I cannot work out how to e mail fiance.com. This morning I have cancelled my membership. I want fiance.com to know this is because I have found the right girl and she has cancelled her ad. It is nothing to do with me being dissatisified with the service. I have found the site to be excellent and very good value for money and would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone.
I am proof that it works, I will still contribute to the forum, but I would just like to thank all the staff at fiance.com. You do a great job
Congratulations and best wishes to you and your future wife, Paul. It's nice to know there are happy endings indeed, I am just starting in the process.
Good Luck my man. I'm feeling real confident now!!You have been an
inspiration to me because your Russian was as horrible as mine!!!
and look at you now!!!
Seriously good luck my friend and Godspeed in all your endeavours
Thanks everyone, believe me Nasfan, my Russian is worse than yours.lol, thanks jj, disaster and nisse, it only took me three months and 4 girls.lol, but I was lucky to meet them in Turkey, holland and Cyprus, so I never had any lengthy problems with visa's and travel to Russia, and Moldova is almost as easy
Trad it is good news and an encouragement that you have found her! Have you told us her name yet? I am hoping that I will be able to do the same as you, and subsequently have to remove our profiles as well! I have downgraded to basic membership as Tim as said he has done.
I have downgraded to basic today, her name is Svetlana, or Lana to me, I am seeing her again in Bucharest next weekend, but then I am thinking of taking a short career break and maybe spending the rest of the summer in Moldova, might see you there>:))
Thanks TOAD, id and world, we are in a state of elation at the moment, hard to believe after 500 letters and 4 months, I have found the one, Toad, competition is good, makes us all up our game.lol, good luck to each and everyone of you
Don't disappear on us, one of these days we should all have a Forum reunion, lol....if nothing else to keep competing to see who married the nicest woman, the woman with longest legs, prettiest eyes, longest hair, quckest wit, best cook etc etc, etc....yes trad, competition is good. it makes everyone of us become a better person.