyes, sitting beside their Asian.Phillipino young wife.
I am glad you refuse to cave into the other guys in here proclaiming they are helping others with their obvious rage and retaliatory remarks. It is easy to see who had success by how helpful they are. On the other hand its easier to see who failed by their proclamation of wisdom amongst their failure. Why they continue to be producing on this forum? To vent their inner anger and resentment. It is easier and requires less intelligence to generalize and stereotype.
Everyone is an individual. and each life moment is unique to each of us.
Ukraine and Thailand aren't exactly the worst countries in this world as some of these guys make everyone think... I can place a big wager that parts of the cities in their own hometown have such types of bad people they say are in Ukraine too. It is a small world after all and you'd be amazed at how many good people there are in such places too...
So you guys saying how much Ukraine is corrupt? How each girl is a scammer? How each man is stupid to go to FSU? You sound hurt and stupid. If you are failing after 10+ visits? You definately don't have what the women you are after are looking for and its obvious to everyone reading these posts... but yourself.
Aussie/D-2 Why would you think this thread was aimed at you???? This was to make you think!!
Many people have been wasting their time on you,,, but you are too stupid to even try and understand! You came here to get other people’s opinions and ideas,,,, but you didn’t like what EVERYONE told you,,,,, so we must be bad people,,, right???!!!
I haven’t really been scammed, I gave one girl many things and some money, but I knew when the money was still in my hand that it all could be for nothing! And I was right,,,, but it was a gift! I still have fond memories of her and I wish her well!
I’m not so gracious with the ones who have wasted my time! You seem to think all of the women I met don’t like me?? Do you know how many women said; that they don’t like me??? Zero!!!! In person zero, how many through an interpreter??? One!!! How many met with me and didn’t show up for the 2nd date?? One!!
The girl who had her interpreter tell me, was the girl I refer to as the “Shy girl” from Kherson. The girl who doesn’t smoke, drink, or like bars! She has many photos in her Vk profile,,,, drinking, smoking,,, and in bars! Her boyfriend has many photos of her too,,,, some dated before our meeting!!! She is also the one that is on over 47 websites!!! The interpreter we used had classes on Monday,,,,, it must have been good timing for her that I met the girl on Sat and Sunday?!! She also wanted to continue our correspondence after the failed meeting??!!! Just maybe she has a slight credibility problem???? Sole purpose of inviting me to their city?? 4.5 hours at 20USD per hour,,,,, 90USD!!!!
The girl who had supper with me, then decided not to show up for the next 5 days or so, is from Tver’ Russia. It was through the “One Wife” site,,, which is also the “Be Happy2day” site!! They have a reputation for pulling tricks like that!! This was the only time, I let an agency handle my apartments, visa, taxi,,,,, etc! I paid for the full package two weeks in advance,,,,, I didn’t hear from the girl until the day before my trip!!! Her mother was sick??? During our supper together, I learned about two summer vacations she took, without saying one word about them in her letters!! After I returned home, she told me about meeting with two other men during that time her mother was supposed to be sick!! She also wanted to continue with our correspondence,,,,, and needed money!!! No way! About a week later she wrote about leaving the website and moving to Moscow for a better job!! I thought it was a better paying nurses job,,, No! Months later, I found her on an escort site working in Moscow! What was I doing on an escort website?? Looking for my former dates!! I have only found two working as escorts so far!!!!!!!
Who is a loser??? Anyone who doesn’t succeed on their first attempt??? Then Apal is a failure!! He has been on and off the forum for many more years than myself!! And he still has not succeeded!!!! With all of the time he spends in the Ukraine,,, and he still is not married??!!! Failure???? No,,, but he is not successful!
Who the hell are you calling old?? Aren’t you 45????
I am not acting like a stud!! Lol Danny will say; that looks don’t mean anything,,,,, then he will make a big deal out of someone’s looks?? He is constantly contradicting himself, and I am throwing it back at him!! Oh, by the way,, he still has not denied it,,,,, that I am good looking!!
