More hypocrisy from Meryl Streep another scum "actor" as she goes on a rant about Trump. I wonder why she did Not condemn the attack on a disabled white man by 4 black guys? She is real desperate trying to ingratiate herself with black power racists such as Louis Farrakhan and the nation of islam.
As Andy Warhol said "Everybody is famous for five minutes" and Meryl Streep went for her five minutes of fame.
As we say/said in UK "Yesterday's news is next week's fish & chip wrappers" and by continuing to discuss her, whether she has/had a valid point or not, you are merely demonstrating that she believed she was right to make the point in belief that it would be reiterated around the world on such chat forums as this.
As with a demonstrating child the best thing one can do is ignore them!
The news is all over about Trump in his first news conference. Fake news, the media, Russia and his business dealings are being discussed.
The media missed one thing. They have been waiting and pressed for a news conference. Then, Trump postponed the scheduled one a month ago. He scheduled it the day after Obama's farewell speech. This next week was supposed to be news analysis on the Obama legacy. Remember him? Brilliant!
It will be VERY interesting if the Russians do have video footage of Trump with prostitutes when he was in Moscow.
I've been busy this past week, just back from the mainland, so has been difficult to follow it, apparently the British ex MI6 guy that spilled the story has gone in to hiding for fear of his life whilst other(s) have seen the video footage of Trump with hookers and say it seems legit.
And we thought the Bill Clinton presidency to be 'interesting' :)
You don't know that RB like none of us know if it/they exist or not, you're merely listening to and/or reading what is reported in the media whilst, of course, Trump is emphatically denying it.
Many of us will recall President Clinton emphatically denying "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" when the truth was that she'd been sucking his dick in the White House :)
The internet is shite again here, I can't do any searching and we don't have TV, radio, newspapers and all those modern things here but I'd suggest that CNN are being asked, to the effect, to "Put Up or Shut Up" whilst it may prove somewhat difficult to "Put Up" when the guy that leaked the story has gone in to hiding!
Trump claims his opposition planted the story to US Intelligence. Then, someone in US Intelligence leaked the story to the press.
They couldn't prove that Trump met with Russians, but they did prove Michael Cohen did, in Prague. Michael Cohen is Trump's lawyer and executive vice president of the Trump Organizations. It also claimed Cohen’s Ukrainian father-in-law had a dacha, or cottage, near that of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
There is one big problem with that story. This Michael Cohen is not the same Michael Cohen. The Michael Cohen in the story is not even American. Trump checked his lawyer's passport. He has never been to Prague.
The usual suspects are complaining again- Al Sharpton and some other black power hypocrites stating that Russia won the election for Trump. Maybe he can explain to us all how the Russians physically forced Amercans into voting at polling stations