Ditto as far as I know CD and DVD formats are the world formats, right??:)
But here the CD and DVD are rather spread:) And many people turn to DVD formats (OK those who can afford to buy the DVD player)
So they are the same, I think (I'm not technician you know, but I'm quite sure:)
Ditto, Ukraine is DVD region 5 encoding, but if you create a DVD for her, just make sure the region encoding is set to 0 (zero), and it will play on any player in the world.
I know Ukraine is a SECAM based video standard, and I'm still checking on whether the video should be recorded at 25 fps and 50 mhz refresh rate.
CD's are standard the world over.
Hey just remembered one thing, before you record a film in DVD format, make sure that your girl is able to watch that film. for example my computer was bought in 1998 and though upgraded since that time a little bit, I still can't watch many films, because they are of the wrong format, I can watch only if I'm correct MPEG 1...or something like that...I'm not sure of the correct term.
I did some more checking. PAL formatting is ok on the DVD. 625 lines of resolution, 25 frames per second, 50 mhz refresh rate.
She might be able to watch an NTSC (american standard) DVD, provided her DVD player has the ability to do the NTSC/PAL conversion. Not that many do.
The easiest thing to do is send her a standard NTSC encoded DVD, no region code settings and no macrovision (copy protection), and see if it plays properly for her.
My intention is to digitally record my life and cut a DVD for her. Anyone can send pictures. I'm not going to send American movies. Too many Western women in the script.
Ditto - you have to get her a DVD player that can be used in Ukraine. Just sending her an american (I presume you are american) DVD player just won't cut it, unless you want to send her an american television, too.
When I recommended sending her an NTSC encoded DVD, I didn't necessarily mean to send her a puchased movie, just burn a sample disc of anything you want, and see if it will play properly for her.
Check out www.samstores.com. They have several DVD players that can be used in any region, and are dual voltage.
When I was in Russia last month I was surprised to find that the video I recorded on my Sharp viewcam (NTSC) played fine on her Sony TV, although I believe they use SECAM format there. Apparently her TV will do both. Of course I was using the video input jacks on the TV.
CD`s are no problem, DVD`s wont work because the FSU are Pal and you are NTSC. But of course it depends on what equipment she wants to play them on !!!! Some DVD players are multi region, but if not then it wont work.
In Uzbekistan we did some video and made copies of it there and it played fine on my Pal player here.
"provided her DVD player has the ability to do the NTSC/PAL conversion. Not that many do."
I wouldnt buy any DVD player that wasnt "multi regeion" !!! I buy a lot of US DVD`s for 2 reasons, they are often released way before the UK one (eg: I had a copy of "The cradle of life" almost 7 months before it was finally released in the UK , 7 Months !!!) and the second reason is that US (NTSC) DVD`s play at the correct speed, UK ones play very slightly fast !!
NB: The DVD players I refer to are Not PC ones, they are pretty crap and who wants to watch a movie on such a small screen anyway !!!
" Unless it's an all-in-one unit. Still need a voltage converter" PC players are universal for power Scott, the power goin in the back gets messed about by the PC so it drops the power to about 12v DC from whatever AC you dump into the machine, 240/230 or 110.
What a wussy power supply that is !!! 110v LOL
Thats playtime power :o)
But then on the other end of teh scale is good old reliable 415v :o))
I love 415v :o))
Sorry to correct you tim,
It is actually 400V 50hz 3phase in the uk these days.
and yes it Rocks. I play with it most dayz
Electric board redused the spec voltage about 5 year ago to save them puttin in larger cables due to volt drop caused by incresed demand.
anyway so is russia pal/secam or ntsc cus am confused now and wud like to no. It might just be easier to send an avi file on cd and include the approprate codec`s ..
You mean they have downed it by 15v !! The bstards !!
Im still paying for the full 415v and I Want it !!!
FSU is Pal, unless its a muti` region DVD or TV in which case it will do both, but as Japan are Pal, and most TVs are directly imported from there, then most TVs and DVDs in the FSU are Pal :o) To further relive the confusion, the FSU is "Region 2" for those who are familiar with regions ;o)
Clear now ? ;o))
Tim, Japan is NTSC. As far as region codes go, here is a map:
Ukraine is SECAM. SECAM will play all PAL broadcasts. Not all FSU is SECAM, some is PAL.