...lol. yeah right. I've only just escaped it's clutches :)
I got several photos back today (no, it's not 'lust') and I have to say that one of my favourite girls gives me a comfortable feeling of deja vue, different from the agency photos and I'm finding the words to describe what I am feeling other than 'natural'. I feel like something changed today and my mind became clearer as to what I wanted or more specifically 'who'.
When have others here made a 'connection' or had that 'gut instinct' of where to follow your heart?
Myself dma, there are three fantastic women I am corresponding, One lloks like heaven on earth, but is 17 years younger than me, the other two are old, very attractive but appear to everything I am looking for in a woman, choice can be confusing
No set rules on when it might happen, some days I feel my one correspondent (yes guys, just one :o)) is the girl of my dreams, yet other days Im not sure !!
I wont know anything until I meet her face to face, and neither will she, until then Im keeping an open mind about it
You only have one Tim because you're too busy writing to all the 'guys' in here ;)
Well, you're right; one is probably best and although it is putting all your eggs in one basket where competition is likely high, it's the right thing to do to give her your undivided attention although it is easy some days to doubt your judgement. I will be this week sending out (nice) rejection and decline letters to all those that simply fall short of the mark leaving two or three at most, more likely one to concentrate on with a reserve.
Choice at the time can sometimes seem a confusing thing, with hindsight the choice was so damn obvious! Foresight is a gift I think we all have yet don't use to it's full or don't follow when we should.
I have read some posts in here where the guys are into meeting lots of women on one of those tours, or just going to the agencies in person. Its a good idea if thats what you want to do, but that is not my preference. I liked the idea of getting to know someone I am compatible with. I was talking with just ONE girl until about 6 weeks ago. I almost wish I didn't meet more, as my decision has become very, very difficult. This other girl I met through the same agency has almost stolen my heart away. To say we feel a connection is almost an understatement. Even the agency has commented to me about her feelings toward me when they talk to her. Then I recieved her photos taken the other day when she recieved my gift. Guys I cant tell you the feeling I got when I seen her smile and the look in her eyes. Plus when I read her note to me it just about made me melt. This is going to be so difficult, and the thought of breaking one of their hearts bothers me alot. I'm not sure what to do and I don't know quite how to go about it yet, but I suppose time will tell. Bottom line going after one may be putting all your eggs in one basket, but then look at my dilemma.
Thats another reason why I try to get there and meet a girl as soon as possible mate, that way I and she will know very quickly if we have something worth building upon, if not then I come home and start looking again, but I cannot really divide my time bwteen women, one is enough at a time for me.
Im not as you as I used to be you know, a few years ago 2 at a time was no problem (and I dont mean writing to them ;o)) )) nudge nudge wink wink ;o))
I did mention that I am, or certainly used to be, a very bad man, didnt I ?
Me too, but I have 5 fantastic women on the go and can't make a choice, better to have a choice than no though, I have a lot of woman, and I mean in 3 figures!!! but I realise now that it is meaningless, I suppose their is more chance with those who write more frequently, nothing is going to come of 25773 as she is probably too young for the long tewrm, but did you ever see a more beautiful woman, simply femininity embodied, lucky young man who can possess her, though In look for physical beauty, inner beauty is also required and can't belive a farytale will come true with a 23 year old, not when I am 41, got to think of when I am 60 and shes is 42, shame though, she is a lovely girl and beauty personified, and a nice upstanding girl as well........Oh well!!!!! will continue to correspond and see if she can persuade me
I dont have any time for them myself, as when I look at their stats I see they have usually been on this site near 2 years and had 150 emails, its quite obvious that something is amiss when you look at this stunning gilr and yet she is still here and approaching uggly buggers like me ;o)))
She is lovely and always replies promptly, however today she asked me 5 questions, it was more like a job application, given the choice on a saturday night, would you go dancing or to a cinema, what do you look back on in your life and wish to change, how would you do it differently, she is amusing and challenging, as you say Tim, now everyone will be having a look, but hey, being realistic, she is 23 and I am 41, wouldn't last would it?
I've had 2 girls / agencies send the same questions. Both girls ended up being a complete waste of time. Go figure. I now ask for contact details fairly quickly to filter out the time wasters.
I am back again and "I think I am in love..." lol :)
I plucked up the courage (it's not easy some days when you question yourself/judgement) to call one of my favourite girls tonight (the list is quickly reducing down to one) and it's not easy when you know that she understands/speaks little English but I can't believe how well it went, certainly much better than expected for an hour I as equally tried a few choice Russian words and phrases which all I can say went down a treat ;)
Having only just started the "calling" game, I can make relative comparisons about other calls and feel that the instinct I felt previously without a call has been justified tonight. The difficulty as others have written is that at some point you are going to have let someone down (not that they're not spoilt by admirers in the first place!) and it's better to do that sooner than later for all concerned. The contrast tonight was obvious in that one cared for the interest and attention in "herself" finding the agency thing "interesting" and the other was very much serious about the notion of a foreign romance and you/I.
I am the type of person that does put all my eggs in one basket. I think you have to when it comes to 'relationships' in whatever shape or form they are if you're serious about the other person. My commitment to any one girl has thus far been spread very thinly that I almost may as well not bother - regardless of how fast I can reel a smooth letter off. I have treated a handful of women this past holiday and I am glad that I did but know that only one will do and will continue as is working towards the next stage of making something happen, I would only be giving others false promises and that's not right. It's all or bust but each to their own and whatever makes your juices flow.
Personally I have never called a girl before I have met her face to face.
When you have never talked with someone face to face you have no idea how their mannerisms might be. You do not know their style of talking, so you cannot judge if they are telling you the truth or not. When you have spoken to a lady face to face you know (or you will have a much better idea) of how she sounds when she is being sincere :o)) It can be so easy to misunderstand someone when you have never been in the same room as them. Also, once we have met, we are aware of each others language limits, and then in phone calls later we can help each other much more and have good quality conversations without missunderstandings.
Its just the way I prefer to do things, not so much for my own benefit, but for the lady concerned. I have no wish to make her feel inadequate or uncomfortable talking to a virtual stranger when I try to talk to her on the phone, and poor girl, she doesn't understand me !! Once we have met we are no longer strangers and she will know how I would react to things much better, and of course I will know her that much more too.
My girl has given me her number a long time ago, but we discussed it in letters and I felt she was very nervous (not for bad reasons) about talking to me before we meet (which we hope will be soon) so we have agreed that we shall wait and talk when we meet for the first time. If it helps her to feel less uncomfortable thats fine with me :o)
I think to not even use the phone, you have zero opportunity to study mannerisms, nuances or characteristics of their personality otherwise absent in letters and as we've all probably experienced in life face to face with someone, they can still lie to you square in the face and you won't know until after the fact more likely giving them the benefit of the doubt if you know them better but it is very much a case of each to their own.
It seems to me a logical interim solution where distance is an obvious problem but then equally is the language barrier and comfort either party may have but at some point that barrier must be crossed and we must talk. :) A preliminary chat can give a better idea of what level of difficulty may occur in future. This woman has an English rating of only 4 but I would have given her a 7 tonight as we were both able to (as best as possible) express and understand each other otherwise that hour would have been * boring! ;)
I know that tonight was not easy, many would probably have struggled (boy and girl) but it worked very well both working in harmony, something that we both wanted to do in addition to black and white letters where I have immediate short term commitments.
Ultimately, it boils down to what both are comfortable with under what are unusual circumstances. I personally would recommend calling if both agree. There will always be nerves but they disappear with familiarity.