I love Europe but nowadays I am disappointed with its current events. Take for example the U.K, going through a ugly divorce called BREXIT.. Western Europe is having so many " Shock and Awe " situations that I just lost count. Meaning, high unemployment, political extremism, Muslim migrations and its EU integration agenda. The Balkans, are playing a "low profile" sort of attitude since they are still in wars with each other, instead of forgiving and forging a post communist rule. There's nothing to add on Russia , Belarus and Ukraine; ( sad emoji ) they are " eating their own " if you know what I mean.
Lately, it has came to my attention this group of countries that got balls and its taking a stand against controlling EU. This counties have help Ukrainians refugees and hold economical migrants from the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
They are NOT the Baltic States.....
Check out this Visegrád group , Europe''a new heroes.