Knowing the alfabet and a few dozen words is considered level 0
Expected is that in 4 weeks on can go to level 1. does anyone know what one can do with that, for example get yourself a taxi traincard make simple conversation or are you than still a complete nincompoop?
Does one need to learn linguistics first (what is nominativ etc)?
Anyone allready done a course?
You can't really even do what anyone would consider a simple conversation at level 1. You realistically need to be at level 3 or 4 for that kind of basic skill. You still need an interpreter at level 1 if you both don't want extreme frustration to ruin it.
I consder myself a level 1. I know the alphabet and can ask basic simple questions. I wouldn't go with a girl without an intrepter unless she speaks at English at least at a level 4 or better level. Likely only if she were at a level six would I think we could successfully talk without frustration on one of our parts.
I can't remember the graph or where i've seen it but i believe it takes 8 more weeks to go to level 2 and about 20 more or so to go to level 3 this are toefl levels or so not the 1-10 scale this site uses or the 1-5 scale you and some other sites use. So level 3 is not going to happen.
O sorry you use the 1-10 scale then 4 means know a few words able to make simple sentences, only if you have plenty of time or difficult available interpreters to go alone at this level 4.
Without taking away from the importance of learning the language of the country you are to visit, at least fluently enough to get by on your own, I have always maintained that it is more important for the FSU lady to learn English or your country's language.
Simple....Unless you plan to move to her FSU country, you will only spend a few weeks every year there, at most.
She, on the other hand, will start a complete new life in your country and it's imperative that she learns the language to avoid the feeling of isolation and lonileness that a liguistically challenged person experiences in a new land.
And this is also a need of her husband to make her feel not isolated, so if he wants his wife to feel OK he can learn Russian so a couple of days or evening per week they can speak Russian only at home. This is a very good way to show love and care to his wife.
Also kids if she has kids (i haven't) any idea how the transfer goes and best at what age?
Up to 5/6 there will be no trouble no school to talk about and with some pointing and time everything will go well. But what at 7 what at 10, 13 16? does anyone know how that works and how well schools connect? Solution might be an international school but they are in English. How well are kids thought in Russia or Ukraine?
I suppose in Ukraine the learn Russian as the first foreign language and only the smarter kids get also a second foreign language? Foreign language training starts at class 1 of secondary school?
I know a 12 year old girl who has been hear for 2 years and speaks perfect english. No lessons just enrolled in normal school with some basic words and absorbed like a sponge. Freaky realy.
Yes it's true here many people besides Ukrainian speak Russian, but only in the East of Ukraine. In the West of Ukraine people don't speak Russian, ok they may speak but they don't like it, and the majority knows or can speak some Polish. Usually learning English (which earlier was an onligaroty subject, don't know how it is now) started with the 5 class.
Ok ok. I go to Ukraine and all i've got to do is learn Polish, Romanian, Turkish, Some Greek.. don't bother with Russian and don't try German (the war You know) ;;=). No answer necessary only fun/pun intended.
Ron you're quite wrong about German, German is popular, what was is passed, and I never noticed any problems in communication between a person from Germany and a person from Ukraine. Though there may be problems when a person from Ukraine and a person from Russia communicate.
My parents have been to what was then Yugoslavia, they spoke German and had to explain that they were not German before the locals became friendly again. (about 10 years back).
Cool you meen when i can make myselves understood in Germany, i will have a certain succes with lets say taxidrivers and people on the street?
I doubt that taxidrivers know German...usually taxidrivers are not the best people in the area of education...but maybe you will be lucky:)
Don't forget Ukraine is not Yugoslavia...and I already mentioned, that Ukrainians would do anything if they were freed from the USSR rulement...but it's the history now and it's not good to stir it again:)
Other question. -I thought Ukrainian and Russian where as different as Moldavian and Romanian, in other words that only the locals made a fuss about it.
My original idea was do 2 weeks rus in Odessa and finish it of in Novosibirsk, but might it than be a better idea to learn German linguistics study a bit more Russian at home than 2 weeks Odessa and Russian from beginning in novo? Or are the languages to dissimilar?
