Hi merry merry Christmas....To all that slagged me off and called me all the names under the sun..
Happy Christmas.
Just returned home to the UK to spend time with my family and my gran....She has cancer and has little time.
Been in Ukraine for over a year and invested in a well known Italian restaurant chain.Latest venture is Karkov......
Why spend your life tossing your self off with a few trips a year to heaven...No Pakistan or Muslim cunts....Make a life in Ukraine...
Have a nice Christmas
Tintin- Agree with you there bro- Yes thats the good thing about ukraine No Pakis or other Muslim cunts. No diversity brainwashing or other politically correct nonsense. Stay away from Odessa in August though it gets a load of Muslim cunts from Turkey. Kharkov is a fine city though.
what are you talking about??? I've been living in Odessa all my life! there no any Turkish here. There a lot of moldovians but this bother only us odessites :) and in summer there lots of people from Russia which is kinda annoying also
I am an all white American man from Alabama, Republican, pro gun, spent ten years in the military. Two tours in Iraq, one in Afghanistan, and this is the most offensive racist garbage I had to read on this forum.
"DCV" is a troll (internet term, look it up) who enjoys posting bigoted filth. If you want to understand DCV, consider that his avatar represents a flag, once flown by a gang of treasonous white-supremacists rebels, who were soundly whipped by American patriots. Some people love to be on the losing side!
My great grandfather served with the US Army in several battles, in which tens of thousands of those rebels were slaughtered. War is always tragic, but when people act like rabid dogs, sometimes they need to be put down.
If you want to understand Tintin, consider that DCV agrees with him.
As it happens, the only observant Muslim with whom I'm personally acquainted is a pretty, fair-skinned natural blonde who was born in Ukraine.
blu_craze member...If that's the most offensive thing you have heard then you need to get out more...Try visiting the UK...Mosques being built on every street corner.We in Europe have been too tolerant and too liberal.We are paying the price for it.We are sick and tired of it.Muslims the so called peace full religion.In every city in the UK Muslim gangs pray on young vulnerable girls...All are white. Drawn by kind words and gifts,Passed around for these guys pleasure, drugged up and abused....What a joke..Burning our poppy's on remembrance day..So when we complain we are called racists.. Muslim preachers handing out leaflets slagging of our country and our soldiers as they return back from Afghanistan..We in the UK as sick and tired off it..All other religions what ever color have integrated in the UK.So you want this in the USA?...Your welcome to it...Australia have the right idea
Thank god for all the fools in world...If it wasn't for them it would be so much more difficult for me too succeed...
Thank god for Ukraine...
If you have some money leave your country.Ukraine will give you a nice life...Im with my family in the UK and its great too see them again..My mother and my brothers,But the country has nothing for me.
Yeah, I was telling my Southern bred relatives that the Confederate flag and the Nazi flag are not so far related in terms of what they stood for. Some say that flag represents there heritage, and I tell them a heritage of what, slavery? Segregation? Racism? Separatism? And if they happened to get what they wanted we would be a group of third world nations instead of the greatest of them all.
"if they happened to get what they wanted we would be a group of third world nations"
You are one of the few people who have really thought through what would have happened, if the USA had tolerated secession.
Almost certainly, the territory that is now the lower 48 states would have divided into at least three different countries -- after all, once you accept the idea of secession, what would stop further splintering once one state felt it wasn't getting enough benefit from its neighbors, and how would the settlement of the western territories have played out?
These countries almost certainly have gone to war amongst themselves from time to time, and would have been terribly unequal in wealth and strength -- the weaker ones would have sought alliances with European powers for protection, etc.
The unity of the USA has contributed enormously to its wealth, strength, and stability. Had the treason of 1860 not been crushed, the resulting Balkanized North American sovereignties would have been a pretty shabby lot, compared to what Americans have enjoyed for so many generations. Possibly, the whole west coast would now be part of the Japanese Empire.
It is quite ironic that a desperate white man ( durak ) should look for a white wife in the homogenous ukraine instead of multi racial paradise of the disunited states of america. Try and analyze what you have just posted and you will see what a sad wasted hypocrite you are that can not get himself a white wife in his own country but has to seek out advice on this forum on how to approach and get a wife in ukraine.
Besides westerners, add Arabs and Turkishes (those wealthy ones) looking for young Russian/Ukrainians girls…I guess either to move out their countries or to acquire their wife # 3 or 4 or 5 (they are allowed 7 at the same time) God help those lost souls
Its why Abe Lincoln was one of are few actual Great Presidents ;) He kept made the hard decisions and kept this nation whole at all cost. Oh and for those that didn't know Abe Lincoln from Illinois was the first Republican President in America. Funny how peoples versions of history get so distorted or just plainly ignored. Republicans freed the slaves....!!!! NO WAY!
blu....If you read......you find out the republicans of mid 19th century are very similar to the democrats of 20th century!!! The republican party was started to stop the expansion of slavery into the new territories. And was the dominate power until FDR. What is strange was the Civil Rights Act in mid 60's led to the new republican party(conservative, evangelical)coming into power.
I know, its boring.....but relevent.
Haha so hilarious, I DO Read,...President Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, (Republican) and Jefferson Davis: President of the Confederacy (Democrat). So what you are saying after 70 or so years the Republicans and Democrats switched ideas, beliefs and sides completely and started calling themselves opposite of what they really are,...sounds like a BIG CONSPIRACY!!!!!
Now the facts are if you want to dig deeper into politics are that the Democrats all the way up until the 1960's were the ones who strongly supported segregation, the votes are all on record to this day, but will take some digging to get to them. After the 60's both groups as a whole stopped supporting Segregation, of course you always have many on both sides that were bigots.