The last thing I would do would be to defend WS but one difference between he, me and many of you is that we are (I was) neighbours, or is that neighbors, with the European element of FSU.
Back in the day I would travel to/from FSU perhaps 4 times a year and that was just for social, I had my business offshore bank account in Latvia so I'd be there every so often also.
No problem to see just one lady at a time, if it didn't work out then had a great holiday, return home, select the next one and travel again three months later for the next holiday etc.
And I can assure you that these ladies aren't stupid, if a guy suddenly turns up in their backyard unannounced they know that he is playing the ladies.
"And I can assure you that these ladies aren't stupid, if a guy suddenly turns up in their backyard unannounced they know that he is playing the ladies."
In that case, if you want to play the ladies, announce yourself when you decide to turn up.
TomZ,,, that woman you met at the restaurant,,,, she didn’t need to be a pro dater to walk out on you,,,, any woman would have! She might even get an applause from the rest of the people there.
I’ve never,, ever,, expected a date to pay for anything while on a date.
If you are so worried about spending money, then your path is clear,,,, don’t go!
I tried 5 women the first time! Then 1 and a plan B,,,, then 1 with 2-3 plan Bs. My last trip,,,, I had stopped looking months before the trip,,,,, and basically went to see if there was anything left to salvage with the girl from the previous year,,, there wasn’t. I decided months before, to be off of the dating sites after that trip,,, one way for another. I’ve stuck by it.
Rick,,, when police do an investigation,,, is that called stalking?? You were blocked and forgotten about, a whole year before you started writing about your dates with the kiddies. When someone makes outrageous claims,, it’s only natural to be curious. It’s the way you have handled yourself, with all of the lies and insults that makes you look so guilty. You dug the hole,,, I just filled it with quicksand!
“”””I met 4 hot young ladies in Nikolaev last week and we spent the day together. Went to McDonalds, walked around by river,
messed around, drank some beer and they showed me how flexible they were;) They wanted me to choose which one I liked most and I said I liked all 4 of them
and would simply take all 4 out again (Im obviously having 4 on 1 thoughts,lol) I met them at the bus stop on graduation day.””””””
One thing that some from the west may not know,,, is that “graduation day” is the last day of any school year!!!
Send: 06.06.2013 15:39:22 Report to Moderator
“Im pretty fond of gymnasts and figure skaters:) “
"According to the US State Department numbers if age difference is 20 years or less the divorce rate is 16%. Add another 5 years to that 20 and the rate climbs to 23%. Compare that to the standard US Divorcer rate that is at 50%"
This means that an age difference of up to 45 years is the same result of failure as the typical divorce rate in the USA. That would mean I would need to date someone in elementary school to approach the typical USA divorce rate probability. That gives me a big cushion.
MartinPC - not necessarily. The guy can be honest and say that he's met a lady or several ladies and did not find his match. Ladies appreciate honesty. He can also say that he's just travelling and seeing their wonderful country and thought it would be a good opportunity to meet since he's already there.
He can also lie. He can say that he's in his country but just got time off work and can be in her city within a week.
"He can also say that he's just travelling and seeing their wonderful country and thought it would be a good opportunity to meet since he's already there"
Tom ... You're cracking me up, I spent too many years dating and mixing with these ladies, as some will recall my ex worked with a dating agency, I would converse with them all ... And you truly believe for one minute that they believe your bullshit? ... LOL
"Think outside the box" ... to quote nasfan6 of this forum past ... "Way too funny" :)
They'll know that you're not taking them seriously so they won't take you seriously either, they'll be meeting you, perhaps f*cking you, one week, but you're just one on a long conveyor belt ... they'll be another one along next week, and the week after, and the week after that etc.
I saw the other side of it from within the dating agency ... You think this is a man's world? ... uh uh, since they relaxed Ukraine's visa requirements it became a ladies world and men like you are the suckers falling for them!
looney wrote: "Rick,,, when police do an investigation,,, is that called stalking?? "
nothing to investigate looney. besides, we ARE talking about UKRAINE and LEGAL things
you seem to fail to understand both concepts!
"You were blocked and forgotten about"
REALLY???? you cant go more than a few days without checking up on me"
as far as being blocked. you have 9 friends, your last post was a music video from the Fray.....
first time Ive bothered to look in quite some time. blocked? thats funny!
BUT back to the subject. It seems the scammers and pros dont want someone who has come to Ukraine often.
Some may think you are a womanizer by saying you visit often unless you have some valid reason for being in ukraine.
looney wrote: "Did I say that Moya was the person?? No,,, but you just did! I hope that beer was tasty?!! "
actually yes, very tasty beer with Moya a few weeks ago. As you havent been in Ukraine for about 4 years....
"You know me?? Are you sure? You better have another talk with Moya!!"
yes Stuart, I can even post your address here if I wanted but Im NOT like you. I dont give a F*^k that you spend most of your
waking hours on the internet.
Personally, I spend about 2 hours a day online combined. I have phone, tablet, laptop. I may appear online alot but its only because my devices spider
and bring me everything I want so I can quickly read, post and continue my day.
Now You, you stallllllllk me, spend countless hours looking for excuses to make yourself seem relevant and just keep widhing and hoping that i would actually do something wrong. Sorry to always disappoint your pathetic hopes.
Rick,,, I’m really curious,, how can you possibly know how much time I spend online,,, without looking for me online???
My date of birth, address, phone number, email,,, none of this is in my profiles!! I’m not even in the phone book,,, so how could you possibly know any of that,, without stalking me????
I spend countless hours here??,,,, this is my first, maybe only post tonight,,, I just got home after 11:00pm.