Panzer, Was alerted Miss Kovelenko was a scammer when I read the start of this forum, detailing the tactics used by the group- and the girl wanting cosmetics to be given as gift, by this time it was too late for me, however was then 100% sure I had been scammed!, reading that think a few day earlier, another guy had been to Nikolaev to visit his girlfriend Tanya as well- so really was a two timing.
While being scammed, evething seemed to revolve around my wallet!
She can change hair color, however moles on chest and lips are harder to change,
Unsure how to make her more visible as a scammer to the novice Google operator, looking for love in the wrong place!
I looked up the IP address of the emails sent and came back to a place called 'Wild park', 52 Lavina ave, Nikoleav to a computer ANNA PC- guess what the translator's name was when I met them in Nikoleav ?
How can you tell a guy that the beautiful girl that He's been writing to for over a year, telling him exactly what he wants to hear- that She's full of crap,worth the worry and not a scread of morality!
LR wrote "Anytime a guy says something bad about Ukraine, you claim he doesn’t understand the culture. I just say it as I see it!!! I don’t look at the Ukraine with rose colored glasses or a welding mask on!!"
Ive been coming to Ukraine over 25 years. Its just as much home to me as the US. I dont have any problems at all meeting girls.
If I dont like her or she doesnt like me then no big deal because she is only one of millions.
scammed? You only get scammed if you allow it to happen. Ive only had one girl that could be considered a scammer or professional dater but
that was over 4 years ago and I assure you I got my money's worth back out of her the only way she was capable of.
Just as with American girls, you must give in order to receive. Of course Ive also been known to go out with a girl and if she is one of those scammer/agency girls you speak of then I simply excuse myself to the bathroom and never return, leaving her the bill for all the expensive things she ordered.
Which brings me to this, and Moya got quite the laugh from it.
Guys, if you come to Ukraine to meet a girl you think is in love with you and she is a bitch and only wants an expensive meal for her
and her agency translator then try it. If you know she is a fraud then simply excuse yourself to the bathroom and quietly escape. It will teach her an
expensive lesson. Most Americans dont have the balls to do it but in my book, all is fair in love and war. Its Ukraine, we have different rules;)
Rick,,, I haven’t had any dates that I felt like walking out on because they were vicious gold diggers. I knew some dates weren’t going anywhere,,, but the bill wasn’t that much.
On my last trip, I took a girl, her brother and his girlfriend out for supper. They chose an expensive place and it was obvious within the first minute that it was nothing but a charade. The girl looked ashamed of her brother and his girl. The look on her face was like,,,,,, “don’t hate me”.
Perhaps Ukraine does have different rules,,,, but I’ll stick with who I am,,, and I won’t change that for anyone.
LonelyRanger 1701 is right about Tanya/Inga. I receive letters from her/them? Two different photos. as well. I wonder...does anyone ever report such things to this site?
Danny, I will gladly spend on my friends or on a good girl even if it isnt a good match and through the date we discover this sad fact. After so many years I can no longer stand for games.
Rick, I have some respect for your efforts in Ukraine but we are not kids anymore, to run off like that is juvenile at best....a man would stay there and pay, it was 'his' choice in a date, yes? if you make a mistake, you pay for it. There is a good reason to make a first date for lunch in a café for get to know someone quickly in a short time and its very informal.
I don’t know much about Rick’s efforts,, his charitable efforts that is,,,, but I don’t care much for his other efforts.
“After so many years I can no longer stand for games.”
“Ive only had one girl that could be considered a scammer or professional dater but
that was over 4 years ago and I assure you I got my money's worth back out of her the only way she was capable of. “
You say that you are not looking for marriage.
You say that you have three girlfriends already,,, and still looking for more?
You dislike it when people speak the truth (bad) about Ukraine,,, but yet you treat it like your own personal candy store/cesspool??
Can’t stand games?? Games are all that you are looking for!
User mentality!! Make sure that you get every dollar out of them that you spend!!!!
“”the only way she was capable of. ““
Part B,,,,,,
Quite often, I’ll dine at my hotel’s restaurant,,,, so if I leave without paying the bill,,, the bill just might follow me to my room?? And not in a good way either!
Walking out on a date without picking up the tab takes a guy without any balls!!
Sorry guys, I stand by my actions in that case. these girls ordered 100 bucks worth of food that they barely ate at Mafia.
talked about me thinking I didnt know what they were saying (i played dumb american)and thought they were going to get over on me?
nope. joke was on them. I mean really ? 740UAH for 2 girls??? I had a salad and sushi, 160UAH
as for aspiring to a higher standard looney? the only standard that you have is a girl actually maybe perhaps liking you even just
a little.
"You dislike it when people speak the truth (bad) about Ukraine,,, but yet you treat it like your own personal candy store/cesspool?? "
what is wrong with having friends with benefits? what truth you talking about? If you hate Ukraine so much then why the hell you still here?
"truth" is subjective. I cant help it if you lose in both US AND Ukraine.
Im having the time of my life. I am doing good stuff for my kids I support and sponsor but I am also living life to the fullest.
what is so wrong with enjoying the company of beautiful girls? who knows, someone my capture my heart one day.
some say Im too picky. I just know what I want but in the meantime what is wrong with living in the moment?
