Going back to 2002 until 2011 I worked in Aviation Recruitment, I learned the business from my first recruitment employer (2002 ~ 2006), I then moved on to a woman's (from whom during my previous airline career my then employer had leased flight attendants) home based business, her own business had been going for some years but was still on it's knees, I mean she would fanny around with trivialities placing perhaps one pilot a month with an executive jet client) whilst the rest of the industry were placing pilots, engineers etc. in volumes.
My salary with her was commissioned based and I turned her business around, pretty damn quickly after joining her we had some 15 or more pilots placed with an Italian airline at approximately EUR1,000.00 revenue per pilot per month (such was my good reputation in the industry this airline had stuck with me from my previous employer), we had pilots placed with a Romanian airline and we were even type-rating training pilots, from Stockholm to Zurich to Vero Beach, Florida we had pilots in training and our revenue from each pilot's training was circa EUR8,500.00, I recall that we trained some 12 pilots thus some EUR100,000.00 revenue generated before further revenue generated placing them with the airline that we had trained them for.
Besides my base salary I recall that my commission was circa 10%, I was working bloody hard whilst the owner was employing three more staff on the revenue that I alone had generated then fannying around holding staff tea parties at her house. We eventually fell out when she summonsed me to such a tea party failing to appreciate just how bloody hard I was working for her.
So I started my own recruitment business, I needed to go in at lower revenues that she could afford to and unfortunately for her I knew her business too damn well even down to how much she would pay for printer ink cartridges. I had previously worked for and known personally the founder of low cost airlines, I'd had some good training, and a tip for anybody, just one example, is before you buy a printer check out the price of the ink refills, I found Canon and Brother to be cheap on inks.
So 2008 until 2011 I managed my own recruitment company and business was good right up until the credit crunch came along, that was when I made the decision to put in to action a long-term plan to semi-retire and become a self-employed hotelier.
So in 2011 I purchased this plot of land and 2012/2013, with the great assistance of an ex girlfriend, I designed and had built this development and business. We opened in June 2013, like any business we needed to establish our place in the market and for our first 3 months, the quietest months of the year here, business was poor if not appalling. Then September and October, the busiest months of the year, came along, business boomed, but then the super typhoon of November 2013 came along, it was on worldwide media that Philippines had been devastated killing tourism in the process.
So that November was quiet, the December came along, it was even quieter whilst my then girlfriend and I split up, I found myself sitting here, and not just the only establishment, with few if any guests and that was when I resorted to my previous background of introducing rates that I was pretty sure any competitors couldn't or wouldn't match or improve upon.
It was quite simple, by then I had learned our overheads so I simply needed to work out how much revenue we needed to generate to break-even whilst incorporating a living allowance for myself, I got it right and in the months that followed the business took off, higher than anticipated occupancy rates generating between circa 166% and 215% break-even factor, work was hard but we had discovered our place in the market and, since 2013, year by year we have increased our room rates to continue enjoying high occupancy rates with plans to continue, year by year, increase our rates hereafter.
As I arrived in this location I had learned that travel site 'Agoda' were clearly paying google to become top of search results thus one of my plans was to list our business with Agoda which I duly did whilst our business became the first such establishment in Caraga region to have our own, instantaneous, booking engine incorporated in to our own website whilst other businesses remain, to this day, without so much as their own website.
Such travel sites as Agoda generally charge between 17% and 20% of the room rate, like the majority we were charging an icreased room rate to partially offset Agoda's 17% however, whatever the rate, is people are prepared to pay it then that is 17% lost in the direction of Agoda.
Somewhat unfortunately, for them, Agoda had had come and marketed this island whereas the majority, rather than minority, of establishments had become listed with them whilst they had totally screwed up unknowingly providing an incorrect phone number for our business to guests which ultimately resulting in a Russian woman bad reviewing us, I mean she couldn't shut the f*ck up about the phone number and with one such gripe she subsequently reviewed griping about anything and everything, even that I had retired to bed by 10pm of an evening when I needed to be up at 4am the next morning, what was I supposed to do, party and get drunk throughout the night? Stupid woman! :)
Without accommodations Agoda wouldn't have a product to sell to the guests however, with this woman's incident, that is when it became crystal clear that Agoda only considered the guests to be their customers and that they couldn't give a shit about any customer service towards the accommodations. By this time our business had really taken off, we were, and remain so, inundated with direct booking enquiries, our own booking engine generates it's own revenue and without paying 17% for the privilege and, displaying an attitude that sucks, we duly terminated our contract with Agoda.
