Hi i am new here and looking for advice, i have been to ukraine around 9 times but before the troubles started, i have been chatting to a lady online via private email, seen her photo holding my name, but the problem is she lives in Lugansk.
Lugansk is a closed city in the conflict zone, this lady has not a valid passport, she has to pay a fixer to do her documents to get an international passport, in every war is corruption !
Has anyone been in a similar situation ? can this be true, i know its a high potential of being a scam but devil i do or devil i don't, i don't want sit at home in five years thinking if i have lost her.
I’ve been to Lugansk, but before the conflict as well. It was the scam capitol of Ukraine, but I think Nikolayev has taken the title.
The only person that I know of, that has been in and out of the area is Tom Shea. He married a girl and has helped her parents get in and out to visit.
Would she have a Russian or Ukrainian passport? A Ukrainian passport will give her access to EU members countries, but on a Russian control territory, that will be unlikely.
By the way, that area had a bad reputation even from other Ukrainians.
What the scammers did all those years ago, once Lugansk had earned such a notorious reputation, they listed in their profiles that they were from a place that most of us would have never heard of but when one studied a map these places would be outlying villages of Lugansk.
I had a update, the price for someone to sort out her passport and arrange safe passage out of Luhansk is $1500,
its a lot of money, she said her friend had a passport sorted this way and now living in USA, sounds like a scam but she has not lied to me yet
$1,500 is a ridiculous amount of money for a passport and just the way you word it, to the effect that her friend paid $1,500 and now lives in USA ... It doesn't just smell, it stinks!
Even if genuine $1,500 would just be the tip of the iceberg, her friend didn't just pay $1,500 to live in USA, how about future meetings in UA for the two of you, how about her fiancee visa interview at the US embassy in Kiev, then her international travel to get to US, paying $$$ for safe passage for these also, and the etc's just go on and on.
I'd walk away now, don't allow yourself to fall in love with a photo.