As I mentioned in another thread I’ve just returned from 8 days in Ukraine. 4 days in Kyiv and 4 days in Mariupol. I would have to rate the trip as an absolute success as I asked Tanya to marry me on the 7th day and after about 15 seconds of thought she said yes. I’m a very happy guy right now.
About the trip, Tanya, her interpreter, and myself had a three room apartment at the Sherborne Guest House in Kyiv. The apartment was large, comfortable, and included a well stocked mini bar. The bar included juices and snacks and was restocked by the maid daily. I have to say that the Sherborne is a bit pricey at 165 USD per day. But that included transportation to and from the airport. Tanya and Marina arrived from Mariupol at 9:30 and I did not arrive until 11:45 . The Sherborne Driver met Tanya and stayed with her until I arrived and cleared customs with no extra charge. I felt that the money was well spent given the level of customer service at the Sherborne. Our activities consisted mostly of taking a taxi to Independence square and walking around sightseeing from there. We were able to see some interesting sights but mostly were able to have a serious discussion in pleasant surroundings. I should mention the arrangement with the interpreter. Marina is the same person that does the translation of my letters for Tanya at the agency. She knows Tanya and has a little background in our relationship. She also has made a few trips to Kyiv so was able to act as a tour guide as well as an interpreter. Neither Tanya nor myself had ever been to Kyiv so this was an added bonus. In just a few hours it was apparent that Marina would be more like a friend than someone who was just hired to do a job. This just added to an atmosphere that was conducive to growing a relationship. All in all our stay in Kyiv was very pleasant and enjoyable.
In Mariupol we no longer used Marinas’ services, instead when we had the family dinner or went to different houses of Tanya’s friends for dinner, we invited Tanya’s English teacher to join us and she was able to do some interpreting.
I would like to suggest that the family dinner is a very important function. If your lady does not have a good grasp of the English language then I would highly recommend having a translator available. I can assure you that the family will have some concerns and it would be best if all questions and answers be completely understood.
While in Mariupol I was able to visit her agency. In my opinion this is a stand up group of people. The agency does not charge the ladies for translations and they bend over backwards to make things work.
After looking at some of the posts that went up since I’ve been gone I thought a success story might lighten things up a bit. Also let people know that not all the girls in the Ukraine are out to scam.
Thought I'd put my 5 cents in. Also went to Kiev in July, stayed at Sherborne, did Liberty Square and Krevshatik Street. I have to agree the service was excellant. My meeting with Irina was more, by far than I could have hoped. We fell in love, and also became great friends. Keiv was an amazing city. I leave in two weeks to marry this wonderful woman. We will vacation in Odessa, so anyone's experiences would be greatly appreciated. Also anyone Canadian thinking of marrying, you have a lot of paperwork. If you need a point in the right direction let me know. I too, feel that it is easy to critisize when things go wrong, and travelled for the first time with certain hesitations, but completely enjoyed not only the personal aspects of my trip, but also the hospitality of everyone that I had the pleasure of meeting. I think there are probably quite a few success stories, you just become so busy that there's not always time to write. There are good people everywhere.
nice to hear the positive side,and let me wish you all the best for the future.Same thoughts going to you too Ukie.
At least it keeps things in perspective,for the doubters.
glad things have worked out for you. is not kreshatyk street simply wonderful? i can park my ass there for the next 2 years on a bench and just watch wave after wave of all those beautiful slender gizzelles strutt their stuff. i had two long stays there . my best friend is an interpretor and local historian in kyiv. so we covered almost everything to satisfy my desires for all the local history and their war museums. i must say though for what you paid a night is beyond expensive. my first place to stay was the rus hotel. this is a 4 star hotel with an incredible breakfast buffet with a full staff who cant wait to make you more than comfortable. only 82 usd a night . this is a first class hotel right on the far end of kreshatyk street opposite the dneiper river end of town. my next trip to be with my friend she arranged an apartment right behind i hate to say the mcdonalds burger joint at independance square. for 65 usd a night it was truly the most beautiful victorian style apartment in the world. 10 or 12 foot high ceilings,wooden floors and private. huge living room, huge bedroom with kingsize bed. private bath with a seperated private toilet room and a huge fully equipped kitchen. only two small blocks from independance. only 65 usd a night. i can let you know her friends number who owns these apartments. it is well worth it . a taxi ride to kyiv borispol(airport) should be no more than 30 usd although i have paid 20 usd before. there is even an irish bar a couple of blocks away, if you have the urge to drink whiskey and kick ass!! lol just kidding you irish guys. one more thing is st. andrews descent, it is a long descending street of 18th century original homes and original cobble street where on weekends only all artisans and local flee market stuff is out for you collectors of artifacts. this is very popular place on weekends.
