Saw this on my FB feed. Do any of you have any info on this article?I find a lot of it to be wrong, and no sources are cited, but there is not doubt that Murika is turning European. This " Socialism " Democracy is happening. ( Euro friends, no punt intended ).
The Key to Success for Those Who Are Inheriting America in 13 Easy Steps!
Follow these proven and simple steps.
First ... get a girlfriend…
1. Don't marry her.
2. Use your mom's address to receive your mail.
3. The guy buys a house.
4. Guy rents out house to his girl girlfriend who has 2 of his kids.
5. Section 8 will pay $900 a month for a 3 bedroom home.
6. Girlfriend signs up for Obamacare so guy doesn't have to pay for family insurance.
7. Being a single mother, Girlfriend gets to go to college for free!
8. Girlfriend gets $600 a month for food stamps
9. Girlfriend gets free cell phone from US Government
10. Girlfriend get free utilities.
11. Guy moves into home but still uses mom's house to receive mail.
12. Girlfriend claims one kid and guy claims one kid on taxes. Now you both get to claim head of household at $1,800 credit.
13. Girlfriend gets disability for being "crazy" or having a "bad back" at $1,800 a month and never has to work again.
This plan is perfectly legal and is being executed now by millions of people.
A married couple with a stay at home mom yields $0 dollars. An unmarried couple with stay at home mom nets $21,600 disability + $10,800 free housing + $6,000 free obamacare + $6,000 free food + $4,800 free utilities + $6,000 Pell Grant money to spend + $12,000 a year in college tuition free from Pell Grant + $8,800 tax benefit for being a single mother = $75,000 a year in benefits.
Any idea why the country is 18 + trillion in debt?
Welcome to the new multicultural diverse, fundamentally changed America, thanks to the ever popular and exciting, everyone is entitled to everything world.
K-dag,,, I re-posted that on fb, 6 or more months ago. It’s a system that has been used against middle class and/or white people for years by minorities. Recognize the terms: Baby mama and baby daddy? It’s also why socialism and communism is looking so good to so many people.
Democrats want to call themselves “Progressives” ,,, but they really want to go backwards and lose WWII and the following cold war! Trying to bring in 100’s of thousands of hostile and/or poor and sick immigrants, is an attempt to overload our welfare and healthcare systems, and garner more votes for Hillary or Bernie.
Wis. Gov. Scott Walker, and former Rep Pres candidate pushed for “Workfare” and I think coined the saying,,, A hand up, not a hand out!!
Doesn’t Walker look pretty good right about now??!!
I don't think that such ad is being "used against the middle class" by minorities or the poor. If I was any of those, it would be like shooting myself in the foot for boasting about it. More likely by the top rich people to discourage any " progressive movement" or " social democracy " or by the middle class to steer this country towards Western Europe welfare system.
According to PrgerU : The War on Work. Since the US Government declared war on poverty 50 years ago, there are 126 Anti-poverty programs + State and Local poverty programs totaling about 1 trillion dollars annually. Our current welfare system encourage a perverse incentive instead of working for wages. I have seen this while stationed in the UK. I had read on Guardian newspaper how people are entitled to "benefits" because they are "to fat to work" and migrants, legal and illegal arriving just to collect free money. Don't know much about Wisconsin but California is very friendly towards immigrants needs lots of cheap farm labor.
Welfare should be a temporary solution not the alternative way of life
Anyway, I brought this up, because someone might think about choices like this, regardless if there is a pre-nup or not. Educate and discuss before you do.
K-dag,,, What I had seen and re-posted on fb, wasn’t so much in the form of an ad,,, but rather a warning of what is happening out there. This is just a drop in the bucket,,, another story was about a group of women getting assistance for daycare while at work. These women would babysit each other kids,,,, and never really be at work.
We had a worker that was born here in the US. He and his kid worked at, what could be called migrant agricultural work. The kid was eligible for free college,,,,, and a bunch of other stuff,,, as long as the kid worked 3 days or more in agri migrant work. Both the kid and the father are US citizens,,,, they just look like emigrants.