I found this very interesting thread in that famous ladies' forum with several postings by ladies who are looking for a husband and those who already found him. As expected there are all kinds of views: from a difference of 10 years: no way to a difference of 35 years: why not?
One of the last threads says it all: At the end of the day, it is up to you who you like and what age difference is acceptable for you. There are no rules.
Age difference in Eastern Europe is less of a factor.
If you bring them to Western Europe or America and there's a big age difference it's going to be a problem. A big age difference is not acceptable in Western society.
That's why I say if you want to have a girlfriend or wife 30 years younger than you in Ukraine that's fine. Just stay with her in Ukraine and don't bring her to your country. It's for this reason many guys do just that. They live with their wives / girlfriends in Eastern Europe and have no intention to bring them to their country.
I get a lot of letters from ladies, age 18-30, and have been thinking about age difference.
I am 55.
At first thought it sounds rather nice with a young wife, but, how fun is it for HER when I get older and cant keep the same pace as she has..
And when I retire she has to work another 20 years before we can enjoy retirement together...
I would agree that a large age difference does look a bit awkward in western society. But, my grandfather and an uncle married a second time to overseas foreign women who were 30+ years younger than they were. They were in their 60s and late 50s on their second marriage.
janne66 is on the right track, by asking questions about how something would work in the future.
It seems to me that many contemplating international relationships don't think about all of the special challenges and obstacles likely to lie ahead -- and what qualities people need, in order to be successful.
Finding a romance, and getting to marriage, is just the BEGINNING. Very much work remains to be done after that. Best done with eyes wide open!
My brother-in-law was 12 years older than my sister,,, who is 8 years older than I. She sometimes talks about how she had to drag him along,,,, not enough energy for doing the fun things.
He died back in 98 on one of our hunting trips,,, he left two boys that were still in school behind.
Another example. My ex was 10 years my senior (no preference, just the way life went.) 30s and 40s, respectively.
Well. Sometimes I felt like I had not a 10 years difference but a 10-y.o. by my side. Loads of energy, and bursting with ideas how to spend it as counter-productively as possible )) )
janne66, Have you met in person any of these girls that been sending you letters? If you haven't, chances are good that the letters are generated by agencies and the ladies have no knowledge of these letters.
age difference only seems to be an issue in Western societies and only in recent culture (1920s onward)
large age differences only work when the 2 people have many common interests, good chemistry and understand/accept the differences
and/or limitations they might have (there should be very few)
Although it sounds like every man's dream, the reality starts to be quite different especially when the difference exceeds 20 years.
Many serious Ukrainian ladies Ive met dont seem to have any issues at all with differences up to 20 years nor do I.
Obviously, If you are broken down, out of shape and unattractive by 50(or even 40) then age difference is the least of your worries. If the gals
wanted that, its already in their own country.
Yes, if you are a regular smoker, drinker, eat McDonalds and are fat and don't do any exercise at 40, you are going to be less attractive than a slim 60 year old who has lived a healthy life, even if he is a baldie - you cannot control this with a healthy life-style, it's your dad's fault :-D
Yes, if you are a regular smoker, drinker, eat McDonalds and are fat and don't do any exercise at 40, you are going to be less attractive than a slim 60 year old who has lived a healthy life, even if he is a baldie - you cannot control this with a healthy life-style, it's your dad's fault :-D
Dad's fault???? Male pattern baldness more likely runs from the Mother's side of the family...do some research???
OK beemer, let us argue about baldness and its biological origin here as this is what matters in relationships with FSU ladies and what obviously came from a flippant remark.
This is all a matter of personal preference and there are no hard and fast rules. I met an American lawyer with an American wife who was 42 years younger--and they had a one year old child! Nobody lives forever. Aren't we all looking for happiness? Does age really matter if enough other factors weigh in favor of the marriage?