The biggest mistake that men will make in this foreign dating process,,, is to be trusting!!!! RnB trusted his girl, that was his mistake!!! Maybe if he had members of this forum warning him about it,,, it would not have happened?!
It all comes down to choices!! I will choose or decline, any woman I want!! I can’t help it if your search, led you to a Webcam Whore!!!!
Apal,,, who are you talking about??? Who here is 60+??? And what exact behavior??
What were you doing in agencies?? I thought you have succeeded??
I read your story on HRB and I was NOT impressed like some of the other members have been! First of all,, you only met a year ago in May of 2011??!! You and her were out of contact with each other for six months?? That means you have only been together for six months,,,, and you two separated several times during that period?? That’s not my idea of successful.
The problems you have in your relationship, you blame on her,,, “inexperience” ??? The failures you have had in your past business ventures you blame on the local girls,,, the girls of South America!! So,,, to find more honest girls,,,, you went to Ukraine???
The first (recent) day you posted here, I thought; finally, someone who knows something!! In the first few days, you didn’t write anything new or different than I have wrote in the past!! The second day I looked at the forum,,,, hmmm, they didn’t update the posts??! I looked anyway,,,, they did update them,,,, you just had wrote every one,,,, again!!! I read through them,,, and it hit me very quickly,,, what’s he selling???? The third day I found out,,, you want to start an agency!! Then,,, you start your own thread talking about business deals!!!
You want to attract as many FOOLS as you can, and what RnB and I write threatens that!!!
Most of the guys who are searching in the FSU don’t belong there and won’t find what they are looking for!!! But that is not why I am here!!! If guys want to go to Ukraine or other countries, they will go regardless of what I say! I do not want to be the man who talks them out of it,,, but I want to wake some of them up!!! Many need a pail of ice cold water poured over their head,,, and some need the pail pulled down tight over it!!!!
You have owned or worked at agencies???
The type of man the agencies want the most are; naïve, trusting, uninformed, generous, gullible,,,, and caring!!! Negative posts threaten that, and hits them in the pocketbook!!!
I don’t have any bridges to sell, and I’m not buying any!!! Several times a year we get people here who are trying to cash in on the “easy prey“!!! Own part of a money making business, get to go to Ukraine and have a 100% chance of getting married??? Pssppppst! BS!!
Not finding a girl after 10 visits makes a guy a failure??? Thanks,,, and I don’t consider myself to be one, but your opinion means little to me.
Danny,,, I had to wait a whole week for your insult!?
No, you shouldn’t care about how other men look,,, so why do you always make such a big deal out of it???
Danny,,, I’ve had girls jumping on me,,,, through the air too, not just a figure of speech!!
LonelyR- Who said I was out of contact with my girl for six months? You getting me confused with someone else. I did go to FSU. I did go to Colombia. Learned much from both. I still go to both countries, but for different reasons now.
Not looking for a following LR. Just trying to put things straight. I'm a straight shooter at all times.
LR - You are right about guys going to FSU who have no clue, but had no clue to begin with. I heard of a lot of pain, sorrow, anguish, anger, etc from those stories too.
That is why I am here, to be another flashlight. I am not a spotlight or one for the limelight.
My relations are good. But not all is perfect. We do have problems and yes it's a lot to do with her inexperience. She knows that. I've already mentioned my fiance has saved herself for marriage and never kissed another boy in her entire life. That can create all sorts of problems. She knows this too and understands I do not pressure her for sex, passion and all the other things that a man needs to be reassured that his woman loves him. So when that part does happen, it will add more bonding to our relations.
I myself never even read a story of a girl like this, let alone experience it in the real world. Is it true? Even her mother and ALL her friends repeat it to me. And her shyness about men reflect it to be true. I don't have to worry about such a woman being a cheat.
The thing that got me, is that if I followed the advice on herfrom most men in the forum? I would have dumped her for using, abusing and scheming me. That is why we broke up for a few weeks, but then found out we did really care.
The 5 girls are my fiance's girlfriends. All great girls looking for good guy. Someone attractive #1, someone fairly successful (can support her) #2, someone caring and kind #3.
