I was writing to a woman from a Mariupol agency from beginning of January to May . All my letters and questions were being answered faithfully from her through the agency but i can tell they were sensored by how some of my questions were handled. She did have some level of english but not enough for me from my past experiences of non english speaking women i have visited and wrote to.Her age was good for me and we liked much in common so i decided to stick with it.So i decided to ask her if she would take english classes at my expense through a letter. I immediately got a letter from the agency administrator stating they would teach her english for 100 USD an hour. Yeah,right..... So i told the administrator i googled and found the Oxford School of English in downtown Mariupol for 36 hours a month classes for 145 USD.They were a little offended that they could not compete with such a low fee and the school was not as good as a personal teacher.I replied to the agency that i shall decide where my money is spent. The agency agreed reluctantly. So , she attended classes from January to April.I also contacted the school secretary to ask her for her personal contact information in the beginning.She did not hesitate to give me her Skype and personal e-mail adress to the secretary to give to me.So this is how i beat the Agency out of using them. So now her letters and with Skype nothing is censored.We got along quite well for four months and were making plans to meet in Prague.Everything seemed wonderful. Then the shit hit the fan in Kyiv and she immediately took the side of the seperatist.I paid no attention to it.Then reality finally came to life when she accused the Americans and the Kyiv Junta as she called it for the countries divide.This hit me deeply and i decided to sleep on her comments for 4 days and had a gut feeling to let her go nicely and i did 2 months ago .After 2 months she has decided to write me today and last night calling merica an evil nation and being the blame for everything wrong. She was a russian who moved to Ukraine and changed her citizenship.She says she regrets doing so.Also Russia saved the world in WW2 not the Americans and allies.So guys remember ,they are white and they are beautiful but they have a whole different set of values.Not all but most .I would definitely stay with western european /ukrainian women. My story and my opinion.No love lost here.
Months ago, someone wrote a post about their girl taking sides with Russia and against the west. My reply was something like;,,,, She’s taking sides against the west,,, dump her.
If she doesn’t share the same values or philosophy, it won’t work. If you have spent any amount of time with them,, you will come to realize just how “Boneheaded” they really are.
It’s becoming more and more of a battle between good and evil.
With men and equipment flowing easily back and forth across the Russian border,,, the separatists can separate themselves from Ukraine at any time, by walking across the border into Russia.
My ex-girlfriend from Crimea took sides with Russia and that put another nail in the coffin of our relationship.
But remember that the people in Crimea, Mariupol, Odessa, Donetsk, etc. are well brain washed by a bombardment of Russian propaganda.
I am writing to another girl who lives near the Russian border. I told her that I was worried that the Russians would invade at any moment. She told me not to worry, that no harm would come from the Russian army, that only the Ukrainian army was hurting people. I do not know whether to send her the news of the airliner that has been shot down with 10 Britons on board.
But if I only want the girl and she will not remain in Ukraine or Russia if she marries me, then I think we should leave the politics out of it. Like sunvolt's girl, this one will also have 100 arguments for the Russian army and against Ukrainian government.
No point in arguing. What if when she becomes a citizen of the UK, she becomes a Tory supporter and I am Labour? That would hardly be grounds for us to end the marriage.
On a separate note, I would have to be mad paying for English lessons for a girl from an Agency in Mariupol.
LR, Here is her letter to me in russian ,google translate will not work for me at this moment:She probably cut copied and pasted it from a kremlin newspaper;can you translate it ?
Что бы понять, КТО и главное ЗАЧЕМ убил 300 летевших в Боинге 777, достаточно ответить всего на ОДИН
Ну а теперь по порядку:
1. Выгодна ли эта катастрофа Новороссии (Стрелкову, Барадаю, Безлеру, Пушилину и тд) всем жителям и
-Мирным жителям-страх, шок и ужас!
-Ополченцам почти добившим окруженных фашистов и готовых двинуться в наступление дальше-приостановка
военных действий, внеплановое перемирие, и самое главное, выставление себя КРОВАВЫМИ ТЕРРОРИСТАМИ в
глазах ВСЕГО МИРА. Этого они добивались? Ой навряд ли...
2. Выгодна ли эта катастрофа Путину?
-Путину который день за днем приближает конец американского доллара (да и всему мировому господству США),
который ведет ПОСЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬНО-СДЕРЖАННУЮ политику по ситуации на Украине, не позволяя втянуть 150
млн. страну в третью мировую войну. Который ведет подчеркнуто объективную, и направленную на мирное решение
конфликта на Юго-Востоке.
Так что же это дает Путину? Мировая изоляция, даже если и не докажут, что сбила Россия, то значит Россия
поддерживает террористов которые в сотни раз (уж Америка позаботься) хуже той же аль-каеды, пожирают детей,
и сбивают самолеты и сжигают людей заживо (да, да, Одесса это их рук дело) просто потому что они такие..
Это нужно Путину? Сомневаюсь..
3.Выгодна ли эта катастрофа пришедшей к власти после незаконного переворота Киевской хунте?
