K-dag: “Career changes, moving out of the Socialist Republic of California and expecting my first born; needless to mention, the mood swings of my pregnant wife.…”
Way to go, on expecting a new born K-dag! You accomplished what I was hoping to do.
What are your ages, and from what area is your wife from?
I was going to say this on the previous thread,,,,,,,, but that one,, and two others had to be shut down due to excessive RBS!
LR, I was about to update “the Kaiser Report “ but here’s goes.
After nearly a year being married, on this day, I can attested that my marriage is rock solid. Without disclosing too much but according to the US Census, I am a white Hispanic, in my early 40s and my wife is her mid 30s... We have a seven years difference. She is from the FSU Eastern Europe, 100% Slavic (not from UA , punt intended). After a few months of her arrival, the in-laws quit calling to often, cause they know “dochka” is living the dream. As I had said earlier, our first born ETA is in February....(totally excited)...In the meantime, she have been accomplishing several milestones. Lately, she obtained her temporary green card without any hassle and was able complete a year long course in less than 8 months. She found and met up with many FSU people from nearby. Most of the ladies are also married to an American like me :) ...LOL...Unfortunately, we’re going to missed all them since we’re heading to the south east. In my opinion, anywhere out of California is a lot better.
Due to big changes in my life, I will rarely be around the forum.
Southeast? Just be aware that it is hurricane country. Also, from the global warming map, the SE part of this country will be flooded first. FL is also sinkhole country. CA got its own share of problems - earthquakes, wildfires, drought.
I've lived my entire life on the east coast. Would I move away from here? Absolutely. I do not have any close ties to this region because I wasn't born here and have gone to all four corners of this country (incl. Hawaii). Just be aware that the future development of any children will likely be significantly impacted by where they are raised. I got many relatives living all over the place (in different economic locales) and they will attest to that.
DC, just in case you missed it. California is now a Santuary State. I am so mortified to mention everything that is wrong with it....
http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/23/politics/kate-steinle-trial/index. html
This state only good to get a free university degree paid by levying a 13.3% State tax and its high cost of living. Nevertheless, for a small town with plenty of job opportunities, crime is on the rise. SMH
I have read about the current issue with sanctuary states (remember the Hunchback of Notre Dame's cry after saving Esmeralda - Sanctuary, Sanctuary!). As for SE USA, FL has large immigrant population, so it could also become a sanctuary state.
The death in SF with the illegal being charged is just beginning at the courts. Do not know how it will impact the immigration issue in CA.
Crime on the rise? Probably because the plenty of jobs are not high paying jobs. Better to go the illicit/criminal path to riches. Unless you are in the STEM career path, you will end up falling behind as prices and COL keeps going up. Prices in Silicon Valley keep going up. If you want a cheap location, MS and AL are the best choices. However, the overall average wage there is at the bottom of the 50 states.
Native Californians are exiting but this getting fill up with Asians, mainly Chinese. Call a state agency and you will notice “ one for English, two for Spanish, three for Chinese and so on.
Kaiser ... California sounds just like England, not so many Brits live in the significant cities any longer, Birmingham is so bad Air India operate direct flights between there and India, since Poland were allowed in to the EU England has Polish supermarkets, I am/was a great believer in the European Union concept, I had a great six years living and working in Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands but the immigration issue in UK has become an ever increasing problem, the EU is a little alike the Eurovision Song Contest, it worked until they allowed the eastern Europeans in.
There is no excuse for committing crimes against your fellow neighbor. Skill laborers ar hard to find since everyone wants a desk job. Because of that, immigration, legal or illegal, will on the rise. How the COL is barely sustainable? Well, that depends on decision making.
Well, humans are like other animals. You do whatever it takes to advance yourself. Nobody really wants to work those "grunge" jobs. Remember that in the late 1800s, Congress passed an anti-Asian immigration bill to block out immigrants (due in part to violent competition between white and Asian workers in CA).
As for baseball, after the Red Sox and Cubs finally won a World Series, the allure of the series is not that attractive anymore. The Astros have never won the series, but they are not that old of a team. They should move the Dodgers back to Brooklyn, so the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn will have teams again. Temperatures exceeded 100 F at the first game. A new record for a game in October.
The 30 foot fence model at the border seems interesting.
Just viewed a science program concerning researching deaths in UK in the 13th century. People starved to death due to climate change with the lack of sun for an extended period of time. They tracked the climate change to a volcanic eruption on an island in Indonesia which has a long chain of volcanoes. They were able to find old documents written by the inhabitants of the island of a huge eruption. The volcano collapsed into itself and is no longer visible. But it left huge plumes of dust and smoke which covered almost the entire planet. Eruptions toward the north or south poles usually just affect that portion of the planet. The eruptions that occur close to the equator can affect all over the planet. So pollution is not the only contributor to climate change.
In the Pacific Northwest, Asians, mostly Hmong have gun fights with locals during the Morel mushroom picking season.
The high temp for the 1st game was 103F.
My family was supposed to have migrated south from Norway into Germany during the 13th century. I wonder if that had anything to do with it??
Years ago, they said that one volcano put out 4-5x as much carbon as humans do in one year,,,, but in recent years,,, I’ve heard that humans put out many times more carbon than any one volcano ever could? Hmmmm?
...Remember that I used live near Cambridge, England. There are “no go zones” in cities with a large immigration population. That is the real reason for the Brexit and some Brits to relocate.
I am all for the wall but no fence will stop the illegal flow of immigration to the USA. Specially now that the economy is growing strong. Better pay up credit cards goes interest rates are going up soon.
I believe that my descendants by the 13th century were in Spain, either reconquering or being reconquered. Well now looks like Spain is breaking up after Catalonia declared independence... smh
If High temperatures are results of Carbon monoxide’s then blame it on forests fires too.
I wasn't sure if you were already out of Calf or not,,, but now that you are, I can say what's left in Calf can slide into the ocean and I won't miss it.
LMAO!!! ... I am going to missed the scenic views and some people..... wait, isn’t Ragingbull living in California?? ...never mind.. you’re right LR... their high cost of fuel, housing , taxes and progressive no nonsense liberal ideals down with it.