More recently the village idiot of Baybay has criticised that we are no longer with Agoda, during December I found myself searching for hotel availability in Surigao, village idiot still needs to pay Agoda their 17% whilst his best buddy, with an establishment 4km down the road from him, is so desperate for business he seems listed wherever one looks, Agoda, Hotels.com, Expedia etc. etc. etc., hell he's even listed on a site specifically for Latin America and here we are located in Asia So who has got it right and who hasn't got it right? :)
I guess I should be quite proud of what I have achieved, from purchasing a plot of neglected coconut land to designing my own buildings with furnishings mainly of my choosing with due credit and respect to the ex girlfriend who was of immense assistance, just recently we've introduced our new range of colour co-ordinated bedding, fantastic new, and somewhat expensive, pillows that everybody loves, updating the plumbing installations in the bathrooms, new fittings, shower hoses, faucets, aluminium shelves, soap dishes, towel rails & rings, toilet roll holders etc., I'll be fitting our new UPVC windows whenever I may have the opportunity of vacant room(s) and, even moreso since my wife Nemi joined me, this business continues to go from strength to strength, of course there is more to achieve such as opening our restaurant to even more critical acclaim, from the village idiot of Baybay, but we can live with that!
Of course any successful business is likely to attract a minority of critics such as the woman that couldn't shut the f*ck up about being provided with an incorrect phone number, but none moreso than the aforementioned village idiot of Baybay on this very island.
There is criticism but then there is harassment, stalking, grave threat, data privacy, slander and libel and he has committed all six of these offences, the majority of folk around these parts that know him, or know of him, consider him as a jokje, ridiculous, f*cked up in the head, I have come to regard him as a source of entertainment, kind of a comic book character.
Here's some examples of his absurd, indeed unhealthy, behaviour:
He spends his hard earned money having tee shirts printed up ctiticising competitors that he is jealous of, in awe of, 'Bamboo Garden' and 'Wayfarers' to name but two except that he has introduced a 'The' in front of 'Wayfarers' when there is no such business called 'The wayfarers', and:
He spends his hard earned money going out of his way driving the Chinese manufactured piece of crap that is all he can afford to drive to take pictures of 'Wayfarers' If he doesn't take the pictures himself then he coerces other(s) to take the pictures for him, and:
He falsely alleges that a previous guest of Wayfarers claims to have a mobile phone stolen from the Wayfarers premises and, indeed, accusing that it was I that stole the phone I can categorically state that no guest nor any previous guest has ever alleged to having their mobile phone on our premises nor accusing me of stealing any such phone, and:
Alleging that I was imprisoned for such an offence that I didn't commit nor was ever accused to have committed, and:
Knowing the name of my brother sent farcebook friend requests to anyone of that same name, and:
Has sent friend requests to pretty much all of my farcebook friends, and:
Has emailed every single previous guest of Wayfarers who has left us a review on Trip Advisor, and:
Has been broadcasting that, apparently, my mother recently passed away and I inherited half a million pounds sterling Do I come across to any of you as the son of millionaires, mufti-millionaires? And:
That we're changing our business identity to move on from an apparent bad reputation. Well our reputation must be really bad for us to, some months, enjoy occupancy rates in excess of 80% and 90%.
Why we've needed to register a new business identity is complicated, bureaucratic bullshit, to explain, my wife and I are having friendly argument, we own both identities old and new, Wayfarers has built up such a good reputation I fear that changing the name could damage our good standing whilst she is kind of insistent that we need to trade under the new name for bureaucratic reasons She's away on business these days, I've already registered and purchased a domain for the new identity and I guess that we shall trade under both identities, old and new, and:
Would any of you believe? My then fiancee and I did our best to keep our upcoming wedding quiet which proved kind of difficult when dealing with government officials who have a tendency to gossip, invited guests likewise, and one invited guest let our secret slip to a loud mouthed Septic (American) and he simply couldn't shut the f*ck up about it, like he couldn't shut the f*ck up about anything, so we suspect that word spread.