-Теперь, когда война Юго-Востоке стала не локальной а выплеснулась горем потери в страны Евросоюза, можно
смело (что они уже и делают) кричать о вводе войск НАТО, на территорию Украины, выставить на весь мир Россию
агрессором, полного и тотального уничтожения не только ополченцев, но и ВСЕХ без исключения жителей Юго-
Востока. Там уже не будет братоубийственной войны, придут те, кому плевать кого убивать и за что. И теперь, даже
если и не удастся выставить виновников Россию, по крайней мере, все провалы в экономике, военных операциях,
все косяки БУДУТ СПИСАНЫ под ноль. И они наконец полyчат, то, чего они так долго и такой ценой добивались!
Им это нужно? Безусловно ДА!!!
4.Выгодна ли эта катастрофа США?
-Америке, внешний долг которой ПРЕВЫШАЕТ долги всех остальных стран вместе взятых, Америке которая не
может удержать, взятый на себя образ "Пупа Мира", которая теряет контроль и влияние, везде и в Евросоюзе в
частности, которая ВПЕРВЫЕ за 20 лет ведет переговоры с Ираном, и призывает снять с него санкции в надежде,
что экспорт Иранской нефти понизит цены черное золото (удар по России). ВСЕ УСИЛИЯ Америки сейчас
направлены против России!
Трагедия произошла 17 июля, в день конституции Кореи, разве не должно это отправлять нас в далекий 1983, когда
те же Американцы пытались приписать нам ракетную атаку по Корейскому боингу? Как бы проводя параллель
СССР-Россия-Империя Зла-Холодная Война...
Изоляция России если и не как участника этих событий, то хотя бы как спонсора "кровавых террористов",
прекращение сотрудничества с Россией многих стран-партнеров, ведущих компаний. Начало новой гонки
вооружений и холодной войны, опять двух полярный мир, в с одной стороны которого Америка, к которой
потянуться многомиллиардные заказы, на вооружения, увеличение кол-ва американских баз (платит за их
содержание страна в которой эти базы находятся) И Россией - Империей зла с другой стороны, вынужденной
участвовать в программе "Нефть в обмен на продовольствие" То есть продавая баррель не по $110 рыночной
цены, а по $10 и то в обмен не на деньги, а не окорочка буша...
Этого добивается Америка? Безусловно ДА!!!
It wasn't easy,,, I've almost forgot what durak had taught me,,, plus my internet is Slooooow today. I'll read it later.
To understand who and what killed 300 flying in the Boeing 777, enough to answer just one
A simple question: who BENEFITS?
Now, in order:
1. Is this a catastrophe of Novorossiya (Strelkovu, Baradaû, Bezleru, Pušilinu and so on) to all residents and
the militias?
-Civilians-the fear, shock and horror!
-Militia dobivšim almost surrounded by the Nazis and ready to go on the offensive on-hiatus
military action, out-of-band truce, and most importantly, placing themselves BLOODY TERRORISTS in
the eyes of the world. This they achieved? OJ is unlikely to ...
2. Is this a disaster to Putin?
-Putin that day after day brings closer the end of the dollar (and the world domination of the United States),
leading consecutive-RESTRAINED policy on the situation in Ukraine, not allowing you to draw 150
million. country in the third world war. That is underlined by an objective, and aimed at a peaceful solution
the conflict in the South-East.
So what is this gives Putin? World isolation, even if not to prove that hit Russia, then Russia
supports the terrorists that are hundreds of times (that America take care) the worse the same Al-Qaida, devouring children
and force down planes and burn people alive (Yes, Yes, Odessa is their handiwork) simply because they are so. ..
This is Putin? Doubt It. ..
3. Is this a disaster which came to power after the coup d ' état Of the junta?
-Now that the war was not the Southeast local and spilled over into the grief of loss in EU countries, you can
courage (which they already do) cry about putting NATO troops on the territory of Ukraine, for the world Russia
the aggressor, the complete and total destruction not only of the militia, but also all the people of the South
East. There will no longer be a fratricidal war, come those who spit who kill and what for. And now, even
If you will not be able to expose the perpetrators of Russia, at least, all the dips in the economy, military operations,
all schools WILL BE WRITTEN OFF under zero. And they finally polyčat, what they so long and the price demanded!
They need it? Definitely Yes!
4. Is this a disaster United States?
-America's foreign debt, which EXCEEDS the debts of all the other countries combined, America does not
can deter, taken on the image of the "Navel of the world" which loses control and influence, everywhere and in the EU in
particular, which for the first time in 20 years, has been negotiating with Iran, and calls to remove sanctions in hope,
Iran's oil exports will reduce the price of black gold (on Russia). ALL the EFFORTS of America now
directed against Russia!
The tragedy occurred on July 17, the day the Constitution of Korea, did not send it to us in the distant 1983, when
the Americans have tried to attribute the US missile attack on Korean Boeing? As if drawing a parallel
USSR-Russia-The Evil Empire-The Cold War ...
