t49 it also depends from which country of the FSU the person is. Ukrainian people could go without any visa to Poland as well, until the Poland entered the EU, and now Ukrainians will need visas, but this will be given out on the border of the country, and will be just a formality which will take 10-15 minutes to fill in. At least so it was on the news last week. Also the same treaty is about to be proved with Romania. So you see the country also matters:)
Turkey, any Ukrainian can go without any visa, and there is a ferry across the Black Sea from Ukraine to Turkey and back:)
Strange question you ask !!
Surely you are planning to go to your girl ? I really hope you are not one of these lazy assed pantie wasters who is thinking about bringing her to him first ?
Hey Tim, I have met girl in Holland and Turkey:)))) but to be fair, these girls already had plans to go there for other reason and I just hopped upon a plane, this time I am going to Moldova, home environment:))
Question!!!! Could you meet your russian gal in one of the countries, neither of you have to have a visa for---Jamaica for instance--Get married there---and then bring her home to the US without a lot of red tape???
Ben. You will have a wait no matter where you marry. USA INS are asses most of the time. They may not let your foreign wife back into the US even if she used to live here with you for 15 years with a previous green card, without a sh*t load of paper work. This I know for a fact as it has happened to several people I know including my sister.......In my opinion it's time for a revolt. An American citizen has an inate right to bring with him his wife and family anytime he wants, without government scrutiny. INS, ...you can bugger off!
Once upon a time there was a movie. With Cary Grant I think (?). He played a 'male war bride'. -The movie was set just after WW2.
'Immigration'(the bureaucracy) has not changed much since.
When you add the reasonable security concerns that terrorism casues to the endemic and the ever growing self serving bureaucratic government disease you start getting a little idea of what you must face when you try to bring your foreign bride into the US....
To top it all off, keep in mind that many of these people in charge of processing your paperwork are the very same western WOMEN we so blatantly turn our backs on in favor of younger, prettier, better educated and with more sense of traditional family values than they have to offer us.
I have talked to several men who have given up their attempts to bring their beloved ones to the US because of the delays caused by INS..one of them in particular is a close friend of mine who now lives in France, after having given up his life in the US to be with the woman he found from Russia.
Ptichka: Thanks for the update. I don't have a particular lady,or even country in mind at this point,but I did until January.Sadly,it turned out that she isn't the one for me.
TimH: now,now,Tim! You don't know me well enough to insult me ... not yet,anyway ;-)
I wanted the info,because I always like to know what my options are. As for the lady that I thought was the one,I was thinking of treating her and her 2 kids [ adults actually.both are in university] to a vacation,that they normally wouldn't be able to afford.
when I woke up this morning,it felt like there was a knife in my back. I'm sure that Tim had nothing to do with it. ... unless he's into astral projection ;-)