"It is evident LONELY does not have a life outside this forum. He is in good company here with morons like Ragingbull, TomZ and MarinPC who failed to have children and spent years and years trying to find an FSU partner and failed at that too. Sad, lonely and stupid men who do not have a child to hug (well Ragingbull is trying), will never bring up children and will never see them get married, have a career and get their own children. They will never be proud of having brought up children, only of their achievements as sex tourists and using FSU and Asian girls for sex."
Wifeseeker makes things up as he goes along. He has no idea how wrong he is. He thinks everyone who speaks against him is a sex tourist and doesn't have children.
I can just imagine the relentless search that LONELY must be making in the Internet about the likes of me. Without a life otherwise and his stupid obsession with the Internet activity of others like Rick4girl and poppy, he really must need to find something, anything, about me to bring it to his home and share it with his sad and bitter pals.
Just about everybody on this forum knows, for one, that ragingbull has fathered kid(s) ... Someone around here knows jack shit but has a very big mouth and even bigger ego.
A light skinned black lady contacted me on FB and showed me her kid a few months ago. She asked if I wanted to meet the child. I didn't say yes or no. I just said he was a cute kid. A month later, she contacted me again and told me that was my grandchild.
I was going to ignore her as a prank until I told my daughter. She, perhaps kiddingly, was excited to have a long lost sister. She asked me if I ever dated a black lady. As a matter of fact, I did when I was in my twenties when I was in training in the Air Force. I then looked at the birth date of this lady. She was born around 8 months after I finished training....
I knew the girl was pregnant when I left. I didn't do it. I had sex with her..oral sex. When I left, she told me who did it, but they were not talking, partly because we dated. I left and left it up to them to settle.
I contacted the lady on FB. She was not the product of my Air Force encounter. The father of the kid had the same last name as me. She incorrectly thought I was the father's father.
WS,,, you’re like a blind dog with rabies that just makes a lot of noise. People are trying to set you straight, but you just won’t listen.
I consider myself to be in good company,,,, and you have a Dunt!
Rick: “What parents Looney? Im often the only parent they have.”
Rick,, my problem with you, is that you can’t distinguish between women and children! A fox guarding the hen house!
You spend an afternoon buying 15 and 16 year old girls beer,,, then report back to the forum about your successful date, and encourage others to do the same?!!
That’s FUCKED UP!!!!!
Maybe nothing happened,,,, maybe you are all talk,,,, but you are over there so much,,, they are such sweet, sweet candy aren’t they??? Never took a lick??
Some of those girls that you are giving,,,, “EVERYTHING” to, as you put it,,, seem to spend a lot of time in luxury suites or apartments,,, who’s paying for that??
You come to the forum and tell whoppers! You are involved with the most vulnerable children,,,, orphans from a poor country, and I think that is dangerous! For them!
“cyber stalk much?”
No,,, none! Social media is a public place. If I was stalking,,, wouldn’t I have contacted some of these girls??
When you make some big claim,,, I’ll have a look. I probably looked at your profile 6 to 8 times in the last 15 months,,,, and you have been blocked for years.
If your business in Ukraine is so private,,, just maybe you should be a little more careful about who gets invited to join??
“A guy with no girl being so quick to judge others, too funny”
I’ve had girlfriends,,,, there and at home, they come and go don‘t they?! You haven’t succeeded any more than I have! You are on the same forum, but not for the same reasons.
Don’t forget to wish one of your younger Vk friends a Happy Birthday!! She turns 14 on New Year’s Eve!
Rick: "when I am in USA, as I will be Monday evening, my kids are with me.
My ex wife was a materialistic b***h of whom I am happy to not be with now.
she thought a half million house, breast augmentation and Mercedes is what life is all about."
I see women/females have always found you useful??!!
WS: "I can just imagine the relentless search that LONELY must be making in the Internet about the likes of me. Without a life otherwise and his stupid obsession with the Internet activity of others like Rick4girl and poppy, he really must need to find something, anything, about me to bring it to his home and share it with his sad and bitter pals"
No, WS, I haven't spent one second looking for you. I'm dying from a cold at the moment.
You do have sex, the kind that leaves you with nasty diseases, then you pass them on to innocent needy girls who will have sex with an ugly old foreign git like you for a dollar.
No WS, he doesnt have time to looking for you, he is spending all his time following me. He thinks by blocking me I cant use another profile to see how big a loser he is in life. he claims to have had girlfriends but I dont see any evidence of it on facebook or VK in 3 years.
Looney offers no constructive advice while I am always telling people that the only way to really find your second half is to actually come to Ukraine and
learn about the culture, experience life here so you can actually relate to a potential mate and be able to spend quality time together so you can discover if you are actually a match or not. Some people still think that you can go on websites and make dates with a dozen girls in 5 cities and somehow will magically find a girl who is going to want to marry you after 3 days. REALITY CHECK!!!! this is what agencies want you to think.
I will come back here in a few weeks. If anyone here is serious about finding a good non agency, non scamming girl then plan to visit while I am here.
Between my friends and I, we can find you a girl from 20 to 50 and anything in between, from the village or Odesa, Kherson or Nikolaev. they are single teachers, paralegals, attorneys, nurses, doctors, administrators, business owners.... I know lots of single people who are always asking me if I have friends who are single and willing to come to Ukraine. I am gonna tell you that village girls are the best. Come stay at my house in the village. I can show you village life. how to shop at the market, milk a cow, we can fish and I can introduce you to good quality village people who will treat you well and not expect anything from you except that you could be a good husband!
WS,,, as usual, you have everything wrong,, in fact, you have everything backwards just like danny. You have been acting like the perfect DUNT lately.
I don’t spend hardly any time searching for members,,, but when some leave clues on the 4um,,, I might check. A couple of years ago, Rick gave away his name and location in a conversation with bowhunter. I checked it out and blocked him, and didn’t pay any attention to his profiles until last Aug or Sept. And it was only because of what I found in his profile, that we are talking about it today.
You would be real interested to see what Rick has in his Vk profile,,,, ask him for a friend invite!!!
A funny coincidence,,, as I am sitting here watching Sunday Night football,,, Rick’s hometown was just mentioned in a football commercial about some coach named Wright. Small world.
I really dont care what you think Looney. using a separate profile I can still see you're not doing anything special or constructive.
basically spend your life in humdrum world of hours on forums, watching TV and some work. NO FUN GUY. why would a Ukrainian girl....or any girl want such a boring person???
My VK profile isnt "interesting" Just shows I am doing a lot of constructive things and being a benefit to Ukraine
You have to pitty someone like him . After having a child i realise what his kind are missing out on . The nutter struggles to find sex net alone a wife .
Not much time these days . To many things to do with russian xmas . But merry christmas to the few ... Very few decent blokes . And have a worthless lonely sad day to all the forum weirdos... You get exactly what you deserve
"she thought a half million house, breast augmentation and Mercedes is what life is all about."
Doesn't everyone think that this is what life is about? Everyone wants a dream existence, not to struggle. I had some relatives from overseas come visit earlier this year for the first time to this country. One of their comments was, you are not driving a high class car (like BMW and Mercedes)? The implication is that if you are not, why bother?
I live below my means (like Warren Buffet) and if everyone who I meet cannot accept that, well stay away and live your dream existence.