My first post! i have been into Ukraine many times. I am not looking for a bride, im looking for dates when i visit the country.
Over the years i dated many girls of different ages. I usually go every 3 or 4 months for a period varying between 7 to 14 days.
Of course my ultimate goal is to get laid as much as i can while i'm there.
On my last trip before Christmas, i met a group of guys living at the same hotel i was in Odessa who were on a tour. I had the chance to have few vodka with them and they mentioned me about a board they were going to exchange experiences. I was trying to locate it and couldn't find the one they were talking about and end up here!
First of all let me give you my two cents on dating in Ukraine
1- Contrary to US , very feasible to get a hottie ( 10 or 9) in bed but it will not be easy. You need a very good game. If you don't have one at home, then your chance are 0.
2- UKR girls are very proud , very concious of their image so you need to make sure that you add value to her not take her dowm. Meaning, if she looks like a supermodel , you better look like one or look rich or look like a big shot orelese she will not even talk to you.
3- A lot of girls knows foreigners pretend to be in UKR to find a wife but in fact they are just horny for a hot chick. So the Romeo good guy , good men routine will be match by the Juliette good girl, loveable friendly girlfriend who had difficult time and just want to fall in love. Girls coach each other on how to turn a western guy looking for bride into a simp and they just need few days to hook you up for months.
Next time you go anywhere in UKR just go in the morning in front of a western Union and you will see how many girls go collect money from their simp in US or other places. The guys in a tour bride they do meet girls usually scoring up to 7 sometimes a older 8, but they all these girls have western union boyfriends. They just work a bit during the week to hook you up for some recurring funds.
4- Best place to pick up girls are shopping mall, coffee shops and meeting point in public places.
5- Get whatsapp ( a must for dating girls in the 20 and 30) , talk to the girl ask for information, a good bar or coffee shop , propose to meet up during the week and get her to enter her mobile# on your Iphone or other intelligent phone.Then stop it and leave!
6- When you have them on whatsapp you can use google translator to communicate with her and schedule a date ( Not a dinner , for a drink or coffee).
7- Go at the date clean, fashion clothes ( try to have a bit of style ) jeans and your boring shirt wont do the job. Very important when she ask what you are doing in UKR you dont talk about looking for a bride or love or any other romeo thing. You are here for business , conference, course , training whatever and you are enjoying it very much.
8- This is where you need game! She will not be impress about your car, your house , your job , she wont care much about this. Im not a coach on game here, you can check youtube for that but you need to be clear that you are not one of these desperate foreigners looking for love because you can get it anytime you want anywhere.
9- Once you got good signal from her, then you need to take charge! UKR women expect you the men to know what you do . She expect to be lead by you not consult about what she would like to do next! Make sure you got a plan laid out that she wont feel you are cheap and improvising. No hesitation! That<s why the Russian guys are very good at this with UKR girls.
10- One step of the plan is a stop by your hotel to pick up something. My favorite is my camera. UKR girls love to be taken in pictures but only if it is good shooting . So get a very good camera and start shooting picture of them in the room. Not with Ipad or iphone a real pro camera. Once you have her in a photoshoot in the room make sure you got vodka and you will be fine !
Try this on your next trip. You will screw up few times but you try again and again until you get it to work. Its a continuous improvement process and who knows you might get lucky and find your wife ! myself i prefer to think that there is more fish to catch ... enjoy it
" Once you have her in a photoshoot in the room make sure you got vodka and you will be fine ! "
Wrong. UKR women don't like drinkers. They have enough of their own men who are drunks. If you think you can get her into bed with a fancy camera and photo shoot you're dead wrong.
Women are looking for personality, care and respect.
It really sounds like you are picking up cheap Odessa prostitutes to me. Lots of them on Deribasovskaya Street as another poster said.
"It really sounds like you are picking up cheap Odessa prostitutes to me. Lots of them on Deribasovskaya Street as another poster said."
Dude, i live in Las Vegas. I can get a slavic escort on my doorstep within an hour. That's not why you go to Kiev, Odessa Copenhagen or Prague. You go because its the highest concentration of beauty per square foot. A shopping mall in Kiev on a saturday afternoon is a feist for your eyes.
" UKR women don't like drinkers. They have enough of their own men who are drunks. If you think you can get her into bed with a fancy camera and photo shoot you're dead wrong"
So cute... They are european women, they love to party ... as soon you drop the Romeo im here to marry you act and be honest that you are here to have fun, then they will party with you and you will be surprise how liberal they are. Just check their VK pages.
