Remember the murder of Aleksandr Litvinenko in the United Kingdom? He had sought asylum there after going public with a plot by the FSB (Russia's security service, in which he served as an officer) to murder a Kremlin insider who had become a critic of the government (note: the alleged murder plot was pre-Putin, in the Yeltsin days).
If you don't remember this ghastly crime, I don't blame you. It was more than eight years ago. And until now, the UK government has done fuck-all about this horrible murder (Litvinenko was poisoned with an intensely radioactive isotope) on its own soil. If you do remember, it's probably because of the horror of his death by radiation poisoning, which took more than three weeks.
Why did the once proud UK do nothing about this outrage for eight years? Because, like many, many other countries around the world, it has bent over backwards to lick Putin's arsehole -- the world is full of addicts to Russia's 21st century oil cash.
But that changed, just after Russian thugs (including, quite likely, uniformed Russian officers stationed in Ukraine under orders from their military) shot down an airliner full of civilians. Suddenly, hiding Russia's crime in order to keep Putin happy didn't seem quite so worthwhile.
At long last, the High Court in London has begun a 10 week inquiry into Litvinenko's murder.
Ben Emmerson, the counsel representing Litvinenko's widow Marina, told the High Court, "The startling truth, which is going to be revealed in public by the evidence in this inquiry, is that a significant part of Russian organized crime is organized directly from the offices of the Kremlin. Vladimir Putin’s Russia is a mafia state."
Aleksandr Litvinenko was a very shady character on his own merit and as part of organized crime as those he was supposed to be investigating with his revelations coming after people wouldnt "play ball" with him.
"Why did the once proud UK do nothing about this outrage"
What can tiny lil ol' UK do by itself against the mighty Russian Federation?
UK did what it could, it went through the normal, namely it expelled a number of Russian diplomats and Russia responded, as per norm, tit-for-tat, UK found it's airspace being penetrated, as per norm, by Tu-95's, at one point a formation of eight Tu-95', that's 64 of the world's noisiest propellers in close formation.
Lil ol UK by itself, with a very small military force, hell UK even sub-contracts it's AEW (Airborne Early Warning) to the yanks, could do little else and certainly couldn't impose sanctions by itself.
Now pray tell me what is different between then and now?
I'll tell you what is/was different, back then there wasn't the international outrage of Russia invading another country, there wasn't the international outrage of a bunch of Russian equipped drunks bringing down 298 innocent souls aboard MH17, there wasn't a mega slump in world oil prices f*cking with Russia's economy, back then it was lil ol' UK all by itself and none of you, the good ol' US of A included, gave a flying fuck.
Am I defending my homeland? ... No I am not, I left the place because it's become so bad but it doesn't warrant critism regarding this one.
With respect (it is your homeland, not mine), the UK certainly could have held public hearings (as have now begun) at any time. The High Court is not going to punish Russia, which would in any case be beyond its powers. It is supposed to inquire into the truth. Truth has a power all its own!
I don't suppose that Russia would have declared war, in response to an exposé of its nauseating criminality. But Russia _might_ have cut back on the billions of pounds it keeps in the City of London, and invests in British real estate.
The UK isn't the only country to sell its sacred honour for a few pieces of silver -- this happens everywhere. But at least in my romanticised imagination, the Britain of a two or three generations ago would have been ashamed of such groveling. As Britain's own JRR Tolkien wrote, "a lesser son of great sires am I, but I do not need to lick your fingers."
He's been convicted of sexual indiscretions with underage children, he's received a prison sentence however during the course of their investigations the police uncovered child pornography.
This is a serious crime in itself however the decision was made not to proceed against him for the child porn on the grounds that it wouldn't serve in the public interest, he'll probably have died of old age before any sentence is served, and it would be a total waste of taxpayers money.
This happens the world round, what's the point of spending/wasting bucket loads of hard earned money if it serves no purpose, the Russians were never going to hand over the person(s) responsible so why waste money only to give the Russians a moral victory?
And, in law, you can't refer to it as "UK" or "Britain", there are the laws of England & Wales, the laws of Scotland and the laws of N. Ireland, had the poisoning taken place in Scotland do you think they'd give a shit how much real estate, money or soccer club(s) Russia have invested in London?
