I think we all question ourself`s from time to time. I think it depends on your perspective. My original plan was to go and meet as many women as possible. Now I have started to communicate alot with one lady and am considering the trip based around just meeting her, however this is risky as it is alot of money and hassle if we meet for 10 mins and dont like each other. So i look near her home for other ladies, but feel guilty for doing so.
Maybe the way to look at this is that if you dont find that one special lady then you have had a good culteral holiday and seen a part of the world that many others will never.
I made my first call to russia saturday night, it wasn`t easy although her English was very good. Not sure how well it went but time will tell (when i get her next e-mail. But she already is showing concern that i may have my own Harem like others here..and i was caught of guard and maybe have screwed things up again..lol@me..there's plenty more on my contact (harem)list.
well I wouldn't say I have a harem, but there are about 5on here that I write to every day, there is one that I think I am best matched to, and I am meeting her in Turkey in a couple of weeks, but the other 4 are nice, if it doesn't work out, do I want to go all the way back and start again from fresh or carry on with the other 4 who are very nice as well, it may be a little dishonest, but I would not be put out if the girls were not putting all their eggs in one basket at this stage either, anyway, things can change and suddenly one girl can say a few things and suddnly your favourite has changed, I get confused, and already I feel bad that when the times comes I will have to say to the other 4 that I have found my soul mate. This is not like being at home and dating 5 girls at once though, untill you have met it is not easy to commit to one
Am totaly with you...
jsut curious thou ur meetin in turkey.. Mine said she had visited turkey, is it easy for them to get visa there.. this could be a real good option as i really fancy a break in the sun and am sure the lady`s would love it...Let me no how it goes.
Yes, I have had the second thoughts. A few times I even thought I was crazy. Tried dating a few girls where I live in the 9 months I have been doing this and it only reinforced my ideas of finding a Russian woman. Even as I weeded out all my prspective ladies at this site I founds doubts one by one and since have eliminted all of them. I'm not even a member here anymore, I just find the forum very helpful at times. My girl found me. I was with an agency with another girl at the time when things fell apart yet again. I agreed to have them show my photos and profile to other girls at the agency. A few weeks later they introduced me to my sweetheart. I was the ideal man she had in her mind(my photos and profile). In the 4 months we have known eachother we have grown so close its almost scary. I mean to feel this way for someone that I have yet to touch. But we have shared hundreds, yes hundreds of photos with eachother. Personal, intimate phone conversations. We tell eachother everything. Shes so excited when I call her and I can tell you I feel the same. Her family is happy for her and they are looking forward to meeting me soon. I really don't feel any second thoughts with her. I don't even want any other woman because I know this connection we have is real. If you have never felt the connection we have then I really don't think you can relate to it at all. Before I met her I had alot of mixed feelings about going to Russia. Now I cant wait to go, I'm not kidding. All I can think of is the look in her eyes when we meet. I can't wait to feel her arms around me. I'm never going to let her go. I leave in about 2 months..
And I can tell you from experience that I met a woman online before here in the USA. She lived in Oklahoma and I live in Florida. Make a long story short, we were together for 3 years. Things unfortunatly did not work out but were still friends and still communicate once in a while over the phone or email. So I'm no novice at this internet meeting game.
Its just that now I'm going global, and I have NO doubts toward her at all. I can't wait to be with her, and I will do whatever it takes to make this reality for us, and she knows that.
I feel if you Never question your actions or motives then you are almost certainly doing the Wrong thing as you havent really considered what you are doing and worked through all the angles in your head. It is normal Del` dont worry :o)) If I were you I would be more worried if I wasnt worried, if you get my drift ;o))
SG: I would rather forego the cultural holiday mate :o)) Ive seen a hell of a lot of Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, Im definately not going to admire the architecture :o))
I have not been tim so cant really comment, however it is always good to see other cultures and ways of life even if only to apprecate what we have. Sayin that there are plenty of sh*t holes here in England that i could visit for a change in culture. be alot cheaper too. Last time i visited 1 of these places was cos i picked a drunk las of the street and gave her lift home as i feared harm would come to her...After tryin 2 get me to go in her flat 4 a quicky with no success, she pissed herself on the car seat. cant think why am looking to russia for a lady...
friends? I want to and tell them that I want to make babies or at least try! :-)
ty Tim for the heads-up, I'll have to word my next letter quite carefully, I tend not to like hiding how I feel so hopefully she'll agree and see that I'm thinking serious about all this or should I avoid it?
Just keep it to yourself mate, no point worrying the girl until there is something concrete and serious to worry her about !!! You ahving a slight case of the dithers is quite normal and nothing you need to share with you lady ;o)) Hell she is probably having them too, but unless she says so, which she probably wont, then you cannot be sure either way ;o)))
Let sleeping dogs lay mate :o))
I wanna make babies too !!!! Or at very least spend the rest of my life trying like mad :o))))
Got me beat mate, dunno why you would be looking to Russia when you manage to find such class birds here :o))
I mean, there are people who will pay good money to find a woman who will do that in their car ;o))
Man stops outside a school, winds down his window and calls a young boy over to him
"Hi, want to get in the car ?"
"No" says the boy.
"If you get in the car I will take you into town and buy you the most expensive pair of trainers you want"
"No" says the boy.
"If you get in the car I will take you into town, buy you the expensive trainers, the latest football top and take you to Burger King for whatever you want to eat"
"No" says the boy.
"If you get in the car, I will take you into town, buy you the trainers, the football top, take you to Burger King, and then to the cinema afterwards !!"
The boy gives it 10 seconds thought and says:
"Look Dad, I told you before, You bought the Skoda, you ride in it !!!" ;o))
hi southern gent, Russian girls do not need a visa for turkey or Egypt, and nor do I, well just a thing you fill in on arrival, hence Turkey is a painless place to meet the girl, does not cost much to fly a russian girl there, about $200 and only about $300 from the uk
thanx trad that was what i was thinkin been looking at appartments there today. good idea if the las is happy to travel on her own, alot to ask of a girl though.
Tim - If you fancy some of my class birds from uk am sure i can pass your number on.. What tickles your fancy mate i have a good list of bunny boiler`s and nerotic money grabbin hags i will gladly share with you.. whatever phychological abuse you wish to undergo i can provide a sutible introduction.. you can have any except the mother of my son, you cant have her as she hasn`t finished with me yet. Best of luck on your trip mate, hope it all goes to plan.
I just kicked it's sleeping arse. I've sent you an email.
I prefer my dog to be awake where I can see it's teeth than wake, surprise me and bite me whilst I sleep. Probably something or nothing but I like to get things out in the open.