we just started a thread in the Ladies forum about how they define "the real man". I think we should compile a list of qualities men are looking for in Russian, or Former USSR ladies. then we publish both list of qualities. I invite you all to post your wish list here.
The most important feature I want from my future wife is a sense of humor strong enough to allow her to laugh at herself regularly....(because I probably will...:))
Now seriously...:)
Regardless of the amount of well thought out female traits my steemed fellow forum posters tell you, the following is a list of repeatedly surveyed reasons that cause 100,000s of american men to look for women outside the marriage or to terminate their marriage altogether.
Any eastern woman seriously thinking of marriage or serious relationship to a western man should validate this reasons.
I'm not saying they're right or wrong or even justified, just that they are what casues men to look elsewhere.
This list ONLY applies to surveyed divorced or divorcing US men who were/are the sole providers for their wife + 1-4 children.
1. Women who neglect their physical appearance by carelessly gaining weight or chopping off their hair after marriage or child bearing.
2. Women who develop boredom with the marriage lifestyle and no longer believe there is any value, prestige or merit to the position of housewife.
3. Women who save their best clothes, hair do, make-up and nail polish for social events with her girlfriends, coworkers, relatives or 'others', instead of daily interaction with her husband/boyfriend.
4. Women who refuse to assume the responsibility or make the effort to learn the basics of houlsehold budget management. This is a particular pet peeve for men who are the sole income earner for the entire family.
5. Women who fail to supervise what children watch on TV, who their friends are, do not follow the school curriculum to assist them with school work or manage their nutritional needs, because buying junk or fast food is easier..
6. Women who violate the privacy of their marraige/relationship by talking to outsiders (friends, relatives, etc.) about the negative aspects of their marriage/relationship.
7. Women who fall in love and marry men secretly hoping their man will "change" after marriage or over time.
8. Women who fall in love and marry men KNOWING they themselves intend to change after marriage and no longer give their men the very same things that caused that man to fall madly in love with her. This is a particular pet peeve for those men who value logical thinking as a way to achieve harmony when interacting with other human beings.
9. Women who demand a socially 'independent' lifestyle while expecting a financially dependent relationship.
10.Women who choose to watch day-time brain freezing TV shows instead of reading a book or doing housechores.
11.Yes, I saved the SEX reason for last, lol.....Women who think they can manipulate a man's sexual needs without consequence or risk that the man will seek satisfaction elsewhere.
This is an abbreviated list of casues for divorces filed by men. The ones I saw had over 45 reasons.
Despite the negative tone of these reasons I think they provide a good window for eastern women to understand some of the things and behaviours that men,(US men, at least) reject, dislike or both in a relationship with a woman.
femininity, honesty, family values, not self grattification, someone who puts emotional wealth and life experience above materialism. Someone who likes men, for the qualities that men have, who appreciates we are differnet and enjoys those differences
Yes Toad we should nickname you "Spooner" for all the shit you can stir up.
Olga, this is a tough question and I think you will find many diverse answers on both sides of the gender aisle. I think even if you ask women to define what a woman should be would be as diverse of what men define what a man should be.
My wish list, Be real, be honest, be unpretentious accept love for what it is and recipricate it. Be strong of character and optimistic
about life. And most of all Patience and tolerance for each other!!
As this question has been asked, what men look for in Russian women, and we have also asked what is a real man. I noticed that Toad wrote something about girls not keeping there best cloths in the cuboard until some social outing. Of coarse men are much worse for this and maybe we should listen to our own grips. Ive looked at some photos of some socials in Russia and most of the men seem to be dressed, well, not overly exciting. Remenber we are out there to attract as well. My point is that all of you guys should maybe look at your waredrobe before you set sail for FSU. Look around and see whats hip, and I do not mean with teenages. Go to some shops and ask for advice, maybe they will stear you in a direction you were scared of but once you try these clothes on and look in the mirrow a bit, the new look will grow on you. I have recently gone though a style transformation, almost a liitle quire eye for the strait guy, which is a good thing to watch for some tips. So when you go, be the best you can be and look the best you can look because thats what you expect of your ladies. Yes?
One of the reasons I'm interested in this foreign bride endeavour is that I think our Western media has become very anti-male biased. And I think that too often in our media the male perspective on gender issues is suppressed. For instance, I liked Ditto's comment above about being able to get what you want more with honey than you do with vinegar. I'm certainly not saying that this is true all the time, but I think that what is markedly downplayed in our feminist media is the natural propensity of men to protect and love women. I think John Gray is right to a certain extent in his bestselling book "Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus" in that men have a secret desire to be a hero to his woman. And I do think that men (on average) tend to repond to kindness in a marital partner far more than is acknowledged in our Western media. I mean, this clearly isn't the case with all men, but I do know many men who would agree with that.
Certainly, a good moral character is what I look for in a partner, and another is perhaps a gift to be able to think outside of the box of mainstream American culture thinking.
John Gray is a pussy,....I'm a devout advocate of Pat Allen's teachings and approaches to relationships between men and women.
her two books "Getting to I do" and "Staying married" are priceless pieces.
Anyone honestly wishing to get and stay married should read all three of these books (yes, including John Gray's pussy one) to realize that unless you have a real concise and previously agreed to description of what roles each partner will have before entering marriage, you better stay the hell away from it.
But you're absolutely right about the US media constantly being anti-male...You even see it in a score of TV commercial advertisements.
Compare the reactions created by the beer ad that featured the two gorgeous titty ladies wrestling about "more taste" vs "less filling" to the completely ignored message placed on the other beer commercial that said it's ok to cause physical harm to men for double dating, the particular add had the poor sod getting a piano dumped on him, a golf ball hitting him in his nuts, etc etc etc...in other words, what the media tells you is that if men do not do as women want them to do, it's perfectly reasonable and accepted behavior to hit you in the balls.
The list I presented is far from complete, but it reflects concrete and specifics reasons why men turn their backs (and thier checkbooks) from the women who insist on castrating them.
You make a nice point about what WE need to do to attract and keep the women we see, but I'll wait till Olga gives us the list she compiles from the women side to start worrying about my wardrobe, etc etc etc....
you are right bishop, a woman can get what she wants by being nice, she can also get it by being a pain in the ass, wonder which one is more harmonious, women used to have these skills in the west but have lost them through feminism
Toad, You just brought up what you expected, and one of the things was dress sence and its someting I was thinking about so it seems relavaent as all these topics are ment to spark some thought. As eddie vedder once said in a song, "if you hate something, don't you do it too" so if you hate some type of laziness in your partner, say dresssiny crappy?
My intended. looks like a model every time I see her, asks me what clothes I would like her to buy, wants to please me with the wat she looks, how novel is that?
The list of things we, the men, should be willing and able and even eager to do for our women is probably just as long as the one we expect of them to do for us.
OF COURSE that for every single expectation that we have for them, there must be a counter effect to compensate.
No doubt about it!
What I intentionally tried to avoid is doing the thinking for the ladies by anticipating what the hell it is that they want from us.
Let's be patient and wait for Olga to come up with the list after she picks their brain....fair enough?
God Toad,why do you not waite untill you get married and then you can cange to how she likes. As discussed in what is a real man, it was one conclusion that man take some inititive. Keep waiting. I am sure one of the desired will not be poorly dressed second guessing slobes. I am sure that the list will be interesting and I am keen to see it as well, but it is possible to discuss self improvment.
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