Well some 3 days before our wedding a pretty female sent me a farcebook friend request, I didn't realise that she was even a Filipina at the time, I only accepted her request because I saw that she was already friends of LonelyRanger, with the benefit of hindsight the village idiot has a history of friending friends as already mentioned. Well, to name but two, LR & RB may confirm that I don't have a single self picture in my fb account yet within hours of friending her this, supposed, female was offering me blowjobs and other sex as if I was going to be foolish enough to fall for it! Then she (he) went causing trouble with my previously referred to ex girlfriend, that I had got married etc., of course this was the Baybay village idiot, who else would be so deranged in the head to do such things, and:
Claims that we held our wedding reception at a roadside BBQ Our wedding and reception was held just 4km down the road from him his invite must have got lost in the mail :) and several hundreds of dollars it cost us. My new in-law's and friends had travelled for a day and a half to attend our wedding, of course we accommodated them in our accommodations, and taking them out for an evening meal shit-for-brains considers that to have been our wedding reception, and:
Just a few days ago, and he can't even spell MAMA, he drove his Chinese piece of crap past our dinner table and claims that I was sitting there by myself. He claimed back in September to be getting his eyes fixed by laser surgery, well I'd sue them if I were him because I was sitting at that dinner table with my wife and he didn't even see her LOL, and:
Claims that I have been banned from, I think, every expat bar & restaurant in this town I know what he's referring to, a pot-bellied alcoholic friend of his offered me an option to be overcharged, to pay twice for something, or not to return to his establishment Choosing the latter option, when at the time I had my left arm fractured, my right collar bone broken and with broken ribs taboo, in his drunken stupor, he took offence that I didn't want to return to his dump and chose to physically assault me More recently he tried to intimidate me again, I just looked at him and he backed away clearly frightened, to the best of my knowledge I haven't been banned from any bar or restaurant.
I mean the list goes on and on, he claims to be so popular, well ask him what happened to his young son's dog Allow me tell you, he's so f*cking unpopular amongst his local community that someone came along, murdered the dog and left the dog's dead body for his son to find.
He even concerns himself about the age of my wife, the age difference between us, apparently he's even been broadcasting how much (USD100) I sold my old piece of crap van for If only he knew that I'd had significantly better offers for the purchase of that van and perhaps he might establish which office the guy works in who I ultimately sold that van to! :)
Pinocchio was fed up with the recent complaints from his wife. "Every time we make love, I get splinters." So, Pinocchio went back to his maker, Gipetto the Carpenter, for advice.
"Sandpaper," said the carpenter, "that's what you need."
So, Pinocchio took the sandpaper home. A few weeks later, the carpenter bumped into Pinocchio again.
But the fire engines I previously worked with are green ... That is why they are known as 'Green Goddesses'!
Oh look ... Thunderbird posted at 06:15:37am followed shortly afterwards, 17 minutes and 18 seconds afterwards, by newly registered member Peterpann's post of 06:32:57.
The village idiot is sending info to himself ... LOL :)
Yep, the UK fireman's strike of 1977 (I think it was) when they brought us military in, training on the Green Goddesses was a chuckle in itself ... Only recently we had an electrical fire out in the street here, the locals were just staring in awe, a motorcycle taxi driver was on to the police or fire brigade as I walked out with an extinguisher, pulled the safety pins etc., and put the fire out as the motorcycle taxi driver uttered in to his mobile "Cancel that, Wayfarers have just put the fire out" and chuckled at me as I walked back past him carrying a dispensed extinguisher:)
Yes, stocktaking at B&Q's was a good money earner, and often a laugh, when I did it as a part-time job back in the early 1990's often away for a week at a time, paid by the hour often working some 16 hours on, 8 hours off with the annual working holidays being B&Q's on Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey and Cornwall ... I can still taste the Cornish Pasties of the Portreath Bakery!
See ... My troll has been googling for anything about me again ... Sad fucker :)
"Interesting reading, who is the village idiot you are referring to, does he have a business near you, what's it called, I would like to check it out, could you post the details please Martinpc thanks"
Yes, the village idiot does pretend to have a resort not so far from here, it does have a name but alas I cannot publicise it because it is operating illegally, you see it isn't registered with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) so to even print's it's name might be considered illegal.
Funny though, I consider the village idiot to be a source of entertainment but my wife takes things a little more seriously and she was in the DTI only last week registering our new business ... I do hope that she didn't report any village idiot(s) trading illegally yo them :)
"His wife has left him again, she wants the business name changed, and full control of management there, he doesn't, at least she can see what's wrong with the place he's well and truely farrked up :-) anyway she's gone home for now to see her BF and get a rodgering"
Not funny and in extremely bad taste ... My wife got 'clouted' by a motorcycle without lights Wednesday night whilst on a business trip to the DeNR in Butuan City, over the past two or three days she has been in extreme pain, unable to eat nor sleep very much, whilst the hospital have diagnosed a fractured arm.
She is, as I write, on her way back home and should be here this afternoon but don't allow the truth to get in the way of an otherwise good story!
Yep, 91.25% occupancy over the first 10 nights of this month is certainly a failed business!
"owned by a ex con"
Who might that be? ... I have never been convicted of any criminal offence not that I own a business, failed or otherwise, anyway!
"the new named business will also be a failure"
Great, more high occupancy rates with the money rolling in :)
"rooms there I'm told are 500p or less"
Our room rates are on our website for everyone to see ... A website, something that his illegal business is lacking.
