I remember reading somewhere,(that in Russia), to fart at the dinner table during the meal is actually paying a compliment to the chef on her cooking skills. If so, a steamy plate of canned beans would would have her gushing with pride for days if I were the recpient. Is this true, or am I just full of hot air? :)
lol Tim. Just checking one's sense of humor.I have been an avid reader of this forum for a couple of months now and have learned more from you gents than I could have possibly imagined.Thanks for all the info and have a nice trip.
Could be much worse, you could be looking romantically into her eyes about to propose, and She cracks one off !!!! ;o))
"This is Harry, Harry sets light to his farts !! He`s very indignant if you chellenge his ability, its down with the trousers, out with the Swan Vesta`s and WWWOOOOOMFFFF !!!!"
Jasper Carrot circa` 1980....