Isolation of Russia, if not as a participant of these events, at least as a sponsor of the "murderous terrorists",
termination of cooperation with Russia in many partner countries, leading companies. The beginning of a new race
weapons and the cold war, again two polar world, in which on the one hand America which
stretch in the multibillion-dollar orders for armaments, the increase in the number of American bases (pays for their
the country in which they are located) and Russia-evil empire on the other hand, forced
to participate in the program "oil for food" that is selling for $ 110 a barrel the market
rates and $ 10 and then in Exchange not for money, not legs Bush ...
This is America? Definitely Yes!
sunvolt, it's copied from somewhere, i read dozens shitty news like this in my FB news :( i try not to read news from russian web-sites at all, coz when i read it i feel like i'm gonna through up :(
Did the original letter from her arrive in Regular Russian or in that computer gibberish??
If the original is in Russian,,,, do a google search for it online. Put a ( “ ) in front and then ( ” )behind the 1st paragraph starting with the no. (1)
It would be my guess that she wrote this,,,, but after reading and watching their news coverage about it.
The rhetoric and misrepresentation from the Kremlin is real, but the west does and has always discounted the Soviet front in WWII. Had not the Soviets been so steadfast prior to America's entering the war Briton would have lost. Hitler's chance of victory ended in June 1941 with the invasion of Soviet Union. Had Germany reached the resources in the east and the Soviets giving in, it would be a different world. Thank the dead Soviets that there was no Bataan on the steppes The Soviets handed the Germans a decisive defeat loosing over 20 million people in the effort. The western front was equally devastating and more so to the infrastructure of Germany That same mind set has and is holding the people in Russia from real prosperity after the war. There is a time for Generals and a time for business, they have never quite understood the distinction and our now continued adversarial posture. Putin is a spook and just doesn't get it. When they were playing Soviet Oldies in Crimea to spur Soviet nostalgia, Putin thought he was hip and on the edge of coolness. Behind the ruins of the Iron Curtain, he is,,,,,,, for now.
Tom Z,
You are incorrect.You did not understand my letter."I" "ME" found the school i said on my own not through an agency so i was in contact with the school and her instructor (whew)!I said this is how i got the agency dismissed . You have to read more carefully
When I first viewed the copied text, it looked like gibberish -- I had to select Windows 1251 for the "encoding" to see the Russian text.
I did a google search, finding this garbage word-for-word on a great many vk pages. It would take more work than I care to invest, to seek out where it was first posted.
I'm with Moya -- this Kremlin-style propaganda is nauseating.
Sad to say, it is typical of a deep moral and spiritual sickness afflicting a great portion of Russia's population. Symptoms of this sickness include refusal to take responsibility (for personal actions, or actions of the country), and inability to admit wrongdoing. It's always the fault of some other person.
This can be seen with great clarity, in the Russian attitude toward its role in the mass murder (among other crimes against humanity) of millions of Soviet citizens, many of whom were their own countrymen (and women). These hideous crimes, comparable to the Nazi holocaust in cruelty and destructiveness, are barely acknowledged today by average Russians or the Russian government. Memorials to the innocent victims are almost nonexistent in Russia.
Compare this to how Germany acknowledges the extent of its crimes, and accepts its responsibility to be an upstanding citizen in the world, especially in matters of human rights and international law, in atonement for national guilt.
I struggle to find optimism that Russia will emerge from its cesspool of depravity -- at least, within my lifetime.
I'm sorry, Russia. I used to love you. Today, when I think of you I find in my heart only pity and revulsion.
I had to use Cyrillic- (Windows),, there are 4 others to choose from. (W7-IE11) I had forgotten that it needed to be encoded back into Russian Cyrillic first, before being translated into English. I went through the list twice!
It is very sad! The world view of Putin is at an all time low,,,, he won’t gain any ground thru popularity!! So,,,,,, when backed into a corner,,,, his one way out may be to go on an all out assault? I wouldn’t be surprised if the West’s (US, EU, NATO) lack of backbone might still allow this.
Russia has had a black eye over Crimea, then a bloody nose over Eastern Ukraine,, now, it has a scar that will last a whole generation. Just how much are the Russian people to give up,, to pay for Putin’s ego,,,, how many lives must be lost for him?
Life in Russia is cheap and expendable for Putin.
Through all of the horrors of WWII,,, and few stories of hope and human decency emerged,, such as Schindler's List.
In one of the airports in Germany,, I saw a sign on a door saying;,, Jewish Synagogue. An area for Jewish people to pray. I don’t recall seeing that, or anything similar in any other airport.
Durak and LR,Moya ,thanks for taking the time to look at her post sent to me.She beleives every word of it and has no room for reason or for being objective.
When I went to see the pro Russian gilr in Crimea, I spoke to her about the Crimea situation for 2 hours. I told her how the Scots were going on about their voting process and consideration to all possibilties, about the EU, about Putin's history as a rogue.
Nothing convinced her, then I stopped talk about th subject for the rest of my stay there.
The strange things is that her reluctance to learn English could be subconsciously thinking that she may be betraying Russia if she did.