Here's an interesting behind the scenes video of a romance tour in Ukraine I thought I would share with you guys. They interviewed both guys and girls. Not sure how best to describe it... pitiful, embarrassing, desperate or degrading?
Ben2006 ALWAYS appears to knock Romance Socials amd I think he has used this video before.
You can make anything look like anything.
Each of the last 3 Romance Socials I have attended (9 events) had at team of documentary makers attending. The last one was being studied by a woman who followed us around and is working on her PhD in Sociology.
Then you talk to the documentary people. its always clear what they hope to show before they even start filming. Most often they will go for an exploitation angle and look for the most most ridiculous men there (obviously I have never been their prime subject).
If you DECIDE you are going to make a documentary that shows evil western men exploiting hapless Eastern European women - then that is exactly what you are going to make.
Hey - I've been there. I've experienced it. I have no agenda but to tell you t the truth. I have no vested interest in making money or these things, or saving the world from evil western middle aged men, or just in making a documentary of the Mondo variety.
All I am telling you is what works for me. Obviously it works for other people too or women AND men would stop attending them.
If you don't like the concept - my most sincere advuce to you is DON'T GO to them. We will get along without you just fine.
And if you believe everything in this documentary - well there is no cure for gullibility.
For some (like smart-a) Romance Socials will never work, NOTHING will ever work. For others who never experienced them there is a jealousy factor.
I've done them. I like them. I know many men who have met their wives through them. If you don't care to believe me - its YOUR problem.
I've not used this before and if we look I've never knocked Romance socials. Please feel free to prove otherwise. If you want to search the archives you won't find this.
Maybe that you say is true, ie the look for an exploitation angle but where there is smoke there is fire right, that's way they do this otherwise whats the point if everything is 'normal'. Maybe they try to do this because its the truth. The girls the interviewed did lie did they, they are not representative of the normal girls who go to such events?. One even said it works for some guys, the old mother writing letters for her daughter said we matched up one of her daughters so they aren't saying its possible to find someone, just the chances are small.
Nothing you have said about these tours differs from what you have described actually. Have you not said their are some losers on tours, that the guys form some friendships on the tour. The video showed this. I could see why someone like yourself could go on such a tour and feel good about yourself. You seem like the guy the army guy called the fonzie, who had girls all over him. (by the way had a good laugh at the translator who said he was a singer, gold!).
One finds it hard to believe the average guy who partakes in such a tour is lets say a great catch. These guys interviewed I don't think where picked out especially, you could go on any tour and find similar guys. That's what is shown but you seem to say the good catches like yourself aren't shown on the video. More likely you made yourself unavailable to the documentary crew rather than they 'avoided' you. I'm thinking you would be ideal for them, with your 21 year old girl friend and you explaining the situation.
ben2006: Like usual, you don't have a clue about what you are talking about. I WATCHED the documentary people find the biggest misfits at the Social. I was there. I watched them followed around in the disco itself.
There are MANY documentaries already made and yet coming out and I SEE them being made. You just make stupid misinformed guesses.
And ben2006 - I recall your situation very well, supposedly happily married to a Moldovan and liking in Chisinau - but always the expert on whatever is going on in the dating sites. Hmmmm.
You don't do documentaries because you want to present a fair and balanced view on a subject. Fair and bablanced views don't get funding.
You do a documentary is order to sell the view you already have. You have to write a proposal about what you intend to prove to get funding. Then of course you have to prove whatever point it was you made beforehand.
In the case of a Romance Social its so much fun to theorize that foolish misguided western men without a clue want these women as cheap labor and trophies, So that is what you present to the funding commitee. And once you GET funding you damned well better prove what you CLAIMED to be true.
I was interviewed by TWO groups of documentary makers. And I was told outright that they couldn't use me - because I was "too normal".
yes I'm here now and love it!, I live here and have even meet Beemer who is a nice guy and highly respected by a friend of mine. A moldovan friend posted this video on facebook hence why it got my attention. Interesting comments from locals, some of whom had been translators on such events (like the girls are very cunning but so are the guys). All girls posted negative comments about the type of girl who would attend these socials. I did think of you so I came here and no surprise you where on that same tour since your a regular going by the previous posts here! (well that is true!).
So where are the documentaries showing the good side of the socials? and without misfits? Like I said they didn't show you because you won't want to be interviewed ? They followed the mifits...yeah i bet they had a hard time finding them :)
Yes ben2006: If the documentary people say it it HAS to be true, right?
Just like the grade school argument "It HAS to be true. I read it in a BOOK!".
ben2006 - since you have so much time as a happily married man to search all the singles sites, I suggest you check out documentary funding and find our how its done. "I" learned a lot at the last Romance Social when the guys TOLD me what they do to get funding.
Girls don't like Romance Social because few of them get selected. Its a numbers thing. If there are 250 girls and 15 guys, guess what? Most of the girls don't get guys. And the BEST guys go fast.
And a Moldovan friend of yours posted the video? AFA has never done a Romance Social in Moldova. Anastasia did - but that was quite a few years ago - at least four years ago, maybe more.
ben2006 looked me up on all the dating sites some time ago - I was fairly certain he wanted to ask me out. I have never been checked out so thoroughly by a man before. But I wasn't sure how he would brek it to his... er, wife?
"Girls don't like Romance Social because few of them get selected. Its a numbers thing. If there are 250 girls and 15 guys, guess what? Most of the girls don't get guys. And the BEST guys go fast."
Yeah like they said they feel like cattle!
"And a Moldovan friend of yours posted the video? AFA has never done a Romance Social in Moldova. Anastasia did - but that was quite a few years ago - at least four years ago, maybe more."
He posted the link the facebook. Hes a moldovan lawyer and some how found the link. Its on the internet so even thou hes is in moldova he can see it :). He may have got it off someone else on facebook. The youtube title is 'Odessa girls' so its not about moldova but Odessa is not far away. If you watch it its not filmed in Moldova so whats your point!.
Good job calling for Lonely Ranger and calling him "Looney". I am sure he will appreciate your thoughtfullness, as you demonstrate just how BRIGHT you are.
Yeah i found you on a dating site. that was funny...your profile was listed as searching for girls from 18 years old, haha. Of course you had an excuse for that but looks like you found a victim.
NOBODY forces them to go. They can leave anytime they want - and yet the places are packed to the rafters with girls. There is barely anywhere to even sit left. When I want to talk to a girl - invariably I have to aske some to move.
A Romance Social is set up for the man. It ought to be. The men are paying up to $4,000 for the trip. The girls pay nothing. If the men have a few advantages its perfectly fair.
And yet the place is packed - and they often have to turn girls away.
"A Romance Social is set up for the man. It ought to be. The men are paying up to $4,000 for the trip. The girls pay nothing. If the men have a few advantages its perfectly fair. "
Thats what the video showed! At least is showed the womens side as well. Your statement sums up pretty well the whole situation to be honest.