I have read a few posts on this forum and discovered that most posts are "answered" by the usual suspects.
Putting the time in is great, and some of you seem to be extremely well versed in that you travel very regularly to FSU, presumably, to find a woman to spend the rest of your lives with??
Surely by now, after so many trips etc, you would have found "miss right" ?
Or do you have too much money, or are too fussy and go there to just "sample the wares"?
As for myself, naive as I am about such matters, I just want to meet a Russian girl, bring her to my Country (Australia) and make her as happy as I can with the limited resources available to me.
That means I can't afford many trips and ripoffs. It's get it right first time or it probably wont happen.
After reading the posts, it seems to me that my chances of this happening are very slim to say the least.
I have to say my enthusiasm for my dream has waned considerably.
As for you guys that rip the shit out of anyone that has committed nothing more than trusting a girl or an Agency, perhaps you can try to understand that not all of us are as educated and as wordly as your good selves. Some of us are just simple, lonely guys that seek happiness in the form of a foreign woman.
If you take the time to write in response to a post from a guy thats just possibly had his heart and wallet ripped out of him.
Why not be constructive in your advice instead of laughing at them and calling them a fool.
I WAS going to ask advice in here on where the hell to start to find THAT woman,and how to go about it properly...but.... in fact, what the hell,... I'll ask it anyway.
Here's hoping.....
I stayed at a Holiday Inn yesterday....so maybe I know a few things. :))
I'm not a newbie and not as wise as some who are veterans. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought of
my match being a young beautiful family oriented FSU women. Chances are slim and I know that going in but there is that one in a million chance of being the luckiest man on earth( just listen to nasfan). Question is...what are you willing to do to have that in your life. It's like finding that needle in a hay stack.
I'll be on my 3rd tour of duty soon and after each one I feel I am coming closer, if not like a snail, to finding that girl. Just remember everyone here started from the same place, they are just further up the road right now.
You can start like I did on a site like this one and write letters to girls or go the tour route. If you are not in it for the long haul, close shop and move on. I think I got that from I/O or whoever I'll give credit for that line!! I hope I enlightened you with my thoughts. I am NOT one of the rippers.
Hi Baz,
Well whilst you may be disadvantaged by the distances and costs, and indeed time, involved in travelling to FSU you may find yourself advantaged because, being Australian, you might be considered 'different' by FSU ladies. Some might be fed up to the back teeth with Europeans and/or N. Americans and an Australian might be considered a breath of fresh air.
However Australia may be considered a land of milk and honey, I know that such a land doesn't exist but do they, so you need to be on your guard regarding this and particularly regarding the type that has seen all the pictures of Sydney harbour and just fancies a 'freebie' to Australia.
Now, in my opinion and you having mentioned your limited resources, there is no budget for travelling to FSU and/or finding the right lady, OK an American friend of mine was 'lucky' whereas he met a good lady on his first trip, engaged the second trip and brought her home the third trip but then there are others who have travelled, and travelled, and travelled, and never succeeded.
OK, I took some 5 years to find the right lady but I had adopted the attitude that, being a single guy, I would take my holidays to FSU rather than the normal tourist destinations so I wasn't putting myself under any financial pressures and bearing in mind that I am only some 4 hours from FSU not any inconvenience either, indeed I like adventures to places new.
Now if you're putting yourself under financial constraints then you're likely to make yourself vunerable and I made a similar mistake some 6 years ago and the best I can do is to tell others not to be such an idiot as I was then. If you've put yourself under a budget then within that budget you may feel that you MUST find an FSU lady or your opportunity has been missed.
Baz, let us say you go to a local nightclub or bar but you only have enough money for a couple of drinks before you need to return home, but you need to meet your future wife within that time, are you likely to make the biggest mistake of your life by marrying, or investing in, a 'mistake' or are you ultimately going to be happier returning home empty armed but atleast with a couple of drinks inside you?
Nobody has too much money Baz, the more money one has then the more they want and/or the meaner they become, your best bet is, if you're a beginner, to do a search for 'Russia Blacklist' and familiarise yourself with all the 'do nots' and begin your search thereafter.
Baz, in this day and age, and being 100% honest with you, it is a bl00dy minefield out there and hopefully you won't tread on too many before you get to the other side.
Beemer and Martin, I really appreciate that advice and info, It's a bit of an eye-opener actually.
I had no idea that the process was as complicated? as it is.
I had assumed it was relatively straight forward, it was just a matter of sorting out the "frauds from the fairdinkums".
