I've been looking for girls is abakan and found up to now unly a handfull. Your site seems to have 66 girls there which was a big suprise to me, until i recognized profiles of girls who do live somewhere else like elena 37 (who is by the way 38 now) who lives in archangelsk?.
So my first conclussion was this agency creates its own profiles. My second thought is though that abakan is the first place in the alfabet and that some girls are to lazy to select the place where they actualy live. Maybe it would be a good idee to add "not selected" to the dropdown list of cities.
Are you here as a formally appointed website critic?
who hired you?
Your comments tell me you either: 1. have too much time in your hands and don't know what to do about it...or...2. you have no f....g clue about what goes on here.
Making negative comments about the alphabetically listed cities where women live will not get you what you want?
what do you want, anyways?
We are not creating profiles ourselves.Sorry it was a database error. We are correcting it right now. For some reason the city field in laies profile was not displayed properly and was showing Abakan since its the first city in a list.All ladies have the addresses, this is from where we are taking the correct city names now and incerting it to city field.
"...Making negative comments about the alphabetically listed cities where women live will not get you what you want..."
one whole sentence, Ron.
The message is: Try to be more positive about what this website has to offer, it is by far one of the most efficiently run, inexpensive and best managed I've seen in the internet. Not to mention the incredible amount of women available through it.
Dear Sir
We corrected this mistake already. It was not the mistake of the lady, it was a mistake of site program. Ladies who didnt pick up the name of the city from dropdown list had to type in the cuty themselves. For some reason this additional field was not displayed propelly and displayed Abakan since it was afirst city in dropdown list.
In fact we corrected this mistake few months ago and since that time the profile cant be submitted if the name of the city doesnt match the name of the city in the address. So those 66 ladies were what was left from this past mistake.
Thanks a lot for letting us know about it. It was corrected.