I notice i've made a mistake in thinking. I assumed getting my letter translated to Russian and any girl from fsu would be able to read my letter with ease.
Well then i have a question, does anybody know where i can get my letters translated to Kazakh, Polish or Tartar?
Maybe also needed but didn't show up in my short search Uzbekistanian, Armenian, Romanian, (Turkmenian?)
You were correct Ron, translate your letters in Russian and th majority of girls from FSU will understand them, but I'm not sure if they will like it or not. It's just a matter of attitude towards language and the country.
Send all your letters in English, at least until you're done looking around among the gazillion women from FSU
If you're going to worry about each language of each country, even each region of every country you will run out of hours in the day to get your letters and more importantly, to find the one woman you want to visit and try to establish a relationship.
After you pick 'the one' then start worrying what language is more practical for you to learn.
Keep in mind russian as a language, by virtue of it's huge native population is more widely spoken in FSU than any other one...
Tartar?????????...I only do tartar with my salmon, lol....
Call me cynic or devil's advocate (I am both, I know..:) but every woman who has tried to sell me the idea that it's more important for me to learn her language than it is for her to learn mine left me no doubt that she has no intention to ever live anywhere else but her cozy hometown, wherever the heck that maybe.
From nothing to level zero takes 250 hours of study, that is for Germans who already had to learn for the 'muttersprache' that linquistics stuff. So i've to add xxx hrs for that alone. And i have to look what all those phonetic signs mean and add x hrs for that.
The idea people had to learn russian in 10 minutes a day (for 8 years ;=(( ) is not going to work. As for trying today i think i'm going to need 2*40 minutes a day just to learn 5-10 words a day! I hope that is going to improve!
(russian in 10 min a day is a booktitle)
Studenten haben ein Minimum an Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten für den familiären und täglichen Gebrauch. Anfänger brauchen ca. 250 Unterrichtstunden, um dieses Niveau zu erreichen.
Lesekompetenz: Studenten können kurze Sätze der Alltagssprache lesen und verstehen (z.B. Titel in Zeitungen, Anzeigen, Schilder). Die Beherrschung der kyrillischen Schrift ist Voraussetzung.
Schreibkompetenz: Studenten sind in der Lage, einen kurzen Satz zu Alltagssituationen zu formulieren, Fragen zu stellen oder kurze Texte (z.B. Briefe, Grusskarten) zu schreiben.
Verständniskompetenz Studenten können kurzen mündlichen Dialogen folgen, welche Themenbereiche der Umgangssprache umfassen. Der Kontext (Thema, Ort, Zeit, Grund) eines Monologes kann erfasst werden ohne dass jedes Wort verstanden wird.
Mündlicher Ausdruck: Studenten sind in der Lage, einfache Konversationen zu führen, Fragen zu beantworten, Alltagssituationen zu beschreiben, und persönliche Meinungen abzugeben.
Strukturkompetenz: Die Grundlagen der Grammatik (Konjugation, Deklination, Gebrauch der Zeitformen) wird beherrscht. Ein Mindestvokabular von ca. 300 Wörtern ist nötig.
level 1
Mündlicher Ausdruck: Studenten sind in der Lage, in einem Dialog zu partizipieren, auf Fragen zu antworten, eigene Meinungen zu vertreten und andere Gesprächsteilnehmer zu überzeugen. Das Erzählen von zusammenhängenden Sätzen zu Familie/Beruf/Studium/Herkunft/Hobby geht problemlos.
need approximally 2000 words does not say how many hours level 1 takes.
Just got the following in the mail:
"My grammar must be terrible, because I do not understand, or have not yet figured out the noun declensions. I am still, after over a year of study, at the bottom of the learning curve. I am just dying to hit that bell curve and 'get' it, where my learning will soar. But for now, Im stuck."
Most of you are English speaking, which like dutch doesn't have much grammer left.
Can someone of the guys that did master give me an idea of how and howlong (hrs) it took?