"Is Bill Cosby on this forum? "
I'm talking about seducing them not rape them.
"so you are basically a sex tourist?"
depends of your definition. If you are talking about going into foreign country and pay for sex, not my thing, i live in sin city.
If you are talking about going into a foreign country and increase my chance of having sex with a beauty because the supply exceed the demand, then yes, i admit!
I met this guy in December from a small town in Illinois. he was part of one of these romance tour staying in my hotel. This was a very good men, good values a lot better than mine i admit. He had spent almost $6000 to be part of this tour not counting his plane ticket and all other entertainment expenses. He was so excited to have met this good looking blond , he was blowing money on her all week.
He showed me the pic of the girl and I told him, i don"t want to burst your bubble, but she probably does that every week and she probably have many guys hooked on her. He became very upset and others with him too, telling me that i was just a macho , didn't respect women blabla... The tour manager or director ( a guy from LA) came to see me and pretty much told me he didn't want to see me near his group.
The next day the poor guy came to see me in the lobby. He asked me how he could check on her. We walked to one of the valet working for the hotel, we gave him $10 and asked if he ever saw this girl before, we would like to meet her. He said yes she is a regular coming for meetings. First warning, then i told him to get her to show you her contact list on her Iphone, also check whatsapp and wechat. Of course when he checked there was full of english name.
Bottom line if you want to marry one, you need to move in UKR , date her and be a real boyfriend first. Adapt to the culture difference, adapt to their bi polar attitude then find peace in the relationship.
If you want to have great sex with a hot girl , then go there , have a game because you gone need it (they are not easy to seduce) and don"t pretend to look for a bride or the love of your life because you will be played like a violin.
"this is the only factual thing I found in his post"
Factual thing ??? i am talking about picking up girl not projecting the price of oil ! keep looking for facts dude , im sure that is a big hit with girls!
"I don't have a camera and I don't need to get them drunk before they will sleep with me!"
Way to go bro ! whats your game ?, care to share?
by the way i didn't say get them drunk,. Use vodka or wine or whatever to create the mood and ease up the tension because its very uncomfortable for a slavic girl to go to your room. If she is comfortable without anything, then she might not be as innocent as you thought .
While i'm here, texting slavic girl! that's a different ball game then texting your sweetheart at home. While you are in UKR, If a slavic girl that you are trying to close start texting you words like honey, my love or whatever , thats the kiss of death. You are now in the category of potential simp. If she likes you she wont write it, she wont say it she will show you. A good way for you to fall in the category of potential simp is to text her all kind of things that she doesnt get. Calling her princess, sweetheart, beauty etc,,, it is just making you not serious, you become needy in her eyes.
Texting when you are back home is just to keep some woods in the fire in preparation of your next trip.
Pythagoras wrote: "While you are in UKR, If a slavic girl that you are trying to close start texting you words like honey, my love or whatever , thats the kiss of death. You are now in the category of potential simp. If she likes you she wont write it, she wont say it she will show you. A good way for you to fall in the category of potential simp is to text her all kind of things that she doesnt get. Calling her princess, sweetheart, beauty etc,,, it is just making you not serious, you become needy in her eyes. "
every so often someone shows up with the attitude that women are nothing but a semen receptacle and proving that pathetic abusive men still exist.
with your attitude you may soon find yourself on the receiving end of a few boots to your head and body and wondering if you will live to see your home again.
The odds are not in your favor long term. Ive seen it several times in the past with cocky westerners eventually meeting with a bad outcome because they
used the wrong girl for a quick orgasm. sex tourist is recipe for diaster
"every so often someone shows up with the attitude that women are nothing but a semen receptacle and proving that pathetic abusive men still exist.
with your attitude you may soon find yourself on the receiving end of a few boots to your head and body and wondering if you will live to see your home again. "
That's what i was looking for ! The defender of these poor abuse girls by western men. Looks like i have a winner here.
Let me tell you Rambo, when i see a bus full of american who paid 5 to $6000 for being parade in the street of Odessa as bride seeker and you know very well that they are being taken into a fantasy ride, that piss me off. What piss me more then that is to know how the locals looks at these lambs and try to figure out how to turn them into simp. Some of these guys are good people but when you talk to them its like they have been brainwashed thinking that chatting , speed dating and few dinner in 10 days they could find a wife. Others take the route of website , agencies and god knows what.
