I was wondering, it takes a lot of money to go visit the FCU, and a lot of money to get the lady over here, and with younger men who have to work a lot and have not really established and fully settled down yet how is it possible to meet your lady much less bring her here? I really would like to go to Russia, and really would like to bring her here, but lack of money is not an issue for me but time off of work definitly is. But is there any cheaper alternative for people that normally cant afford to hop on a plane and go to Russia?
There really are no mail order brides. (Its hard to find a box the right size and shape and the women tend to get all wrinkled folded up in the box on the way over.)
(To you politically correct readers - that was a joke).
Finding a Russina bride or a local even finding a wife locally takes money as well as time. Western men are provided an incredible opportunity to find beautiful, intelligent women with different values systems than the women in the west have got - but we are provided no shortcuts and no economy plans.
Doesn't cost that much to fly over there anyway. And as far as time is concerned - if you cannot devote a week or two to the initial trip...how serious are you?
She is supposed to be your one and only - she should be worth your dedication.
It is like everything else BK you get what you pay for and get out what you put in. NO it is not cheap but yes it is a value if you find what you seek. I think that with careful planning you could pull it off. My experience is that surely your best bet is to find someone through corrispondence and then visit her when you can. I agree with you for those of us who work for a living it is hard to find the time. I have children and a small company of just me. If I am gone I make no money. It is a catch 22 but I think it will pay for itself manytimes over if I am successfull. There are some agencies that offer video correspondence wich can help but again most of these ladies but much more faith in a live visit. I have not made the trip yet myself but have things laid out for early spring. I have also thought of a quick 4 or 5 day trip over Christmas break to help as I have a couple of cities I would like to visit. I wish I could give you more help but know that many of us are in that same time crunch. I hope some of the others that have made the trips can help you more but I think the trip is un avoidable.
It depends on your point of view. Spending $2k to $3k USD to go visit your lady in the US is not much. The issue is making the time to go. I'm going for my first visit in Feb if I get my birth cert and passport replaced in a timely manner. But the whole process is pretty cheap comraed on what you are potentially getting in return. It depends on how dedicated and serious you are about this. I was like you when I first showed up here almost 6 months ago. Do some checking. This biggest problem is arranging the time to go visit your lady. I'm crazy busy. The lady I'm talking to has shown me she's worth finding the time. I also suggest trying to pick up at least a little Russian. Interpreters will cost you a nice chunk of change.... Good luck on your search!
Interpreters are good value. $5 per hour. It's difficult to talk, as I did, for longer than 2 or 3 hours. You get the benefits of being able to communicate everything you are trying to say, including subtle meanings and humour.
It may be possible to cut costs by having your lady (or anyone you can establish friendships with) find cheaper accommodation. Some people are prepared to move out of their apartments for a fee . I paid $50 per week for 6 weeks in St.P, for an apartment right in the heart of the city. I was incredibly fortunate. If anyone wants the details let me know. It wasn't the most comfortable apartment, by any means but at that price and with that convenience, I didn't give a damn. As jet says, flights are cheap. QC
Yeah, I'm looking in to renting an apartment for 2 weeks while I'm there. Flights are surprisingly cheap. I'm still wondering what the food situation will be like there.
I think my biggest concern is that you need someone to represent you, which my girl will, but she is in Yoshkar-Ola and I plan on staying in Moscow for a day before I get a train. Who represents me when I am in Moscow? I know you have to go to a local police station to register, who goes with me? If the hotel I am staying at does do they transfer responsibility over to my girl when she arrives? Or do I simply get on the train and then register again at the police station in Yoshkar-Ola? Being in the military I go to NATO countries and use my military ID card to go anywhere I want to and do whatevere I want to without the need of a passport or a visa, and almost all of Western Europe is part of NATO, and if I went there curtosy of USS Whatever there was never a question if I had a passport of visa.
BK most hotels will wil represent you for your visa of course I believe you must have paid reservations with them but that is to be expected. I can't say about once you are inside as I have not found much on it in russia. If you rent an apartment I think you could list the landlord as well. I think I remember I read something about transaction papers tend to make it easier showing you have a place to stay and means to get back out. I am sure there are some guys here with the info you need.
You sound like the prime candidate for Fiance.com or any other agency assistance.....just like moi, lol.
Let them budget everything for you...then double the cost and have a good time. When you're time restricted it makes no sense worrying about money.
When you're restricted on both time and money it pretty much kicks you out of the race.
Good luck
You can drive to Alaska and cross the channel, the bearing strait, I would wait a month or so and give the ice some time to thicken, the winter time might be better than the summer only because I do not swim all that well, in either even bring a big knife cause if you are swimming there will be big sharks ripping at your butt and then again if you cross on foot the Polar bears get pretty hungry in the wimter, but hey you get what ya pay for.
There are a number of agencies in St.P and Moscow advertising registration for $25 in the Moscow and St.P Times. If you are only there one day, you do not need to register. I found a place that does it for $10. You can go on your own. They speak English and it's right next to the Metro. Email me for info.
You can eat at the Russian competitor to McDonalds. It's called Blindonalds. They make filled pancakes called Blineys. Cheap and cheerful. Lots of restaurants do business lunches for $6 or so.
The street vendors also sell pies, pasties, breads, etc. I was wary at first but when I didn't die of food poisoning, I was quite happy to buy.
Agree with Toad. If you have the money, get someone else to do the legwork. QC
"Is searching for Russian Women for the rich, ..or the well to do's?"
To a certain degree, Bastard_Kid, the answer is in the affirmative, however, you have to compare it to searching for a western woman. (and what happens when you find one).
(why is it that some western women are 'only' extravagant in one area: Spending Money?)
You can drive to Alaska and cross the channel, the bearing strait, I would wait a month or so and give the ice some time to thicken, the winter time might be better than the summer only because I do not swim all that well, in either even bring a big knife cause if you are swimming there will be big sharks ripping at your butt and then again if you cross on foot the Polar bears get pretty hungry in the wimter, but hey you get what ya pay for.
Wherever it is I'm betting that good old Uncle Sam's "Global Express" is the least expensive and best.
In Moldova they contract with a local courier (RPG MOLDOVA or something like that). The girl is called to the corrier's office where the package is opened and the contents checked. While that may seem intrusive by our standards - the other way ("simple mail" or First Class through the US Postal Service) also included the package being opened and search but it is not done in her presenc. Consequently the odds that something might go missing increase.
DHL and United Parcel also have a presence in the FSU but they are more expensive.
I have a buddy who sent several pakages via Federal Express (at a hgher cost) to his fiance in Odessa. When they reached Kyev they were opened and determined to be of high enough value for additional taxes to be owed. She never received them. He only discovered their whereabouts weeks after they were supposed to delivered.
I will give you my experience BC, she arrives in England 17/11/04.first letter to her 06/03/04, first visit 18/06/04...visited her in total 8 times.visa issued 27/10/04 total cost $18,000.you can do it cheaper, not everyone visits their girl 8 times in 4 different countries. so from first meeting to getting visa.4 months and 9 days
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