As some of you know I have a couple web sites dedicated to helping people travel in and around Ukraine. I am always looking for more tips and or contacts from seasoned travelers. If you have an article and pix you would like to submit email my gmail user name bowhuntinoh. any interesting stories of travel or dating will be published after review along with a link to your web site. I am looking for trusted contacts such as interpreters, apartment owners and English speaking taxi drivers. I will also publish articles about dating.
I'm very surprised that this topic hasn't been thought of by jetmba..................
Seriously, after 10 years of fantasy dating women 20 plus years younger, the guy should know EVERYTHING about the subject..............
Martin, please add your experience to this topic as well..............
Martin can tell please everyone where to buy mobile phones for 'your girl' and her family and friends whilst in Ukraine..Ha, ha, ha, ha, ( absolutely pissing myself laughing) ........