So i decided to find out , where does it start, where do you get so caught up in this idea that these girls are available easily to western men.
Well i found one nest! this board.
This is unbelievable the bullshit written on this board. The scams start right here on this board.
Guys like you rambo trying to turn these guys into perfect whimp so they easy to fall in the funnel of the bride seeker and becomes simp in the long run. You either involved in that business or your just a clueless guy who like to give his opinion.
The things you can recommend to anybody on this site. If you want to pick up a girl from Ukraine or any other place invest in you! Quit the chatting and long distance crap relationship. That doesn't work.
-Go to the gym loose some weight get in shape , solidify these muscles ( not true that girls in UKR dont care about that, don't care about the way you look , dont care about age. They do so close the gap as much as possible)
-Change you eating habit ( European girls eat well and are very concious so adapt)
-Learn how to dress better , develop yourself a style based on your age. Many good stuffs on this on youtube ( ITs free!)
-Develop your confidence approaching girls and being reject by them ( For that you can watch youtube but the best training is Acting from theatre school, they will break your fears.
-More important learn how to seduce modern 2015 girls, specially slavic girls are different then latino or NA or others. ( Not true that UKR girls are stuck in the 40 . They are modern, well educated, very analytic and very picky)
That you can find many good video on youtube on this.
-Then you need to go out and practice , practice , practice with girls around you.
-Then you are ready to go on a foreign trip on your own or with a wingman to pick up that beauty who is real. If you go alone first time , hook up with expats who gathers in different bars around the town you visit.
Then again you can follow rambo a become a simp with some fantasy girlfriend oversea.
mr macho wrote: 'That's what i was looking for ! The defender of these poor abuse girls by western men. Looks like i have a winner here.'
First mistake! I am not western. I lived in Russia and Ukraine until I was 10 and then lived in Ukraine working from 1986 to 1997.
My mother is Ukrainian by birth. I have spent a minimum of 4 months or more per year in Ukraine since 2004. I speak the language and own
4 properties in Ukraine. Ukraine is my country and I easily consider it home, even more so than the US.
I DO workout, eat well, dress well(when I want)and have my own style and have no problem meeting or speaking with ANYONE.
YOU however, have an attitude that ALL women are potential victims of yours and that none have morals or standards which is very false.
you seek the lowest common denominator and think all Ukrainian women only seek to have random hookups with men when in reality that is a very
small subset of society that you seem to focus on.
There are many family oriented and decent people with morals. Obviously, as you have discovered, there are those who can be manipulated by conning
men such as you. Im not against random consensual sexual encounters, not by a long shot, and Ive had my share. But one thing I dont do is treat girls
like a piece of meat or 2nd class people nor do I seek to simply "use" anyone, even the occasional hooker, which I have been with for something "different"
I even treat them with respect, offer coffee or tea at home, etc... I prefer long term relationships or friends with benefits.
I think you will come across a lady that doesnt like being treated like meat, especially by a foreigner, and you will discover the dark side
of a woman scorned in Ukraine. getting beat up by a girl's friends for "using her" is more common than you think
"First mistake! I am not western"
What led you to believe that i thought you were a westerner? I even said that you might be involved in the business of feeding the bride scamming funnel or you were just clueless. Now i think you are involved.
Congratulation on your origin and your country, it s a beautiful place
Again way to go on taking care of you , i know european are doing that very well, that was for my fellow compatriots if you dont mind
Now the interesting part,
"ALL women are potential victims of yours and that none have morals or standards"
"who can be manipulated by conning men such as you" and Blabla bla bla
End with a threat
First of all, when i go to your country i don't say or claim or pretend at any time that i am their to find the love of my life or a sweet women to bring home or find a bride.
When i meet a girl in your country , its straight foward no bullshit im not here to find a wife , im here for business and have some fun. I do everything i can to separate myself from anything related to love finding.
When i meet a 30 years old very hot engineer like i did before christmas, i dont start to threat her like a poor girl who need to be taken away into US and protect and help to survive and all this crap that you feed to foreigner. I threat her as a smart , very analytic, and very difficult to seduce women.
So far am i conning anybody?
Now this is the part that you don't like.
