I know somebody has touched upon the subject before but I really think that the respectable dating agencies/sites should publish a guide to behaviour for both men and women. The disreputable agencies and their paid women need not bother.
I believe that most of the honest people looking for a partner on these sites are emotionally vulnerable: divorced and lonely men, women mistreated by former partners, fear of the unknown with a foreigner etc. The last thing they want is to be insulted, deceived, ignored, dumped unceremoniously, etc.
I have an example: I was in communication with a Ukrainian lady who met a Canadian man through the same agency as mine. He led her to believe it was she he wanted until he came to visit her. He used her for sex while they were together and made all kinds of promises of commitment. Then he forgot to tell her that he was going to visit another woman, after her, on the same trip. She was sure she had found her man. On his return to Canada he sent her a message where he casually told her that he chose the second woman he went to see (was there a third one?). She told me that she had thought of committing suicide.
I am not going to have any excuses of "they do the same". No one should play with the feelings of people just because they only talk to them through the keyboard. Of course many women do awful things to the men too. I have had some awful things said to me by the women on the website.
I have complained to the site administrators, of the website I use, about women who say in their profile things like "no blacks" as being offensive and racist but they have replied to me that women have the right to say what kind of man they want. So could they not be more subtle and say: "White and Latino men welcome" for instance?
Don't come with the stuff about scammers please, I am only referring to people who are actually looking for a partner.
WS,,, what you are purposing can go into the category of “Wishful thinking” because it won’t ever happen!!
1st,,, guys who are traveling to another country to have sex, aren’t going to change because we think they should.
2nd,,, the agencies want this sex tourism. They are making more money selling sex,, or I should say, the promise or hope of sex. The agencies write most of the letters for the girls,,,, and in how many of those letters do they make promises on the girl’s behalf, just to get the men to their city?!
I’ve had agencies hint towards prostitution several times. In Tver’, they told me of a girl that really wanted to meet me. They told me that,,, they know I’ll have a great time,,,,, and they know I’ll like her,,, you’ll enjoy yourself,,,,,, for sure!! Three different women (staff) in an agency just knew I would have a great time with this one girl?? How could they be so certain!
I another city, the agency woman offered to have a girl I just met for five minutes,,, ride with me to Kiev and stay with me at my hotel,,, for several days!
I consider that to be a form of prostitution,,,, but in FSU culture, it is customary for a man to leave his mistress or one night stand a little money on the dresser before he leaves.
you would be the most negative complaining stagnant drab person to ever hit the fsu dating scene .
agencies are providing a service to all kinds of men .
idiot people that the agency struggle to find anything more then a prostitute that will give 10 min of there day .
easy going guys that make great husbands with a huge list of great girls jumping over each other to get to the guy .
its sad lonelyranger but who you are is just who you are . don't blame the agency, why don't you man up and move on . not all guys are a struggler like you .
and don't worry about your reply I wont be reading it .
just leaving on vacation with fantastic fsu wife my little 18month old mate .
having another bun in the oven I want to treat her to some beach side resort relaxation in Thailand .....enjoy.... yeah Thailand that place you think only sex tourist visit
If the ladies are paid, a fair amount of them will not serious as a result. They will be after the money, not the man. Having more than one woman to visit will increase the man's chances of finding a serious woman.
"She told me that she had thought of committing suicide."
I was at a chatroom once where a young man was contemplating suicide. A few were concerned, trying to talk him out of it. All I did was post that we will miss him. His sorrow became anger towards me, that he will live and he will do this and that. A woman in this forum once asked LR if she wanted her to kill herself. Apparently LR unfriended her on vk. I told her the same thing. Everyone ignored what I posted, including the woman. She kept posting, then disappeared. She came around once since then a few months later.
I think we all felt like we are in the dumps at one time or another, wanting to kill ourselves.
Sometimes I really think we speak different languages on either side of the pond. I said my suggestion only applies to those who are actually looking for a partner but still can be insensitive and inconsiderate. I am not interested in paid women, prostitutes, sex tourists, money grabbers, etc. and what do I get? a mention of all these, Jesus..
I did not think that the girl who said she wanted to kill herself had meant it but it showed me how badly the lack of feelings and consideration, of people like this man, can affect an ordinary girl like here (and she was very honest an nice). Maybe she was the lucky one and the one who ended up with the bugger was the unlucky one.
“A woman in this forum once asked LR if she wanted her to kill herself.”
Rb,,, this is totally a non issue. I am 99.99% sure she was just being silly or absurd. I don’t remember her asking me anything either.
There wasn’t a relationship of any kind that would warrant suicide,,,, if anything,,, it might have been the opposite. I disagreed with her analysis of a certain situation,,, something as simple to me as 1 + 1 = 2! When the answer is no longer (2),,,, I’ll say I’m sorry!
PS,,, I have been in contact with her since,,, and re-blocked her again. If she has any feelings towards me,, she has a funny way of showing them.
“Sometimes I really think we speak different languages on either side of the pond. “””””I said my suggestion only applies to those who are actually looking for a partner”””” but still can be insensitive and inconsiderate”
Those two stories happened while I was “ACTUALLY” looking for a partner,,,, so what is your f-ing problem???
Don’t be like Rb so much, and think that all of the FSU women are victims. Most can take care of themselves just fine.
Like I said earlier,, most FSU women can take care of themselves,,, but not all. The FSU has more than it’s share of mentally ill people,,, and only Duntanderthals would exploit them.
It’s tragic that your Irina had to take her own life,,, and the life of her unborn baby, And it is disgusting how YOU mock her death!
“girls jumping over each other to get to the guy.”
Is that what your doctor is telling you,,, that you are so great, and women are jumping over the edge to be with you?? You need a new doctor!
Keep hating me danny,,,,, I wouldn’t have it any other way!! Having you hate me so much means a lot to me,,, it means I’m doing everything just right!!
But why do you hate me so much?? Was the father of Irina’s two babies American?? Is that why you hate Americans so much??
You are your own and your families worst enemy!! A true danger to society!