Rick is a smoker and drinker but he looks very attractive :) so you don't need to live a healthy life to look and feel young and attractive :) you just have to have the thing!
At least I do have relatives who married spouses (second marriage) that were greater than 30 years apart). My grandfather and uncle had children from the second marriages (as well as the first one). My step-grandmother is still alive and my uncle is still married to his second wife after 27 years. But they both married the first time when young which was not in my case.
I think Moya has her Rose colored beer glasses on?
FYI,,,, smoking is considered to be a disgusting bad habit by a majority of Americans. The number of people smoking in this country has been in decline for many years now.
The last time I met up with my ex,,, she lit up in front of me,,, then confessed that she smoked. I grinned,,, then said:,,, I’ve known for some time now! She had a look of surprise on her face,,, I then said: That’s why I left you my toothpaste before my departure last year!!
That is true,,,, but it was also to make my suitcase lighter.
I remember a model agent talking on the telly. She was saying she was always trying to convince her models to stop smoking as their careers would be shortened since their looks would go quicker.
I was talking to my neighbour last week-end:
Me: Hi, how is it going?
Him: Not well, I have been diagnosed with skin cancer.
Me: OMG, are you getting proper treatment?
Him: Yes
Me: I do not mean to be cheeky, but why are you still smoking (right now as you speak to me)
Him: Smoking has got nothing to do with it.....
Skin cancer might be the only cancer where that statement might be true.
Exposure to sunlight, diabetes, family history, and contact with carcinogens,, such as waste oil, will have more of an influence than smoking.
For many years, the common procedure was to take a biopsy of the infected lesion or tumored mass, and have it tested for cancer. If cancer is found, it is removed by a second operation and/or targeted by several treatments of radiation. But radiation has proven to create more cancer than it kills.
A new procedure removes the cancer in one operation in most cases, if caught early. The patient might need cosmetic surgery if the wound is large or located on the face.
The reason this can be accomplished in one procedure, is that the testing is being done during the surgery. They remove some of the tissue, then test it. If cancer is found they remove more and test it again, until cancer free tissue is found. Not much different than cutting out a bruise from an apple.
The doctor that perfected this procedure has had her work published three times in medical journals,,,,, and is my niece!
Yeah,, even the slightest tan is considered damaged skin,,,, but that is how the body creates it’s own vitamin D! Vitamin D is important for healthy breasts on women. They don’t need to go topless,,,, but lets keep that a secret.
Though the years I’ve discovered that I like a girl with a nice tan, and can’t stand the Neon white when someone doesn’t have any tan at all. However,,,,, I don’t like the white triangles on a tan body.
My skin is very white (natural blond what can i do...) so i get sun burns all the time, so i use sunscreen and don't have a tan :) but yes i get enough vitamin D :)
That's why those tanning studios are popular with the younger crowd. A tan is more appealing, but since I don't have one, a woman without it is fine with me. I have seen videos of women with those white triangles on their body. The contrast sort of takes away from their seductiveness for some reason.
Dcguy,,,, Odesa is supposed to have some nude beaches,,, it would be a good place to look for white or non white triangles. Even when someone is wearing their swim suit,, you can tell whether they always wear it,,,, or just sometimes. Many women will wear those little round pasties,,,,, I guess they can get a nasty sunburn without them.
And you are right,,,, it is a turnoff to see white boobs on a tan body. It’s strange,,, but the skin color of my own race isn’t appealing without a little tan.
Moya,,,, I’m not sure when,,,, but if I ever return to Odesa I could set up shop and provide a free breast screening service for women.
WS,,, smoking can lead to an unhealthy home. Shorter life spans,,, parents dying before the children are mature. The expense of buying smokes, and paying for medical care after getting cancer.
Well Moya, Ive quit smoking again and a liter of vodka now lasts a whole week. I have lost 15kg of weight and am working on defining my abs and getting cut. I run now 7 KM a day and rising each week.
At nearly 50 I look closer to 35 years old. I would have no problem with a nude beach as I have no tan lines and not ashamed of my fit body.
I dont have any problem keeping up with a 19 year old girl ;)
We look at these celebrities and say, Oh yeah I can do that too.
She's a baby for crying out loud!
In my travels throughout the FSU over the years I have met some sick pedophile types (mainly British and American). They think they can get away with in Russia, Ukraine and other parts of the FSU what they can't get away with at home.
Guys, stick to a reasonable age difference. I am saying no more than 15-20 years max. This is what can work in the long term. Notice I say *can* work. There are many obstacles with age difference.
I also came across an article about dating younger women.
One guy says "They are less demanding" and "it's harder not to date younger women". In this case, "harder" refers to the number and the availability of them.
Technically, anyone 18 and over is an adult. I have seen suspected pedophiles in Thailand, Cambodia, and Philippines with females who are middle school and high school ages. Are you saying that the foreign men are also hanging out with Eastern European females who are under 18? The Anna Nicole Smith marriage to that tycoon J. Howard Marshall should not label him as a pedophile even though they were over 60 years apart in age. I do agree that a large age difference does look awkward and that sustaining the relationship may be a much more difficult matter.