"I went on my one and only “shopping spree” with her,,,, dropped over 2,000USD in three days!"
LR - you are more than likely a victim of a professional dater. You see a professional dater will be able to get you to buy her things without even having to ask. They're that good.
Professional daters also keep themselves extremely thin so they can be attractive and irresistible to men. Men can not just say no.
They are working in the larger cities such as Kiev and Odessa.
And believe me 2K for them you're a lightweight. :)
And remember I told you before that pro-daters are usually working with restaurants. They will lead their victim to the restaurant they are working with.
These restaurants have very specific pro-dater menus that are pulled out at the time of the swindle. Pro-dater dishes are usually $80-$100 a dish and your pro-dater will usually order 1-2 dishes. She will barely touch a thing on her plate. Expensive wines, fresh juices and designer waters are usually ordered.
Your bill will run up $300-$500 and you are expected to pay. They usually have heavy weights in the restaurant to ensure that. They will not accept your credit card only cash. They will claim the terminal is down. An ATM will be conveniently located inside the restaurant or close by.
The guy will be lusting after her, thinking he can have her. Pro-daters rarely offer sex to their victims. They claim to be of moral high standard and are saving themselves for marriage. This fits perfectly into their plan as they can string their victim along and suck the most out of him till he discovers he's been had. Usually the damage is into the thousands and the guy goes home wondering WTF happened.
After traveling so far, many have this "go get 'em" attitude. I, for one, am not of this temperament and will never be like that. If it does not get my past first base, so be it.
TomZ,,, I bought her clothing, boots, personal products, food, and one or two pieces of inexpensive jewelry,,,, and pretty much in that order.
Girls can also get thin from not eating their mother’s cooking anymore,,,,, especially if the father was buying the groceries.
A lightweight?? I didn’t know it was a competition?! Some try to count every penny, while others go overboard,,, I’d like to think that I did neither!
We never went to the same restaurant twice! Everyone keeps saying that Kyiv is so expensive,,,, but even in Kyiv, prices are cheaper than in my own hometown. We went to nice places, not extravagant! In fact,,, once we went to the mall’s cafeteria, the one near Shavutich with the skating rink.
She ate everything on her plate,,,, and we sometimes ordered more,,,, and shared. I don’t recall her ordering wine,,,, not in the daytime,,, maybe in the evening.
Regular juice,,, I forget which brand I prefer,,,, so I buy one of both common brands to remember.
Never had a 100USD bill yet!!! Even when paying for an interpreter in other cities!!
I always pay cash at restaurants anyway,,,,, and wouldn’t think of using my card,,,, that is taking a risk!!
She didn’t use sex as a carrot, and lead me on. The only thing I’m wondering about is when will I get an email from her!
Yesterday,,, you claimed that I was reliving my experiences here on the forum,,,, but it sounds more like you are?!!
These three paragraphs are all your’s,,,, and not mine!!
TomZ: “These restaurants have very specific pro-dater menus that are pulled out at the time of the swindle. Pro-dater dishes are usually $80-$100 a dish and your pro-dater will usually order 1-2 dishes. She will barely touch a thing on her plate. Expensive wines, fresh juices and designer waters are usually ordered.
Your bill will run up $300-$500 and you are expected to pay. They usually have heavy weights in the restaurant to ensure that. They will not accept your credit card only cash. They will claim the terminal is down. An ATM will be conveniently located inside the restaurant or close by.
The guy will be lusting after her, thinking he can have her. Pro-daters rarely offer sex to their victims. They claim to be of moral high standard and are saving themselves for marriage. This fits perfectly into their plan as they can string their victim along and suck the most out of him till he discovers he's been had. Usually the damage is into the thousands and the guy goes home wondering WTF happened. “
Wow i didnt think people woukd be posting over xmas .
Dont you have anything better to do .
How was your time waking up alone xmas morning .
Have you thought about your new years celebrations or will that be just sharing time with your mates on cyber world . Enjoy new years all you local dip shts . Mabey by next year you could find something other then .scammers .... Somehow i doubt that ... I think npthing will change . Sill alone and complaining into the new year and beyond ....happy new year
I can say that Ive never experienced a pro dater before in 20+ years. never had the connected restaurant experience and probably spent
over 50 bucks on 2 people one time and that was in In Kyiv Mafia restaurant of which I still really enjoy going to.
LR It's your prerogative if you want to throw your money to the wind and buy frivolous gifts. Mr. Hero coming along to save the day.... Get over it! She dumped you!