"anyway he doesn't make any money anyway"
That's right, if I made any money I might need to pay income tax, ask the village idiot how much income tax he pays!
"the guests room was robbed and ransacked"
That reviewer was 'pissed' because I reported her to her travel insurance underwriter for making a false claim, she wasn't robbed here, she didn't even stay here, but that's not what she declared in her insurance claim, that became denied, and her subsequent online review.
Her review became removed because, as I say, she didn't even stay here yet rated us on sleep quality which violated review guidelines.
"His wife has left him again"
Sue the bastards that performed your laser eye surgery, you were scammed!
"thinking how he can pay his garage bill for the repairs to his vehicle 6 months ago,,yes it's impounded in the local garage, yes it's been there 6 months, and no he hasn't paid the bill,, so they are keeping the vehicle until he does lol"
Oh look, a new lie that I haven't seen before.
That car went in for repair, a cylinder head and some bodywork repairs, some 7 or more months ago except that the garage f*cked it up, I drove the car in there under it's own power yet having completed the repair it wouldn't start.
They tried everything, glow plugs, fuel pump etc. etc. etc. and after weeks and weeks they came to realise that they had f*cked the car's computer. Well this was going to cost them at their own expense, the owner deemed it necessary to take the computer to Manila which he wasn't prepared to pay specially for so on his next trip, a further two months down the road, he got the computer repaired.
But then they needed to repair the bodywork and, by this time, the rainy season was upon us and every day it was raining preventing the repair, but then the front driveshaft on my other car disintegrated, we sourced an outer CV joint OK but an inner CV joint simply isn't available in the Philippines so we robbed the part from my car that was still in the garage undergoing repair.
I have found a Hyundai spares dealer in Latvia, of all places, but neither of my car's VIN's showed up in their computer whilst I don't have the part's OEM number whilst the internet is so bad here, whilst we're also so busy, it's been difficult to search through their online catalogue of spares.
The repairs that the car went in for have been paid, the car hasn't been impounded, it's been immobilised (at my behest) missing it's front driveshaft whilst we stopped by the garage only a few days ago and whilst the owner still uses the battery charger that I loaned to him.
Thanks ... Would you like to hear the story of when, aged just 18 whilst serving Queen & country, from a control tower somewhere near Swindon, I, as part of a team, assisted in saving the life of a new born baby being rushed, in an incubator, by rescue helicopter from Chivenor in Devon to a London hospital?
"All reputable businesses are registered with the DTI, they wouldn't last 5 minutes if they were not, your business didn't last anyway"
Much of the time when we, or friends, pass your dump it is empty or closed, what sort of resort and guest restaurant are you running when you have a kitchen that closes at 6pm? ... Any guests that you may have have no opportunity of an evening meal, no wonder they go to eat at Bamboo Garden down the road.
"you have alcohol problems"
Pot calling the kettle black LOL
"have spent many a night in the cells under lock & key for various offences"
Put that in writing under your own name, for the public to read, and I'll file against you for libel then we'll see who has a criminal record!
"spraying people with pepper spray for one"
Put that in writing under your own name, for the public to read, and I'll file against you for libel then we'll see who has a criminal record!
"you have beaten up your wife in the past"
Put that in writing under your own name, for the public to read, and I'll file against you for libel then we'll see who has a criminal record!
"You constantly boast of the 35 years plus you have been in the hotel business"
Nope, I've never claimed nor boasted that.
"you have portable air con units,,basically an electric fan on wheels"
1.35HP, 6.5KW is more than an electric fan.
"these pics are almost 5 years old when wayfailures was first built"
Shit-for-brains ... I only bought this land from you 5 years ago, this place was never built in a day, a week or a month!
"It is common knowledge you are banned from all expat owned businesses in general Luna"
Tell me about it sometime, I don't mix with common people:)
By the way we're all safe here after last night's earthquake.
Wife Nemi, she's the wife that's left me you'll recall, she came thru the local mainland city of Surigao this morning, well we did have a shopping mall there except that it has collapsed, a hotel a way down the road ditto, apparently all the guests were out in the street in their underwear when it happened, and the city has suffered other significant damage also but all is OK here.
Once upon a time, there was a bird, happy and singing, but refused to fly home for the winter. But soon, his wings froze and he fell to earth. He ended up in a barn. He was dying of frost when, a ragingbull sh*t on him.
To his surprise, the sh*t warmed him up. Again, he was happy and singing. A cat heard all of the commotion under the sh*t, dug up the sh*t and ate him.
There are three points to the story:
1. He who sh*ts on you is not necessarily your enemy.
2. He who digs you up from ragingbull sh*t is not necessary your friend.
3. If you are warm and happy in a big pile of ragingbull sh*t, keep your mouth shut.