We all know the unfounded stigma that is attached to Marrying a lady from another Country, in particular, Eastern Europe, but is there any burden that FSU Women have to bear while still living in their own Country?
The reason I ask is because my fiancee had a nasty run in with a male work colleague (and I use the term 'colleague' loosely) who said some quite derogatory comments to her about marrying a 'Foreigner', apparently he had some 'nice' things to say about me, when he knows nothing about me or my life and I have never even met the guy.
Now my fiancee is a very opinionated woman, and does not take to this type of BS very kindly, and firmly explained that 'perhaps that is why I am marrying a foreigner, because he treats me with respect, and like a real Woman'....and it kinda bugged me for a few days, but it made me think a little.
How do Russian men feel about their women, wanting to leave their homeland and settle in a foreign land with a foreign guy, I realise it is not the majority of women we are talking about here, but for those that are in the process, do they cop some flak about marrying a foreigner, in general terms.....maybe the wives/GF's can give some more insight?
Or perhaps it was just an isolated case of someone having a bad day, although by the comments he made (which I cannot repeat on a family show), I'd say his attitude was fairly well entrenched.
I don’t think they “hate”, but a person sense of vain superiority is a human notion . In my opinion, all those 007s drama had unable the West and FSU people to melt away the cold war stigma. Even here, I get some blokes worries when I step in a pub or disco.
one seems to forget humans are rather stupid.
russia has a little more on the stupid side then lets say compared to Aussie or NZ.
it is what it is, the likes of dumb people.
standing on a Moscow street once watching a arms parade for Dmitry Medvedev when he became presidenti.
it was cool for a bit, different for me anyhow.
at the end of it,, after so many hundred tanks or five and missile carriers.
along game the nuc ballistic carriers.
the screams and wolf whistlings were in the a-static, beyond all other.
i was stunned how dumb these particular people were.
what more can you say.
Kiwi - WTF are you even doing with a woman from that part of the World - if you actually do have one.
To call the Russian (any former FSU people) dumb to me is so hypocritical !!!!
Here in NZ - I find it so boring and dumbed down. Look at the last 2 weeks with the silly "rich boys brigade" America's Cup BS.
My "Russian/Ukrainian wife" of 8 years - said 10 days before we got ass kicked - "why do you Kiwi's start celebrating a win way b4 you even get near winning ???
I spend 2-3 months a year over in Ukraine - and hate the moment I have to return to this BS little world we NZ-ers lives in.
Go and ask any Kiwi about that other part of the World - a see your answers. Most are so far up their own "distant shallow backsides" that they think Russia was our enemy in WWII - or it snows 365 days a year over in Russia.
NZ women (ages 16 - 60ish) think more importantly how good their F~~cking Cell phone looks like than themselves - or how clean and flash their late model "ticked up on HP" machina/car looks like than how they look like - with their un-brushed hair or ugly non madeup faces are !!
my political and character views views are mine,,, and thats what they are, why dose she have to be involved in any of it?
is been russian and patriotic mean you have to follow there stupid political views then? for thats seems to be the common denominator of their stupidity.
maybe her family followed the old white political movement of once and had been seriously persecuted for it.
maybe only now they can say what their past thoughts were.
never agreeing with the red attitude which runs from the top to the bottom person on the street is as common for many in russia as outside.
dumdness of a race who kill millions for a political or different view of things, read about the "road of bones", its just one of many atrocity's,,,, bloody disgusting?
if you think i have to be patriotic or politically correct to a certain country's views of many a people who are seriously dumb today because i date or have married some russian then she can kiss my.
maybe she and most of her family agree with everything i'm particularly opinionated in on russian stupidity? or very dumb people with to much power.
i will criticize them as much as i do america when they deserve it where its appropriate,,, and why not,,,, this thread is about russia, their characters and such dumbness yes??
by the way, who the hell wants a nuclear arsenal? or biological or chemical weaponry as a stand alone human testimony to humanity?
or except a beautiful style-y system that subdues ones people by a kick ass attitude.
or let me think about it,, maybe the poverty or health standard thats inexcusable because of greed.
lets not forget Putons bank account of so many, was it 15 billion in capital or your Ukrainian counterparts..
wake up maxi.
political i am, if it effects this planet, why should i be shy in my views, its called been ethical at heart, the other side to the fat stupid greedy and just ignorant fellow man.
you seem to be holding a bit of weight?
been a New Zealander,,,,,, , you seem to be rather disillusioned my friend..
americas cup? chill out,, its only a boat race,, people win and loose, thats the fun of it,,,,, it isnt war or anything stupid.
the celebrations is called been patriotic:) it was a great race, one of the best ever,, just a shame it worked out the way it did, but good on them and that Aussie fella "choke"(as long as it wasnt done by cheating, and only pure capitalism:)
but hey i was in russia when the UEFA soccer championship was on in 2008,,, they were beyond a joke in celebration mode to loose in the final 3 top games,, so what is she or you getting at??
russians dont do what??
watching people on car roofs those days been driven around Belgorod was seriously odd with their clackers spinning over a game in switzerland:) it was far more then we ever did here in celebration for winning boat races.
the streets were crazy, their attitude equaled their alcohol intake.
Tell her to cheer up man:) its normal celebrations,, some rusky Ukrainians are a bit slow on it at times it seems.
for some if its not a soccer match or nuclear ballistic carrier running down a street they forget what true pleasures of endorphins can do,,, cheer up.
tell her to take 3 heaped spoonful doses of patriotism like yourself..
your WW11 comment doesnt stand with me sorry mate, 10 percent of this population went to help them, no other nation gave so much,, go to a Anzac day parade and open your eyes.
i could say i have never disagreed with you maxi but how russians treat russians or the ukrainian counterparts, how they play on the world stage, these people have a lot to answer for in playing seriously dumb angles.
we are passed WW11 and its western dirtiness of it, the cold war is supposedly behind us which was due to the western nations crap of WW11 pressures, so then whats their excuse for today, as in now?
NZ woman? again chill out mate, these are mothers and daughters and so on of many who went to help your great mother nation in WWII.
i could comment of your extremely physical looking body,, but thats just been nasty aye.
your character is showing some not so nice floors maxi.
i respect people, not the dumb and stupidity.
Russian and Ukrainian men could not care a toss if their women go and marry a foreigner. As for me, if all British women want to marry an African, that is great.