How is the mighty US of A concerning itself, or has ever concerned itself, regarding the invasion and contined illegal occupation of Cyprus?
US of A is all to happy to concern itself with the invasion and illegal occupation of Ukraine, long before the MH17 incident, but not of Cyprus ... Some might call that "TWO FACED" Durak don't you think?
Of course you and others on this forum are not likely to agree because you're like racehorses wearing blinkers, you're only focused upon what is important to you!
You seem to be taking this awfully personally. I'm not criticising YOU!
As I wrote above, I romanticise.
I think of the England of Somerset v Stewart (1772). When Stewart's counsel argued to the great judge Lord Mansfield that a ruling against slavery would have the effect of freeing more than 14,0000 slaves in England -- a heavy financial loss to the slave owners! -- Mansfield invoked the tradition of English law, "Let justice be done though the heavens fall." I respect the hell out of that.
I think of the Britain that stood alone against Germany, at a time when it was widely believed that Britain had the opportunity to negotiate terms with Hitler that would have protected Britain's safety and treasure in exchange for sacrificing cherished principles. The expedient, money-grubbing thing to do, would have been such a surrender. Instead, Britain did the hard, bloody, costly and honourable thing. I respect the hell out of that.
It's that kind of greatness, the passing of which I mourn.
I'm not taking anything personally, what are USA jealous that it was a country other than themselves to go invading other country(s)? :)
It's 50 years since the death of that honorary American "Sir Winston Churchill", and I still recall watching his funeral on black & white TV, I was reading about him the other day such as the unpleasant words he used to describe Ghandi ... we wouldn't think of using such words to describe Ghandi these days yet Churchill was a hero on both sides of the Atlantic and he wasn't even the elected Prime Minister of UK during WWII.
His famous quote when a lady MP called/told him "The right honorable gentleman is drunk" ... To which he replied "The right honorable lady is ugly but in the morning I'll be sober" :)
You talk of WWII, on a much lesser scale UK showed that fighting spirit again when Argentina decided to invade a group of remote islands that the majority of British people might not have heard of and/or knew where they were ... they soon learned.
So what, the Russians knocked off one of their own in England & Wales and contaminated some British Airways aircraft during the process, a bit alike the person responsible for the PanAm Lockerbie bombing, Scotland might have got and jailed the scapegoat but they, nor USA, never got the person who ordered the bombing ... Gaddafi!
England & Wales made it's protest by expelling some Russian diplomats but for a country (UK) that financially is on it's knees it's not worth spending millions or starting WWIII over.
Not everything can be blamed upon religion no matter how much it suits some people.
Cyprus is/was Greek occupied, just look at it's location on a map, it is nowhere near to Greece, it is off the coast of Turkey and it has long been another of these disputed islands, similar to the (British) Falkland Islands being off the coast of Argentina, and that is why Turkey invaded it and it had absolutely NOTHING to do with religion.
"Of course you and others on this forum are not likely to agree because you're like racehorses wearing blinkers, you're only focused upon what is important to you!"
Based on scientific and evolutionary theory, the building blocks of life came from some space object from another location. Given that, the life forms on this planet that have evolved over millenia are actually aliens to this planetary body.
On Saturday, John Kampfner, former Moscow bureau chief for "The Telegraph", wrote:
Britain's "initial attempts to prevent a full inquiry into the polonium poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko" were "the most abject example of appeasement".
Now, at least, the leaders of the UK are waking from their slumber.
The Brits need to wake from their slumber do they?
How about the USA waking up ... Satellites showed the Al Qaeda camps emptying pre 9/11, the USA could guess something was imminent yet their airport security was in such a slumber they allowed 4 (FOUR) teams of armed terrorists to board airliners and all in the same morning ... and at least some of those terrorists learned to fly in USA flight schools.
And even to this day if one wants to go to USA to learn to fly, train on an aircraft simulator, whatever there is no appropriate visa to do so, one needs to enter USA on a tourist visa declaring themselves to be a tourist on vacation!