I need to work very hard to seduce her. You need words 7% tone of voice38% and body language 55% all fired up if you want to get anywhere because she will chew you in pieces. Dont worry Rambo, they do understand what his going on and they decide if they want to continue or stop. Nobody force them. She could just walk away and tell me to go f*** myself which some do 8 out 10 ( that is if you go after a 9 or 10) will walk away laughing. But some will stay and participate to the entire thing up to the room and you need a bit of game to close it. I use the camera, a bit of alcohol, music and photoshoot and it works . Again she is not tied in the room she can walk away at anytime. I can guarantee you she is not mistreated, she is not raped and she participate freely. Usually I keep in touch with her on linkedin and whatsapp .
You might find that unethical, immoral or whatever to have sex with a girl you just met and i understand that, we all have our set of values, im from Las Vegas so values are something we heard about. But, im not conning her. She is there because she likes to be there, she likes whats going on. She likes also the fact that i wont bug her with email and wanted to become her boyfriend etc.. after.
My turn to whip your ass!
Why are you on this site and feeding the bullshit of brides waiting in your country for american men to take them away?
Are you getting a cut on the bride scamming pipeline somewhere?
What about your values when you threat your women as girl from the past that needs to find love oversea because UKR men are drunken bastard? Why dont you scream bloody murder ITS NOT TRUE !
Why dont you explain to men on this site that website, agency, translator, and everything attach to this funnel is a freekin fantasy ripped off playing on desperation feeling of some men?
Lastly, i think you should worry about you as a Ukrainian that real UKR women dont find out that you participate in this bride bullshit .
Money can't buy love" but, it can help your 40% body fat or your 2 inches of brain matter get laid or marry.
Sending money to your girlfriend doesn't guarantee you exclusivity. Just because you met her or got bawls deep, doesn't guarantee you exclusivity.
Are you playing the HERO card? Snap out and get some strong coffee. Women ( especially from FSU) are resourceful beings, check out the current news and their history.
The How and Why you are seeking a female is your business as long as "thou shall not harm".
When I was in Asia, the girls found out that...
1. I was white
2. My dick was longer
Py wrote: "My turn to whip your ass!
Why are you on this site and feeding the bullshit of brides waiting in your country for american men to take them away?
Are you getting a cut on the bride scamming pipeline somewhere?
What about your values when you threat your women as girl from the past that needs to find love oversea because UKR men are drunken bastard? Why dont you scream bloody murder ITS NOT TRUE !
Why dont you explain to men on this site that website, agency, translator, and everything attach to this funnel is a freekin fantasy ripped off playing on desperation feeling of some men?
Lastly, i think you should worry about you as a Ukrainian that real UKR women dont find out that you participate in this bride bullshit ."
I absolutely do not advocate that Ukrainian girls are waiting to be rescued by Western men. Quite the contrary. i actually insist that men consider spending
much more time in Ukraine so they can learn how things work so they dont get ripped off. I also suggest that if they really want a young hottie then they should consider living in Ukraine because more and more girls start to prefer to stay than go to US.
Yes, there is a large percentage of men that are drunks and dont treat women right but even then a western man needs to be quite exceptional to find a good genuine lady that is willing to marry and move 7000 miles away. when couples are unable to have even simple conversations(much less argue)then it is a recipe for disaster and these girls know it which is why they tend to still prefer men in Ukraine.
I guess I shouldnt criticize you too much as I was once young enjoyed your hobby very much myself...
I also wasnt threatening you either. Just reminding you that Ukraine is different. scorned girls often want street justice if they feel used and
likewise Ukrainian guys may get put off if you are more successful than they. Someone wanting to settle some "offense" by gathering up his buddies and paying you a visit is fairly common so just saying watch your back.
There are actually good ladies to be found on certain dating sites but it is extremely difficult because admittedly there are unscrupulous ladies and agencies hell bent on extracting the maximum amount of money from dumb westerners deluded by fantasy.
I have a good friend who owns an agency in Kiev and Kherson but I do not participate in this work and in fact tell guys the best way to meet a girl is to come to Ukraine and spend time meeting girls as you have suggested, cafe, grocery, mall and even (gasp) church. I have found that friends offer the best suggestions for dates. If you develop friendships and spend time in country then you naturally find good girls to date naturally just like in the west.
It is critical to know the customs, lifestyle, traditions and language to be successful in pursuit of long term relationships