On top of that, Trump could be removed by impeachment or incapacitated by a " presumed heart attack ".
Anyway......how does this affect your abilities and efforts to connect and cultivate a long distance relationship? What's the mindset of those you are trying to reach out? These are all concerning issues especially when traveling to Russia.
Everybody needs to think about how the home life would be. You’re sitting in front of the TV watching the evening news,,, how do you comment about it? Do you keep your opinions to yourself or do you speak your mind? Unless she is completely against what Russia is doing, you’re not going to have harmony in the marriage.
As for traveling to Russia,, I think you’d have to be nuts. Why on earth would anyone go there? It should be considered as treasonous!
I agree and for the record Cuba is still under a USA embargo; but after the collapse of the USSR, Cubans went into crisis. Food , extensive power outages...and that's how lots of Cubans left during the early 90s.
I think you mean sanctions and not suctions. But Fidel has sucked a lot out of the life from Cuba since 1959. LOL
I saw a recent TV documentary of life in Havana. You have free living place, free education, free health care. But no free food and water. Much of the city has decrepit buildings and aging machinery. It is has if construction is non-existent there since the 1950s. People just repair whatever breaks down. In one flat, water comes on only for one hour per day. Sewage is dumped into the basement. You see things squirming in the sewage pools. The narrator said that good thing that health care is free to keep infection rates down in the country. My cousin visited there on a cruise recently. She met some local children and offered them some bottled water. They eagerly accepted the gift. Some of the people there look like skin and bones. Hard to feed a population with just sugar canes and cigars.
Where was the Soviet assistance in the infrastructure of Cuba between 1960 to 1989? Only thing that they really wanted was to install ballistic missiles there. When USSR help left after the collapse of Soviet communism, the sugar industry subsidy dried up. USA was the major buyer of Cuban sugar cane prior to 1959. Cuba is not like Indonesia, Qatar, UAE which have large oil reserves off shore. There were reports of oil deposits off shore, but there is no drilling industry on the island. The only thing that they have going for them are the beaches, tropical fruits, rum, and cigars. Most things are rationed in the country. But hey, they have Utopia there. Or maybe it's Devil's Island instead?
Cuba isn’t a good example of how sanctions are supposed to work, very few countries participated in it from the beginning, and only the US maintained it. If people wanted to send something to Cuba,, they sent it via Canada. I have read that if people really wanted to visit Cuba, they went through a 3rd country.
Italians are very much alike the British in one respect, they only like to speak one language, their own, and with the Italian and Spanish languages being so similar one hell of a lot of Italians take their annual summer holidays in Cuba.
A good friend of mine of the past 29 years, when he worked for an Irish airline he became detached to Havana, he met a local girl, fell in love, married her and had a kid together, the kid must be 15 or 16 years old now and whilst friend works internationally he still relishes his times back in Cuba with his family and I've never heard him utter complaint regarding.
These days, for close on the past six years, I live in a pretty piss poor country, somewhat fortunately when I bought my plot of land it was undeveloped, I started with a blank canvas designing the buildings and layout myself but, generally speaking, there is a mentality here that they shall never throw anything away, "we can repair that" or "we can make something out of that", whether it be a ramshackle old house or a hay (type) barn, and this applies to many foreigners here also, they won't knock anything down and perhaps use the parts in a new construction, they'll adapt it so it pretty much looks like a piece of crap just to scrimp on a few dollars.
So I don't believe sanctions, or suctions :) , have too much to do with it, it's all about the economy in the first instance.
Yep! All that makes sense but to add Cuba don't want nor look to be a major regional power. China is also a Communist country but it's leadership and lack of access to American markets keeps at critical times all the times.
The reason I am bringing this is because west want to meet east or vice versa but geopolitics are getting in between more then ever before. People are bias by nature and this aids to set backs and discouragements.
Some of us had already met that one ( like me ). In my case I am concerned about my in-laws. Would it be possible to be safe when traveling? LR already mentioned that it will be crazy to venture into Russia. Let's not forget that the World Cup is next summer!!!
In the words of George Friedman... Russia is going down but don't want to go away that easy.
So bottom line .... time for pursuing the FSU is going to be hard but if it is turning out too good then you should double check that feeling because it could be a scam!?
It is up to you what you want to believe..... this are critical times for dating FSU ladies.
"Yep! All that makes sense but to add Cuba don't want nor look to be a major regional power. China is also a Communist country but it's leadership and lack of access to American markets keeps at critical times all the times. "
I meant, Cuba'a leadership and lack of access to American markets....
K-dag,, traveling in Russia can always be dangerous, but if tensions are high and/or if there is some incident,,, you could become a bargaining chip or hostage.
LR , " you could become a bargaining chip of hostage " in North Korea, Iran or Venezuela, but the chances of that in Russia are very slim. I had posted that was highly discouraged to travel to Russia because I work for the DOD.
Sir Martin , You should be rewarded with a monument made out of gold for staying in PI under such a nut head. Good luck and keep your head down mate...
I don't do too much of politics but I think the new Philippines president is doing OK.
Cigarettes are so cheap here smoking is high, smoking over the dinner table whilst others are eating is commonplace, now he's banned smoking in public places, I was shocked when I heard, that said I was sitting out at a sidewalk Tex Mex the other day, where smoking is supposedly forbidden, and I was sitting with three army guys, who are supposed to be enforcing the law, who were openly smoking!
But the president went after the drug dealers also, I think deep down he has a heart of gold, perhaps he just has difficulty displaying it sometimes :)