Anybody knows when a fraudulent agency has got your bank account number if they can get money out of your bank account even without you knowing about it?!!!
I guess the best is to quickly close the account?!!!
Anybody in the same situation??? Anybody wants to share their story?!!!
even if somebody takes your money you will get them back. and everybody in USA can use your cheking account using stupid echeck payments. one needs to know olny ABA number and account number. but you will notice and bank wil return the money. but agency can not do it anyhow.
Rule of thumb I use. No personal information. Use a credit card with a small spending limit. The card I use on the net has a 300 dollar credit limit.
Can't get burned there.
I can check my banks account activity 24/7 I check it everyday. I more concerned with Identity theft here in the states than with the
ladies here.
If it seems like a dumb thing that you are doing it probably is.
None, but I better ask before I do anything. Not saying, I asked also my bank, and if I find anything listed in my statement, I do not know about they can pin point the agency .... which is not a bad idea, as coze they can sort it out any problems for me, without me ....
I just had a letter from the so called flamingo travel agent asking me for my bank account numbers, or better say info where and how to transfer funds, in case I cancel my travel arrangements (I know that they have never booked anything for my money), so I got scared what actually they are after this time .... and I have heard about those cases with algerian scammers, who rip your bank account after you agree to transfer their millions .... hope we understand each other???
peterB- Thanks for informing us of your situation.Sorry it happened to you. Most people here are quite aware of the scam schemes. If I were you, I'd start over again using the knowledge you have now. DON'T SEND MONEY! I'm sure if you try again you'll have better luck and get on with your life.
peter peter pumpkin eater....:))
NEVER agree to give your bank account information to any foreign agency, website, tour comapny or individual.
when you're satisfied about the merits, references and legality of a tour company, send them a bank check for the tour deposit, and another to pay the balance.
NEVER use a credit card with a large available balance to pay for monthly subscriptions either. My subscription and other online monthlies get paid via credit card with a 250 dollar limit. I pay all my credit card balances off once a month.
You are on the same page with me. I like the convenience of paying with my credit card over the net. I would never use my others.
Common sense dictates that these agencies aren't the only ones out
to try to steal a buck.
I have a friend that was a victim of identity theft. He didn't even know it was going on until he received 8 w-2's from different states.
hi chaps, thanx for your responses. I have to admit that before I've been scammed I had no idea about how things/scams going on and so on. That's why it happened to me! I've been naive, I agree. I jumped into it without any knowledge and straight away into a disaster. Bad luck.
I've done some research now and things getting brighter, have some great responses right now, ... very thoughtfull, and real beauties. I'm brushing up on my letter skills. This time I'm gonna do it wisely, I hope!!! and I'm thinking about jumping onto the plane in some stage instead of sending money .... for sure !!! :)))
I'll keep you posted with my analysis. Also, how things going on with opening my criminal case. so, you can see if there is a chance to bring the justice into scammers lives. Just to broaden your horizons. Or would you rather not to know???
peter peter pumpkin eater....Misery loves company, doesn't it?
NO, keep your "getting even with the scammer that took me to the cleaners because I did not use common sense" stories away from me.
I, like many others here want, need and seek positive information, encouragement and opportunity to make our goals come true.
what you bring with your "revenge on the scammers" crusade bores the pee pee out of me...good luck to you, though, if that's how you want to spend your life.
how do scammers go about getting their information to scam so i wont get caught in the middle. i've heard many stories but i dont want to get caught in the mix
Debit card is just as safe and you get the same protections for those purest that dont want plastic! I for one am a finally recovered plastiholic. 100% out of debt!
You can go to just about any Grocery Store now and buy a prepaid Credit/Debit Card! You choose the amount, and you choose what you spend it on! Most have Online access to your accounts! If you want to be safe, try going this route!