As a matter of interest, have any of you guys thought about consulting in this area?
And Olga, I'd appreciate if you didn't edit this! *laugh*
But if Agencies like yours have the resources to read and edit every forum and read and edit every email for personal details, surely you have the resources to edit and or check the bona-fides of the girls and guys that register with you.
For example: I make it quite clear in my profile that I'd like to meet a woman between the age of 36 and 40, but I get mail from girls aged 18-20, and quite frankly they are stunners!
I'm realistic enough to know that they would not really be interested in me, thats ok, but is that part or the start of a ripoff?
Surely you can set your data base to allow contact only within the set criteria. It would surely give the Agency more credibility.
Anyway......... thanks again Beemer and Martin.
skiired? whatever.
I really do see opportunity on the consulting side though.
Whereabouts in Oz are you, just out of curiosity, I spent some time in Melbourne, 4 bl00dy months in Adelaide, a day trip to Alice etc. Where are you?
Baz first piece of advice, learn to live alone and not be lonely, then your search will be better because your head will be screwed on more correctly. Don't let loneliness make decisions for you. Learn about yourself first living alone. Smell the coffee, be a guy for a while, then when you know, it's really not a big deal being alone, then you will use sound judgement and make good decisions, that will greatly lead to a better first opportunity trip being something worthwhile. It's not going to happen on just one trip, even if you find "the one". Because if she really is the one, if she is real it's going to be a difficult decision for her also and it will take time for you two to have an understanding.
Hi, Baz,
I've been to the FSU a few times, without success, but have met some sincere women, some not so much. The sincere ones are not going to throw themselves at us just because we're western men. Just like dating western women, a couple has to meet in person to see if there is an attraction. What I have experienced is that months of letter writing does nothing to preclude her turning down a second date when you finally do meet her, or the guy might feel the same lack of attraction.
What to do? I have encountered a few western men in my travels who were getting married to their Ukrainian girlfriends. The absolute best piece of advice they gave me is to set up video web cam correspondence over the internet using Skype. That way you and the woman can interact and get a much better idea if you're attracted to each other. You'll also find that the scammers and insincere women won't want to invest the time and effort to video correspond with you. In this way, you will be sure that the woman you eventually travel overseas to visit will be a serious candidate! It's my new strategy, after lots of money, time and effort down the drain. It's worked for others!
Good luck! :)
Hi, all!
Keeping in the spirit of helpful advice, why do you think there are ladies with profiles for 2 or more years, 100+ letters but not married? Is it because they got lots of letters but no visits, or just too picky? I've been to Ukraine before twice, but never been involved with any agency girls. I'm curious if any of you speak any russian or do you just use interpreters?
Where the bloody hell do you blokes get all your money? *laugh*
You are always travelling!
Iv'e been skun back to scratch again by a 'westy"... a NASTY westy lol
Nasfan, I appreciate what you are saying too, it makes perfect sense.
I was alone and did the "bloke" thing for 7 years between missus #1 and #2 with a few flings between.
I was looking into the "Russian" scenario before #2, then dropped it when I met her.
What ..... a .... HEAD F ** C K !!
Busted my balls, busted my bank and drained the soul.
THAT is one reason I started looking back toward FSU.
yeah yeah... before you all start... I know there's hardly a bloke in the world that hasn't been through that. fine.
This forum is good, it helps, ... it actually shows that the answer may certainly not lie in a far-away land, although I wish a Miss WOW would jump a plane and jump my bones too!
Just cant see the answer laying locally though..... ahhh well, in the imortal words of a well known local..... before he was hung.............. "such is life"
It took me 2 trips and meeting about 7 girls to find my current girlfriend.
Total time of about 3 weeks. We have been going out for almost 3 years now and are starting to discuss marriage. She has good English (lived in USA for 2 years and has green card but went back to Ukraine with mother when parents split).
I have never used an agency directly but have contacted girls on introduction sites that were represented by agencies. They were major problems and there is too much scope for agencies to string things along for the purpose of increasing their fees. If you cant start direct contact quickly then give up.
I found it a major advantage to learn cyrillic and then to study some Russian. You dont require a huge amount but it helps to enable you to check out local Ukrainian and Russian dating sites and this is where the action is.
I have been to the Ukraine 11 times (I am Aussie but work as an expat so travel is basically free). I really like Kiev and Odessa. Have an ambition to spend this summer in Crimea. Plan a trip, meet a few girls, if you meet the right one great, but plan to have a really good time.