So that's pretty much what I see about most girls in the agencies. Old for them is someone 55-69. But that is a generalized assumption. Because I am looking at it from their perspective (**Being 19-20**), for older women that net is wider.
But again, they want their man to be attractive and have a nice appearance. Sorry if I didn't clarify that before.
I don't really like my fiance's agency (greedy agency manager). And it's not that much trouble to create an agency to help them.
So if you think that's a huge angle and I want all the wierdos in this forum to join this agency? lol!
My real angle is to burst the bubbles of guys who say everything about agencies in Ukraine is one big scammer con game. It isn't.
The other bubble to burst is thinking that with smooth talking, great letter writing can replace the mutual attraction you will need when you meet. It won't.
If you are challenged in looks? I advice seeing a plastic surgeon, going to the gym, getting a new wardrobe and making yourself not the big loser.
If on the other hand, if you think its best to be alone, buy a sportscar and think its the answer... good luck.
I am happy, that my girl will turn more heads than a Ferrari or Lamborghini, but she isn't for sale. I know we are the rare couple. I am lucky. But she is very lucky too. She knows how hard it is for a good guy to write her, or come to meet her, let alone prove he is the one she will love for all life and deserve such love and vice versa.
LR - About hookers joining the agency. Yup that happens. Not to me, but surely had the vibes when I use letters to filter their personalities.
My only advice? Use letters to filter out those undesirable desirable women. But what can you do when an agency hires a professional translator to write all letters? Complain to the website, get a full refund. If it was Army of Brides or HotRussianBrides, they give refunds.
LR - Your situation also made me change my own tactics. Instead of spending weeks and months writing a girl, I try to use the time to find out things I don't want to see in a mate. I didn't join the agencies with intentions to meet dozens of girls. I just wanted one. So that helped when I apply the filter. It also saves money.
I decided that I would meet more than one girl when I went to any city. If a city had only one girl I was interested? I'd drop her until I had at least 3. That's why I came to Odessa. It has a lot of available girls, but is also reknowned for having a lot of big gold-digger girls in the agencies. Must have porsche, mansion, yachts, etc... very materialistic shallow girls there.
My girl wasn't from Odessa originally, so that helps us all the time! ;)
Apal,,, yes, I do think you are trying to promote your own agenda! And Yes, I think martin and I must be some sort of threat to your plans,,, otherwise why would you need to answer my one post with 7 of your own????
An agency of 5 girls??? Let me guess,,,, a 1,000USD per night????
Everyone who disagrees with you is a loser??? Is that what you think?? Do you think you are the only one who has ever been to the Ukraine?? Of the men who go to any FSU country,,, 99% fail!!!! Only 1% will have a marriage that lasts more than 3 years!!! Only 4% will get married!!! And those are the % for 2008. It has become much worse since.
You want to burst everyone’s bubble about agencies??? Everybody has read the propaganda from the websites and agencies,,, and they see the advertisements every time they login. They don’t need any more influence showing them how wonderful foreign dating is! What they do need to learn is how trouble is coming at them from every direction, and how to steer clear. Guys who have been down the road before are the ones who have the knowledge to help them!! Not from someone who has 3 pairs of rose colored glasses on!!
Oh,, but wait,,,, you have seen guys who were taken,,, you know of stories of scammers,,, and you have seen this or seen that,,,, but if you aren’t a loser you can find a virgin??? Lol
You have the art of pandering down to a science,,, you should run for public office!!
As for your girl, yes she is pretty,,,,, but not that pretty!!! But she is pretty enough to have fooled you!!! She hasn’t even let anyone kiss her??? Is that the excuse she uses to keep you away???
You have split up several times,,, because you didn’t always trust her???? But you always got back together again, because you know it was meant to be??? And you like to spoil her??? While money and the gifts are flowing in,,,, of course she wants to marry you!!!! Other guys have been in your position before,,, perhaps you should listen to some of those,,,,,, “losers”???
Of all of the guys who write on this forum, you are in my “Top two” for those who are about to be scammed!! Aussie is the other!