She's probably not a pro-dater but you fawned over her trying to buy her affection. That's a big turn off to women. They see it as you having insecurity in yourself and having to compensate by spending money and buying things.
Well,,,,, I’m glad that you realize it was my money Tom, and that I can do what I want with it.
She dumped me? Oh,,,, I didn’t realize that. We had planned a trip to Truskavets in the summer time, but I told her that I couldn’t make it until late summer. Then didn’t hear from her for months.
I gave her a call each time I came over, and we met on each trip. For 2011 it was only supper one night in my room. Then the following year we met a few times,,,, but I was sick as a dog, and I didn’t want her to catch it. I didn’t hear from her until late summer when she called me with her cell phone. She wanted me to take her anywhere,,, but not too far so that she could afford the airfare . Once again I didn’t hear from her for months.
I got sick of this, and blocked her on both fb and vk.
When Maiden started to heat up, I unblocked her and sent a friend invite on both,,, she accepted both within minutes. She wasn’t just watching maiden,,, she was in it, Her family is right in the middle of the zone in the east. I told her what was going to happen there,,,, she didn’t like my negativity. I was not only right,,,, but things turned out worse. She stopped writing again so I blocked her again.
Oh yeah,,, she dumped me!
Tom,,,, are you becoming a nit picker??? Because I seem to remember that you paid a young girl for sex??
So, my little interpreter friend is filling me in on how it is in Nikolaev.
She has a 23 year old friend who has been seeing a 55 year old man from New Zealand for the past year. He has been paying her bills and a=has seen
her frequently here and other locations. He is now apparently getting her a NZ visa.
Another 25 year old lady contacted her to be an interpreter for her meeting with a 72 year old man. He is an American living in Bulgaria. He just contacted my young friend to meet with the lady again. The lady said yes and apparently the old guy is going to meet her family on this visit.
She thinks that many of the women who write to much older men are quite serious. Her thought is about 25% serious, 25% looking for something short term (international travel etc.), 25% playing games looking for money and 25% who are just bored and passing the time.
I had wanted to explore this notion more deeply when I came to Nikolaev, but her mom took me out of circulation on arrival. So I must leave the research to others.
btb754, what she is telling you is the truth and her stats are probably also not far off.
I can rattle off 5 or 6 guys I know in Ukraine who are 55+ with girls 25 or less.
My girl just turned 20. A good friend of mine is 56 and his girl just turned 20 also.
Just to be clear, this is mostly a local dynamic. the potential for long term (10+ years)is probably right at 50%
IN UKRAINE. It is highly possible for a guy 50+ to have 20 something relationships exceeding 2 years.
many of these girls are quite happy as long as the relationship does not get boring or exceedingly routine but are absolutely serious
and faithful to these guys.
HOWEVER, this dynamic is not nearly as successful when these girls are taken to western countries. Id say it drops by half. Why?
much of the reason is that everyone the girl will encounter is as wealthy as her mate so she doesnt feel like she need be controlled by him
(which many western men are quite controlling in Ukraine with their little hotties)
the girls are influenced by many negative western stereotypes and customs that frown on and cause problems for these types of relationships.
but to give again the short answer, if you choose to explore this notion then you will come away a happy man...at least in the short term, xaxaxa
poppry wrote: "Looney sends links to girls showing his buisness and caries pictures of his belongings at home to show the girls.
And still he cant get laid . "
poppy, looney gets laid. he bought a real doll....
According to the US State Department numbers if age difference is 20 years or less the divorce rate is 16%. Add another 5 years to that 20 and the rate climbs to 23%. Compare that to the standard US Divorcer rate that is at 50%+
LR - I did encounter a professional dater once in Kiev. She led to me a very high priced restaurant. Before we entered I said to her, you can order whatever you want in the restaurant but whatever you order you will have to pay for yourself.
You should have seen the look of shock on the pro-daters face. Needless to say we did not continue the date.
most girls want to see a guy face to face before they decide if they like him. Their attitude is nothing ventured, nothing gained.
when it comes to meeting a guy from online, and she is genuine, she is still likely to make up her mind in the first minute if you are worth the second minute or not. I have had a couple of meetings that lasted less than 5 minutes. One that lasted about a minute. most girls will tell you they need to feel that "click"
and if they do not have any chemistry then they are ready to move on. Ironically, the one that lasted about a minute we have since ended up being good friends for about 5 years now