NTV brought a few bits of the Bush/Kerry debate.
Including a reference to Tony Soprano.
If TV viewers in Russia are familiar with Tony Soprano, they must watch some American TV. In the not too distant future the Russian TV audience will be severely westernized!
You can already buy Big Macs and Coke there.
In the future the standard greeting will be
'Howdy Pardner' - or something like that.
You're boring as hell of late, lost your funny side, dropped your witty bits, and in general a post from any of your names is dreaded by all.
You've changed forums before - maybe time to re-relocate?
hoenissen I doubt that buying Big Macs and Coke, can be the cause of westernization, and bigger changes in life. The countries can't be isolated from each other. For me personally, big macs are still something exotic. This summer I for the first time was in McDonalds, and tried big mac in my life:) What can I say, I can make better at home:) But if to look at it as just a fast snack during the working day, when there is no time to cook something or even buy something else, it's not that bad:)
hoenissen do you think who have a job, work hard, and earn good money, serious people, watch TV much???:) No they don't:) Of course there are people who still like soap operas, but the reason for that is in wanting a more beautiul life, at least it is IMHO:)
Films...well personally I don't watch all films, just the ones which seam to be nice:) The last one I saw was Shreck-2, and this is a great movie:) Now hope to see 9 yards - 2, and die hard - 4 :)
please.......please .........please........ stop killing my brain cells with posts like this......can't you go play in the big padded room with the rest of the aliens!
It's not western TV that will change the culture of FSU. It's the free market system that is now in place since the collapse of the USSR. I seen it already in the youth of Ukraine. The 1-18 year olds have never known communisim. You can see it in their character, how they dress, and how they eat. I dated a few 18-21 year olds. 90% had no desire to ever live in America or anywhere else. They are happy in their own country and see a bright future. Things are rapidly getting better there. The quality of life is improving. It will slowly remove the desire or need to leave their country for a better life and opportunity for their future family. What we are doing now gentleman will not last long. I predict this opportunity will be over in 5 years. Only single moms who have been scorned by their FSU man will remain interested.
Anyone who refuses to recognize the malignant influence western television exerts on the youth of the world simply walks around with blinders on his face.
As one of the gazillion examples take a look at the TV commercial ads aired today and pay attention to their anti-male message.
Those very same ads, as many others will make their way into eastern cultures worldwide.
what a load of shit. Have any of you looked at the adds in FSU. Most would not even be allowed to air in my country. A man leaving his wife so he can be happy and drink beer. Anyway there is always 2 side to anything. There are of coarse bad influences but there are also good ones. If I have to write them here you are all a more follish than I thought
ID, here normal people don't take the commercials seriously:) We make jokes on them:) Humorists write nice funny and satiric monologues about commercials:)
lmao @ ID....:))
the number of idiots here is proportional to the square root of PI multiplied by the number of brian cells lost in the time it takes to read all this shit!!!!.........BEAM ME UP SCOTTY!!
Or should that be "It's life Jim but not as we know it".....!!!
I understand Ptichka, it is not you people who is the problem and I do not take offence to these add. It is poeple like hoen that do not get it or are offended and blame tv for everything. But still manny of you adds would not be shown here because someone would complain but not me personally
You are so right Ptichka.....normal everyday people DO NOT take commercials seriously.....hell if they did nobody would have any grey hair...would never be overweight....would have precisely 2.3 kids......and all leave for work smiling every morning!!!!
Normal everyday people don't take TV ads seriously? That's funny. We are constantly being conditioned. Isolate yourself from the TV and media for a while then watch the choices you make when you shop. Why do corporations pay oodles to get their ads run? Because advertising works... and yes.. on normal everyday people.
'never be overweight?' Streuth! You mean junk food isn't advertised on TV?
I tried to commit suicide in Moscow as I didn't trust the local outlets and ate at a Macdonalds.
Big mistake. Expensive, tasteless cardboard. The Coke left me bloated. My stomach was upset for two days. Yech!!