I forgot to add the link and I looked at the wrong column. 93,000 signatures are needed by June 6. My fear has been that the tensions de-escelate, Russia leaves Eastern Ukraine, but keeps Crimea.
Putin echo-chambers like PROBOWLER and "insanity" (you will remember him, rb) are completely disconnected from reality. They don't bother with truth or facts.
These fantasists claim that Kyiv and/or all of western Ukraine have been under the control of neo-Nazis since the cowardly flight of Yanukovich. And when they say "Nazi," they don't mean some kind of metaphor -- they mean people who are prepared to slaughter innocents because of their ethnicity.
1. Have Ukraine's Jews asked for protection against the interim government in Kyiv?
2. Have Jews in western Ukraine been subjected to violence? Synagogues destroyed?
3. Has Israel sent armed defenders to Ukraine to protect Jews there, or mounted an emergency evacuation to Israel for their safety?
If Ukraine is controlled by Nazis, why haven't these things happened? Why did prominent Jews in Ukraine write an open letter to Putin, after the interim government was established, saying in effect "we are fine and don't need Russia's 'protection'", while citing that ant-Jewish actions are worsening in RUSSIA, not in Ukraine?
Is all of this because Ukraine's Jews are too blind to see the danger of their Nazi government?
Or is because Nazis have NEVER ruled independent Ukraine, and never will?
In Sunday's presidential election, Vadim Rabinovich, described by a Jewish news organization as a "Jewish community leader and businessman," received more votes than the Svoboda and Right Sector* candidates COMBINED. (By the way, the election results confirm claims I recently read, based on polling and previous elections, that about 2% of Ukrainians support extreme-right politics).
So, in the presidential election, a Jew was more popular than the ultra-nationalists.
Ukraine is a country in the grip of neo-Nazis? 100% pure Kremlin bullshit. Anyone who repeats these lies is either too stupid to understand reality, or is himself a lying liar.
Svoboda and Right Sector are the two ultra-nationalist parties in present-day Ukraine.
Lies, lies and more lies. When I was in Zaporozhye, in eastern Ukraine, I was warned about the neo Nazis. I didn't see any of them. The real kicker to me is the Russians invaded Crimea because the US also wanted to. We are angry with them because they got there first.
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