Jmoluv- I was in Kiev for 1 day and was told one way to kiev from the airport, $15US. No wonder all you guys complain about being ripped off. For $100US I got a 3.5 hour privite tour from a taxi driver, walked the churchy thing on the hill with me and all. Are you sure you guys are talking about the same Kiev, you know, Ukraine Kiev.
my interpretor asked me for only 20 usd to accompany me for a date with me and a lady from 12 noon till 6pm . of course her lunch and dinner was on me. i wasnt complaining. every taxi driver is different but they are all easy to barter with.
jmo-My interprtor asked me for 40 grevners to spend the whole day with me. I am not saying that you paid to much, only tryiny to demonstrate that some of the prices people do post here are not the only amounts you can pay. People here have often said that they cannot affort to take multiple trips and at those prices I understand why. A little research can dramaticaly reduce your cost.
Great and informative post! This is what this forum should be all about. I personally still think Kiev is the most corrupted city in the world. But if you have the right people working for you then of course you can have a wonderful time as these guys did. Also, I think some of you just got lucky. Again, I feel Kiev is best used as a city to meet your girl who is from another city. As for the prices of services. The taxi ride to the airport is $20. If you paid less then you got a good deal. If you paid more then you got took a little. High level Interpreter rates are $7 to $10 an hour in Kiev. In other cities the rate is max $5 an hour. You can get University students to do it for as little as $20 all day but remember you get what you pay for. I've stayed in very nice apartments as stated above in this thread for a range of $50 to $80 a day. All in city center walking distance to everything. Beware of one thing when renting an apartment. Many owners will require a security deposit to reserve the apartment. Usually two days rent. But what they dont tell you is that this does not gaurantee your reservation. Its a gaurantee for them to get some money in case you cancel. They will not hesitate to rent your apartment right from under you if they get a better price from another client. They will give your deposit back. It happened to me and two of my friends on different occasions. They will cut you even a day before you arrive. They dont care that now you have to scramble to find a place at the last minute. Just another example of corruption in kiev.
Yes Jmoluv, I enjoyed Kreshatyk Street. We also walked along the St Andrews Descent. I really enjoyed the local works of art on display. About the apartment rents, because this was the first meeting for Tanya and I, I could rent two small apartments at 70 to 80 USD per night or do as I did and rent one large 3 room apartment with separate sleeping arrangements for three. I did not want Tanya to think I was assuming anything. Also I took advantage of the service from the agency in Mariupol that made the services of the person who does Tanya’s letter translation to accompany her to Kyiv to serve as an interpreter. The charge on this was 100USD per day. For this I had an interpreter and a competent guide available 24hrs a day. More important she was someone Tanya knew and trusted. Again Tanya was coming to a city she had never been in before, stay in an apartment with a man she had never met or spoken to. Anything I could do to put her mind at ease I was willing to do. It seems to have worked as I received an E- Mail from her today claiming she is still the happiest woman in the world and that her family welcomes me into theirs.
god bless you. i am happy for you. you did the right thing. if you ever go there again i can give you my friends number from kyiv who is a native from there and a good interpretor she knows the city like the back of her hand and she is a historian. she can get you the apartment that i had.going the extra mile to making tanyas visit and stay very comfortable for her was a very smart thing to do and obviously the ball is rolling. i still have a plane ticket and my entry visa. i think i am going back in this october or november.
good luck jmoluv
you are kind of right about the corruption in kyiv. but what is strange is , i did not see any violence or crime in the streets at all other than a pair of young georgian female gypsies who would not let me go trying to get money from me. but the real crime that i experienced as i wrote in a former thread was when i was accosted by two young city police officers for not having my passport on me . they new i was american and i was on the doorstep trying to open the door of my apartment to get in. when i said i could show them my passport inside they said no.they said
only 100 usd will save you from going to jail. they would not wait or come inside . i wonder what the usa consulate cuold have done for me/ does anyone know?
no i had it on me. he was not going to take no for an answer. he had some stripes on his uniform so he was probably holding rank. the other officer pulled my girl to the side away from me and they searched her purse and made me stand at a distance.i mean these guys just showed up from no where and did this . we were just walking together to go back to my guys, she was not the local hooker.
two days later he was standing there in independence square . i had to bite my tongue walking by him. i think i forwarded half his monthly salary to him that day.
I had the same police experience in Moldova, pulling out my mobile and saying I was just going to take some advice from the British Embassy, had them saying they would let me off this time-)))