This scam is a very subtle yet well orchestrated one. This woman (details below) hangs around in chat rooms, forums and bulletin boards that relates to the topics of Christianity, Aliens, UFO's and strange phenomenon.
She puts up the façade of a battered and abused wife who can't get away from her husband because of money. She enters into a relationship with you by enticing words and sexy photo's. and web cam exposure of her whole nude body. She is incredibly manipulative. She will go to extra-ordinary lengths and waits an awful long to time in the hunt for money.
She is an expert on "putting on the tears" and playing the victim. You will get e-mails, well written personal letters from her expressing her undying love for you. She will use amasing words under very descriptive emotional structures to build your confidence and build pseudo credibility.
You will receive e-cards, letters, and even small gifts in the mail (really cheap stuff). She will send you lockets with her hair in it. This is all done to build an incredible façade of deception. On face value it looks like a woman who really loves you. She will spend hours chatting with you online. But its all part of a plan to milk you for money. I am sure she has many many men on the go all at the same time. Her delays in talking in chat rooms or message systems like MSN indicates that she is talking to others at the same time.
Well, I got sucked in the whole 9 yards. I was conned into thinking she was going to come and live with me in my country. I even got an extra job working 14 hour days to save money to give for her and her sons airfare. Over a period of time I had given her a lot of cash as well as gifts like perfume and flowers. When it got close to organising what was planned, to cut a long story short, things were making me suspicious so I started doing research and I found out that she had not only taken money off other guys but she was in fact having relationships with them in the same way as me.
She was caught. She, to date, has refused to answer for her actions. Her sister is also in on the scam. The sister will chat with you and email you telling you how much this woman needs you. Its all a scam. When caught she cried wolf and claims that I am stalking her. As usual she puts on the tears and sob stories so it sends up a smoke screen for her activities.
She uses the alias' online of "Sapphire", ^Angelfire^, and "Neith" and variations of this..
I have collected an enormous amount of evidence and have complete record of bank account transfers etc.
I have also spoken to the New Zealand Police concerning me making this statement and I welcome any inquiries from any local New Zealand and International authorities. My email is My name is Ralph