Beemer, unfortunately, im still a kid,lol. I prefer to meet for tea when meeting someone new. these girls know in 30 seconds if they want to pursue
a guy. You may spend 2-300 grivna and thats no big deal. the two I walked out on were pros. they deserved it. Kind of like the girl thats the topic of this thread.
“as for aspiring to a higher standard looney? the only standard that you have is a girl actually maybe perhaps liking you even just
a little.”
I can see that Rick is just another one of the talking axxholes!!!
“If you hate Ukraine so much then why the hell you still here?”
The Ukraine is only a small part of the FSU! The only reason why we seldom talk about anything else,,,, is that most of the problems are located within Ukraine!
“I cant help it if you lose in both US AND Ukraine.”
To win or lose at something,,, there needs to be more than one player in the game. In reality,, it’s the other side that has lost,,,,, or forfeited.
In a way,,, I’m the one who’s having the last laugh!! Lol
LR wrote "The Ukraine is only a small part of the FSU! The only reason why we seldom talk about anything else,,,, is that most of the problems are located within Ukraine!"
showing your ignorance again by writing "the" Ukraine. whose Ukraine is it?
Actually Ukraine is the largest country in Europe and the easiest to visit. If you cant make it in Ukraine then you will have no chance at all
in Moldova, Romania, Belarus or any of the "stans" because none of those countries cater to Americans with dual language signs and the like and have far fewer english speakers per capita than Ukraine. You want a country worse for scamming than Ukraine? Have you tried Latvia? Its not just foreigners being scammed
there, the locals even try to f**k over each other on a daily basis. Book a hotel online and pay up front and they will STILL come up with a way to charge you more in "fees". Taxis will rip off even a Latvian if they are from another city. Go to a restaurant, dont bother tipping because as a non local your check already has a 20-25% tip on there thats non negotiable. The police will stop a foreigner on the street just because they are foreign.
Looney, you only think Ukraine is the worst because you havent been anywhere else.
Rick, if you go to Chisinau, most signs and every street are in Romanian with letters similar to our alphabet which makes it easier to read.
What did you mean by "........... and the easiest to visit." It is not the easiest to visit, no direct flights from US now. I have found just as many English speakers in Russia, Ukraine or Moldova, I did not see a difference.
“showing your ignorance again by writing "the" Ukraine. whose Ukraine is it?”
If you weren’t such an ass, you might have noticed, that I only use the word “the” on rare occasions,,, when it seems appropriate!
Let’s try “Yukon”?? They call it “The Yukon”,,, don’t they,,,, but what about Alberta?? The Alberta???? No,,, I don’t think so.
What about,,,,, “The United States”?? United States of America,,,,, or The United States of America??? Have you looked at the money,,,, $1 thru $100USD bills,, what does it say?? The United States of America,,,, don’t it???
Nobody here has really proven that the word “The” isn’t appropriate!
When I said: “We” only talk about Ukraine,,, I didn’t mean you and I,,, I meant the whole forum!! How are you going to disprove or discredit almost everything, that almost everyone has ever said about the Ukraine?? You can insult me all you want, but you are not going to change everyone’s opinion about Ukraine.
“”Beware of locals trying to sell you something!!!!””
You have apartments to rent,,,, don’t you??? You talked about one of your girlfriends starting an private investigator’s business?,,,,,, Golly gee,,, why???
If there is a dollar to be made,, there is a lie to be told!! All of your talk about the “little” FSU countries and the “stans” is just to deflect attention away from Ukraine!
I’ve been in contact with a handful of current and past forum members, and all but one has somebody!! And guess what,,,, only one of them found their girl in Ukraine,,, the rest found their mate in those “other” countries!!
Looking in the Ukraine for a good woman to marry is almost a guarantee of failure!!
beemer wrote "BTW, Are you in Odessa this summer?"
not sure if Im coming back in July. depends on work situation. Its hard to find good employees. they lost 2000 bucks in revenue
while i was gone this time by not doing the basic things i hammer them about 24/7. My kids are giving me a hard time about it too as Im going
to Nicaragua next week for 2 weeks. Id bring my kids but ex wife gives me grief about it.
I will for sure be there the month of september and maybe part of october.
Looney wrote "You have apartments to rent,,,, don’t you??? You talked about one of your girlfriends starting an private investigator’s business?,,,,,, Golly gee,,, why??? "
its business, dude. if one plans on living somewhere then local income streams are a must. still working on the PI thing. need a license to be legal
from business insider (among other numerous sources)
"Euro 2012 got underway today in Poland and Ukraine.
Yes, that's "Ukraine" not "the Ukraine."
So why does everyone always add the "the?"
Oksana Kyzyma of the Embassy of Ukraine in London told the BBC that it's still a remnant of Soviet Russia, when Ukraine was called "the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic."
After the country gained independence, it called itself simply "Ukraine" in its constitution. So the "the" actually has a great deal of symbolic meaning from a geopolitical point of view.
Linguistically, putting the "the" before countries is a shorthand for the long, convoluted names of those countries.
For example, we say "the Netherlands" instead of "the Kingdom of the Netherlands," and "the Bahamas" and "the Commonwealth of the Bahamas."
But Ukraine is just "Ukraine."
So if you want anyone to take you seriously when you're at the pub watching the Euros, don't say "the."