For American men,,, it does not matter what the “age of consent” is, in the country they happen to be in! It is 18 here in the US,,, and that applies to us wherever we might be. It was something GWB did while he was president. It was to curb the sex tourism and sex trafficking trade in poor countries.
I can see that Lonely is really anybody's lap dog, not just TomZ's. He goes around wagging his tail, praising and defending nefarious people who do not even have an excuse, just to get support from them against the mockery for which he is an easy target.
WS-Fuxktard,,, When I see someone fighting back against a troll, I will lend them a hand.
Now that we are talking about trolls,,, you replied to a post that is over two months old written by a dyslexic troll and multi profiler. Aren’t you just trying to drum up your own troll support???
Quite amazing the lengths some, supposedly mature, morons will go to to discredit another member ... namely "TomZ"
For some 10 years we've been aware that Danny hates USA and Americans so when a member profile "madusa" (Mad United States of America) pops up WIFESEEKER falls for it hook, line and sinker.
"Grow up" you moron(s), namely you WIFESEEKER, you're so wet behind the ears it's amusing :)
You are the same kind of failed idiot who has ended up as a sex tourist in the Philippines under the guise of being an entrepreneur due to your failures in Europe, particularly with women. Why you boast of having been in this forum for years is what I wonder about. It only goes to show you failed miserably finding an FSU woman.
Men like you who end up as single old farts in Asian countries are what make me think of the Gary Glitters of this world.
Who do you think you impress by putting photos of prostitutes or destitute girls you get sex from in return for a few dollars?
WS,,,, I’ve asked you several times during the last couple weeks, to tell us about your success! You don’t seem to have anything to answer with?? So who the fuxk are you to insult anyone else?? Right now you are the biggest joke on this forum,,, but you are too dense to realize it. You are to be pitied,,,, but you are not worth it. You seem to despise anyone that is happy with their life,,,, and that must come from uncontrolled jealously! Why don’t you give up your search, and get a hobby like growing vegetables or something.
Your daughters must be getting tired of their father being a total loser day after day?
In the past 18 months I have been resident on one small and remote island having made only some 10 trips to the local mainland city for my two monthly visa renewals and/or shopping for supplies ... I haven't been on an aeroplane in the past 18 months.
Now that makes me one hell of a 'tourist' don't you think, that I don't actually tour anywhere?
Entrepreneur ... Who me? ... Nope, I've merely developed my own business on a remote tropical island whilst, right at this moment, we are fending off the 115mph winds of super typhoon HAGUPIT.
Boast of having been in this forum for many years? ... I don't boast, I don't need to, I feel secure in the knowledge that I can leave the boasting to "jerk offs" like you ..... I speak "American English" these days y'all :)
Gary Glitter went to Asia to misbehave, Stuart Hall, James Savile, Rolf Harris, Max Clifford to name but a few resided in UK to commit their misgivings with underage children ... Where precisely do you reside WIFESUCKER?
Posting pics of prostitutes and/or destitute girls ... I don't do that, I don't need to do that, sort of thing WIFESUCKER, I'm surrounded by wall to wall scantily clad pretty ladies, you know I don't even have a camera at the moment, so how the f*ck I'm supposed to be taking these pics is beyond me.
And I didn't fail with European women, I had a great 30 or so years working with (nudge, wink) pretty air hostesses (flight attendants to us American English speakers) and I had a great few years 'bonking' ladies around the FSU ... If you want a tip the ladies of Uzbekistan were best in bed but you wouldn't know that would you, you probably haven't ventured past the prostitutes and destitute girls of Ukraine yet!
Sounds to me, and probably the audience also, that you're jealous of what I've managed to achieve WIFESUCKER, you're at the stage that I was at some 15 years ago and I was probably an annoying little shit, like you are, on forums in those days also, keep plugging away for a further 15 years and you might manage to overcome, or learn to live with, your jealousy of other(s).
I can’t believe the hatred and hostility in this forum. This is a place where we are supposed to help each other, share ideas and give advice. The amount of mudslinging and name calling in here makes me believe we’re in the 4th grade. Can we all just get along or at least try to? Not everyone in Asia is a sick pedophile. I know a Russian couple who rent out their apartments in Russia and spend 5 months of the year with their daughter living in Thailand. It’s a beautiful place they tell me, and cheap.
"You just figured that out???? There is a reason I call this forum One Flew over the CooCoo's Nest!!! This is what happens to unmonitored forums."
You are one of the "CooCoos". For that matter so am I.
This forum is not unmonitored. Nor is it unmoderated. It is just not following your standards.
Two weeks ago, my post was rejected. I don't blame them, but I was quoting Danny and his post was not deleted. They have a weird standard, but they are monitoring and moderating.