As an American I have always been proud of America, I have not always been proud of what some Americans have done or the embarrassment they have caused to the majority of honest hard working and ethical minded Americans. Today on the eve of the Republican National Committee a party of which I am a member a quarter of a million Americans marched against our President George Bush, they marched against his policies and the Republican Party. The convention has not yet begun and already so many stand against the President. It would not be unimaginable to have Millions march to voice their opposition to the policies of George Bush and the Republican Party. How bad are things here in America and how are things seen from the outside. I wonder if a different view is available from the U.K. and Russia and Austraila. I just wonder if we the American Country spent the money we are spending destroying and rebuilding Iraq on buying down the price of a barrel of oil where we might be today. Would that not solve the major problem in this clandestine war for oil? I am not saying this or that is right, whatI am wondering is what is right. Please be diplomatic in your response!!
You are, indeed. At least we in Europe look at this conventions as of Hollywood's affairs - big and loud and directed well. We simply don't care so much any more about our elections, since politics should be (and is, often) in accordance with economy. The politics should prepare the basis for development of business and education, no matter who the big chief is...
mostly an extravegent show and an affair, I have been around for many elections, this election here has a different flavor. The morning paper said as many as 400,000 anti Bush protesters marched yesterday, this has never happened. The American people are very upset, a large part of this is about how we are percieved by others around the world. It was hi lighted at the Olypics the loathing of America. Perhaps it is ok in America for the Government to lie to us Americans, but to lie to others around the world will not be accepted.
Historically, US political conventions serve the most important purpose of supporting the oldest profession of all.....
What is has to do with finding a good woman from FSu, beats the crap out of me, lol.
Wess, I can answer your question regarding how americans are seen aborad very simply and accurately.
The current US policies and political leaders are seen as arrogant, belligerant and lacking of any form of human compassion.
The average american citizen traveling abroad is seen at worst as a loudmouth, uninformed, pennycounter, uneducated, always in a hurry, amazingly obese and with no sense for fashion whatsoever. At best we're seen as hard workers, practical designer of life comforts with an endless apetite for anything that will make us and those around us laugh.
"Amazingly obese" - Americans? No, just AW ;-))
I have a small attachment to send you (if you allow me to?). I would prefer to do it here on a forum (*.jpg), but how?
All we can do as individuals is to make sure WE do not act like the typical american when we go out of the country.
The security concerns alone is enough motivation for me to put the extra effort into doing what it takes NOT to be labeled as an american tourist.
I'm pretty low key, I think I could sort of lay low, I do not know about blendng in, generally I know how to behave and not cause a ruckus just as I know that starting this topic would get some negative attention--- in the end there will be a point as too what appears as insanity!
What do 45 year old Russian males dress like, are you up on the traditions at all you can share.
Well I can add something on how Americans are viewed from our side...
Remember that I gathered some opinions and post them here:)
Americans are hard working men and women (very rare) who do spend much time at work, and who do not know how to have rest. They don't drink much, in fact if to compare with us, don't drink at all. There are a lot of people who are overweight. At schools American girls do not use make-up, wear something without any shape (Have to admit this is an impression of one of my friends who spent 1 year in the USA at the exchange program:). Many eat all the time...and the helpings there are much more bigger then we have here.
So these are the most popular, there are some else...and if you would like I can write them.
This was pretty accurate except for the drinking statement, perhaps in Russia they do not drink in seceret, but here in America they do, there are a lot of alcoholics here in America most are in denial. I have noticed that many of your sayings you post are the same as our here. About alcoholics families are loyal to keep the seceret, there is a saying do not air our dirty laundry. (we must talk of these things)Perhaps it is not as bad in Russia but still it is bad here.
:) Well, it's true here nobody pays attention how much the person drinks, (I speak about other people, not relatives), it's his own problem, and if he wants to ruin his life, it's his wish. As long as he doesn't try to hurt other people. Though some women think it's the way men should behave, drinking and hitting his wife (if he beats me then he loves me - there is such a saying).
Pretty sad, here in America women will pass over honest, sincere, and healthy men as not exciting enough because they think a beating and flowers the next day is how a good relationship works.
Hey wessman, what Ptichka said about Americans not drinking is true. Sure, there is drinking here but it is not accepted as "normal". I dont know of one job in the USA where it is accecpted that you can, even have a beer for lunch, and then go back to work and not get funny looks. I work usually with a bunch of cowboys and if we just happen to stop by Jack Creek around noon, when it is 105 degrees, even they are too scared to get a beer. Persoally, and every Aussia I know in the US, thinks that Americans are way more scared of their employers than Australians. In Australia every one has a beer for lunch. Restaraunts are crawling with secrataries and office workers with drinks on their tables. In the USA they make you wait till you are 21 to even go into a bar. Thats a JOKE! It is like Americans are tea totaling little old ladies at times.
Also even if Bush never went into Iraq the 'left' would have found another excuse to demonstrate. They hated him before he went to Iraq. The extremists in the left wing are just like a squeaky wheel.
Ranji's server is Indonesian, and matches his name.
Your 'worst' view is spot on, as accurate as your 'best' is wrong. But I'll give you some more of common perceptions/misconceptions of Americans 'abroad' - which is outside the continent they live on ergo the best part of the world.
No hacking, just a list, and to be superfluous - I've got my own.
- 1 in 4 US-citizens works for the government, is paid by the other 3, and many of those 1's spy on the 3
- The need for security has taken paranoid proportions at astronomical cost, and this will reflect on the economy (has already) when the reserves are nearing depletion
- The US-president has to carry out the image of being invulnerable, combined with the attitude of 'we rule the world'
- The brains of the US are European, imported, and a large proportion is gathered in Silicon Valley
- The geographical knowledge of an American is inverse proportional to the size of his mouth as well as attitude
- Americans still live in the past when the dollar used to rule the world, and are oblivious to the fact that the Euro has taken over
To all who think this has nothing to do with finding a Russian Maiden: Maybe it hasn't, but it's interesting.
Please leave to another thread, there's many.