I met a Russian girl from Novoroyisk. I talked to her for three weeks and she told me from the beginning that she had a friend that was coming to the U.S. and to a town close by mine. She asked for my number.."but for her friend" though she thought it brought us closer. Well her grandmother was having health problems and she had to go to a town without an internet cafe. Well, a day later her friend that is going to the U.S. on the work and travel program gave me an email. Now she is here in the states and she e-mailed me again wanted to hang out and for me to take her to the beach sometime.
Now the question is did Veronika the girl I was talking to intentionaly set me up with her friend, she didnt sound like it with the way she talked to me but I dont know how russian women are when they want to turn you down... but its all good, her friend is even more beautiful and she is near so I will actually meet her without having to travel, lucky huh? ha ha. Im just not sure if I should make an approach on just incase Veronika really did like me and her friend Tanya will get offended if I show any intrest in her. If any of you vets know anything about how russian people , women in particular act in regards to avoiding hurting your feelings or what let me know, me personaly am hoping that Tanya is interested.
"did Veronika the girl I was talking to intentionaly set me up with her friend..."
It is a difficult question…It depends on the character of your correspondence with Veronica. If you have already talked to her about some personal things, feelings, if you discussed your relationship, made plans for future, i.e. treated each other as possible potential partners…Well, it means that she just wanted her friend Tanya to meet you in person to see for example how you really look like, how you behave etc, i.e. she just wanted to “see” you with the eyes of her friend (because she simply does not have such an opportunity yet) provided that she trusts her like herself.
If you were corresponding with Veronica like friends, well it may be that they deliberately organized everything so that you will meet her friend Tanya in U.S. and may be something will work out between you…
However, Man is right –wait till you meet and see how she would behave…
blu_craze you said that you talked with that girl for 3 weeks...so I harldy believe that through this time you made some commitments to her...so go and enjoy:)
And there is one more thing, now you will see that at least her friend is a real girl, and there is a big persentage that the girl you first talked to is a real girl too, isn't it???:)))
Do you want us to date her for you ?
Just to make sure she isnt trying to scam you or anything, of course !! ;o))
If you have totally lost contact with V, then at least meet with T, possibly T will explain why V hasnt been in touch, maybe you will blow it with V if you meet and fall for T, but if that happens, and T falls for you, you havnt lost anything !!! After all, you havnt met V yet, so T is ahead in the game, or wil be if you ever stop thinking about it all and actually do something !!!
I have heard of procrstination about going to the FSU to meet a woman, ut never when the woman in question is in the same State !!
Blu, seems like maybe you got lucky, time will tell. 6 or 7 months ago I would have been right with you, thinking "dam I lucked out, I don't even have to go to Russia" But since I met my lady and we have grown so close, I would not feel right not to go to her country. I am going to be immersed in her culture, see where she comes from and get an idea of what its like to be where she grew up. Most importantly I will be able to meet her parents and her friends which in my opinion is a very important part of our relationship.
If you hit it off with this girl I think ultimatly you will have to go and show respect to her family by meeting them.
But anyway its probably way to early for any of that, so go have fun with her!!!
".....If you have totally lost contact with V, then at least meet with T, possibly T will explain why V hasnt been in touch, maybe you will blow it with V if you meet and fall for T, but if that happens, and T falls for you, you havnt lost anything !!! After all, you havnt met V yet, so T is ahead in the game, or wil be if you ever stop thinking about it all and actually do something !!!...."
And if you blow it with both of them you can always go home and watch TV, lol...
The truth is guys that "V" ha ha, has kind of hinted that it was her intention to us "T" to see what type of a person I am, but like you guys say, if I fall in with T it was meant to happen. But she also hinted at that I might fall for Tanya. I got an e-mail from Tanya, shes here with 3 russian beauties...fun fun fun. ...I wonder...hahahaha
Im not sure if Russian women have gottin themself into the bisexual era yet so if any guys live near Virginia Beach ha ha, there plenty of them and there are a lot working at the local bar this summer too that with a few sweet words ...who knows. lol
I bet thats not all you hope to be immersed in either !! ;o))
"and get an idea of what its like to be where she grew up."
You are staying in her old cot ? ;o)
I suppose you will visit her old junior school too huh ? ;o))
Damn, my sence of humor isnt what it used to be. Gaw'd. Well, Im hopeing she is a nice girl and her friends are cool, if she comes here, im going to have to drive an hour to pick them up and another to drop them off, and when they leave there are a few Maltese girls comming to visit me,...if things doesnt work out that is between Tanya. lol I love this, Europe coming to me ha ha ha. o.k. Ill stop with my lame humor and sit back and listen to the sarcastic remarks.
Well, to end this boring add that I posted, I have met with Tanya, she was beautiful, we fell for eachother, she is working to jobs now and has litte free time and didnt get to write yesterday, I thought that maybe I was to forward with her, but she took her lunch break today and whent to the library, ( on bicycle which they use to get around on while they are here ) and she emailed me when she should of been going for lunch. And Im meeting her again Friday, I guess Veronika did hook me up with Tanya,..I mentioned Veronika in the begining and Tanya didnt look to pleased,.but things worked out. later dudes, hopefully I wont have to come here again but who knows lol. I still need to come by and read some of TimH's words of wisdom though, ha ha. well, peace!
"on bicycle which they use to get around on while they are here"
You better check out her religious tendencies dude !!!
In the UK the only people who use bicycles to get about in normal life are Mormons :o)))
Then again, if she is, and her friend who introduced you to her is too, you could be on to the biggest winner of the century :o)) So long as you dont mind moving to Utah :o))