I know some of you are thinking: This is a dumb thread but I don’t care. I was just curious if any of you wore a suit on your fist meeting with your girl, or did you bring a couple of suits or go casual.
No it is not a dumb thread.You only have one chance to make a first impression. Business casual as Ditto said is appropriate. I said in another thread if you wear something else and you want to fit in do not wear baseball cap, sweatpants or basketball warm up suit or athletic shoes. No Tommy Hilfiger. No baggy pants with your ass hanging out.
What men do wear over there are clothes that fit well and are conservative to upscale. No cuffed pants . Pant lenght only to the ankle. Nice dark black or brown leather dress shoe.A good sweater or dress shirt with a good fitting dress slack or blue jean. As i said no bagginess. Also a military style haircut with no facial hair at all.
I watch these things icechaos, i grew up with, as my mother was and still is a tailor and clothes designer from Rome,Italy.
I had several pairs of dress pants, shirts, dress shoes, and sport jackets. I also had my full suit, but did not have a need to wear it. Good to have, just in case.
Yes, I dressed up on each outing I went with her.
A lot of that depends on the weather, too. I was in a cool climate, so the jacket was nice to have.
I'm right in line with JMO. You only have one chance for a first impression.
Its not just that you want to look good for her, you want her to know that you want to look good for her, too.
Evertime i go now i bring less and less. I have become good at mixing around the same things if you know what i mean. I never bring a single thing that i do not use. I can get by on a whole week with just a flight attendants size suitcase and a small school bookbag on my shoulder.
No argument, there. It takes a couple of trips to define exactly what it is you really need.
If I were gone for just a week, I'm sure I could manage a single carryon. However, I still like to be the tourist, so I have to bring my tourist gear, too.
I brought one suit, several ties and shirts for the formal 8 march dinner and the dinner outing with her mother.
There was so much snow and ice on the ground that I did not dare wear my dress shoes any other time but this two ocassions.
I wore business casual to her mother's feast at home.
In western siberia very few men are seen wearing those pointy shoes...and they look RIDICULOUS, not matter what the fashion gurus try to sell, lol
Come on, guys! Wearing a suit will make everyone around you and you yourself feel uneasy. Just put on what fits you most. Why not a baseball cap? It will make you look younger and harder!:-) Take a look at Bruce Willis.
By the way take a look at the first meeting at the airport photo taken a week ago by us.
Jmo. No baseball caps??? Are you kidding? Come there in summer.
I guess it makes sense in Kyev, Odessa or wherever you were that they make difference how much to charge, but here in our old good "socially-oriented" Belarus they don't care if you are from New-York or Papua New Guinea.
As for balck people you are right, they don't like climate in here or whatever!:-) But have you suffered too much from the fact that you saw just one of them?
I wore dockers and a nice half turtle neck and decent shoes at my first meeting... of course some child on the airplane spilled her drink on me ( YAY ) but I cleaned it up nicely... after the I wore jeans a decent shirt, hiking shoes, leather jacket allmost daily and blended in nicely. The jacket really helped and I was constantly mistaken for a local ( 10 years younger HAHA! ) until I spoke. Everyone wears leather jackets....
The only time I really stood out was when I went running... omg I got so many looks haha! No one excercises outdoors there in the winter I guess.
Ditto the statement from jmoluv about mixing the clothes. I have just the same experience as he has. I bring a small suitcase, and I have one suit, some shirts, and some casual clothes. The suit I have is completely black, so it can be elegant with a white shirt and a tie, Cool with a black shirt- no tie (men in black..!), if I throw away the jacket and put on a nice sweather it looks more relaxed, but still nice for a quite nice restaurant or a party. Most of the time I dress casual in jeans and cool sweathers/shirts. I never arrive in a suit, but I dress up nice for the evening.. But hey.. I dress in fashion clothings and feel comfortable in it, even if I look a little different from the native people... I have often notised paople look extra at me, and there is no doubt in their minds that I am a foreigner, they can see it from a long distance... But to be honest, it doesn't bother me, my goal is not to look like everybody else... I am only 38.. I am still a young and handsome guy.. And the girls I have met seemed to enjoy it (still talking about fashion guys!!!!) ... LOL ---- and about a baseball cap?? I would not wear it in the wintertime, but in summer? Sure, why not? I think it is quite normal to have a cap or some cool shades in the sun... I think you should dress like you use to at home, why change to someone you aren't? just to impress a girl? Don't pretend, Be yourself always! :)))
Jmo. I have seen a couple of mixed families over here but agree it is not a big percentage for a city with around 400.000 people. All the coloured people we have here are students from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and what not...
This is funny . I think you stole my suitcase.I am a black and grey guy. I wear a custom made black Italian suit . I wear a pull over black shirt underneath when i do not wear a tie . And black shoes . So i can drop the jacket and wear a shirt or sweater. Everything goes with black and so do my grey garments. Women love a sharp dressed man.
Felice, you misleading brat...:)
You're so full of shit that if you farted in Belarus you would blow off the snow of the entire western Siberia.
Telling westerners to wear a baseball cap in FSU is like telling them to wear a sign saying "I'm an arrogant clueless westerner"
Every russian man wore a suit 8 March at the Mozart restaurant in Tyumen. The one who showed up wearing a leather jacket and simple sweater got an earful from his woman half way through dinner. Lena thought it was funny: "why didn't she tell him to change before they left the house?"
Toady, my advise to chose your words accurately...
Mozart restaurant is far from daily life. I am more than sure that on the 8th all the restaurant was occupied with oil-companies bosses whose incomes are such that they hardly can wear something else but Armani. So what? You want to get lost in the Russian oil elite?:-) No way man!
As special as 8 march is for everyone and as fancy as the Mozart is in Tyumen, neither the men nor the women were uniquely dressed up in much different manners than what I saw any other day.
There were a lot people wearing fur coats, dresses (women) and business suits and fine coats (men) in plain daylight but more so at night at the different places we went.
The Siberian regions were able to negotiate a more autonomous settlement with Moscow than almost any other part of the Russian Federation, which means more money from their revenues stays in the region.
Tyumen is taking full advantage of this and the popular governor they have is making a marked differences already...streets are repaired, smoking billboards are prohibited, out of town trade roads are in top shape, etc etc...
There is money in the streets of Tyumen these days, Felice...the local economy is growing and the wealth distribution allows for the development of the middle class.
The crime bosses of the 90s have entered the stage where they need stability to protect their interests and hopefully it will continue.
So don't tell me only oil bosses get to do fancy dinners in siberia, many new-middle class merchants can afford 200 dollars dinners at Mozart today.