If you want to know more write to me on geminidreams_44@yahoo.com.
Couple of things you might like to consider. (Bare in mind, I call it the way I see it) This can be a damned expensive passtime and if you don't have the doe to hoe the row, there won't be a show. Nevertheless, it can be done and it can be done on a tight budget.
Look in term of it costing you at least 25K from start to finish. Sure it varies from case to case but use that as a guide. That could be spread over 1, 2 or even 3 years. If you are on a budget, you simply need to get smarter than Joe average. There is a million ways to phuc this up and just a few ways to get it right.
IMO the first thing you should do (Yeah I can hear the phucwitts screaming already) is pick out a location which is relatively easy and economical to visit. Shoot that padock out before you try to spread your bets (And oats) all over the place. You will need to think outside the sqare slightly.
The next is to work out some kind of plan as to how to hook up with GENUINE women. Clue number 1...pick an age appropriate group. Too many get shafted by chasing young fluff. My sympathy factor for them...zip...!! Aus is quite popular in Russia on one hand because of our perceived safety and healthy lifestyle. On the other hand there is some resistence because of the distance. You will have to touch and feel on that one.
I would hunt around the Russian orthodox Churches in Melbourne and see who you can meet and what you can learn face to face with ex pat Russians. There is no downside to getting information.
As for direct contact or agencies, I can't offer any personal advice, but I can offer the best plan I have seen to work for a variety of people and that is hook up with a lady of interest via whatever means and also hook up with an on-the-ground agent. Use the agent as back up and logistical support only. If your lady of interest works out, then you need go no further, if not, revert to the agent. This way you don't end up in "Someburg" with no show to go to.
As for travel plans, I'd suggest you consider other options from the usual. Moscow is expensive and not always the best option. You can get in via Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg or Vladivostok. You can do this via Soeul or Pei King with Siberian Airlines. I use them often and it is much cheaper than going via Moscow. Helluva lot quicker also. You should get all inclusive round tickets for less than $2500, sometimes less than 2k. You'll have to ride the agents pretty hard but it can be done.
As for sorting out who is who in the zoo, use good sense. She ain't gunna fall in love in 10 letters and few phone calls so anyone who is going over the top early is usually trash.
Reckon on a few trips. Don't fear the cost too much. Plan, save and work slowly. It is not rocket science. It simply requires "Big Head" thinking and being prepared to be in for the "Long Haul".
BAz its mike00 hear mate in russia believe me what martin mentioned aussies breath fresh air ----------martin you got that correct -iam a true believer that Aussies not only breath fresh air they are Honest to women!
They know how to treat a woman like nobody else in this world and its all 1000% good news - i know 3 girls thier friends of my girl in russia all love to have a guy but all 3 have stated thier preference for an Aussie is streets ahead of any other race .
Yes i dont care what anybody says Aussies are not just FLAVOUR of the month for russian women ------they are FLAVOUR OF THE DECADE -THATS a fact .
Baz you will be ok mate -its a learning process ----dont get drowned in the negitivity on hear please dont take them serious -you will get and il bet $1000 on it all the negativty you can absorb from you know two caracters hear.
Aussieman & venachekka --they'l have you slashing your wrists mate all the ''it cant be done's getting girls to hear and all that CRAP many of us on hear have had ours girls to our native countries -me included - so dont get drowned in the crap mate .
Dont get sidetracked by inuendo and speculation ok .
Speak to the few of us on hear whom in some cases over last 5 years have spent more time in russia than home country --------they are the only blokes whom have it CORRECT !.
BAZ give you some advise for a girl ok definately stay our of the BIG city syndromes go for small city countRyfield down to earth girl as i have .
If you get saddled with a moscowvite whom has visions living as a westerner forget it ! its a recipe for financial disaster and whatever job you do mate in aussie if your on 40/ 55k a year you land yourself with a russian whom has read all the HOME MAGS ''
visions of cadillacs etc -you will come unstuck --get yourself a girl whom sees you FIRSR IN LIFE ---------YOUR THE ONLY THING IN THIS WORLD THAT MATTERS TO HER AND SHE CAN LOOK YOU IN THE EYE SAY TO YOU -------DARLINK I DONT GIVE A TOSS YOU WORTH 1 DOLLAR OR 1 MILLION --I IS NOT INTERESTED -----THEY ARE THIER MATE but the big city birds mobiles / ohh my mate boris has a new SAAB no piss that thinking right off mate -
you want a bird who's never seen more than $250 usd a month in her born days and no matter what country she moves to she wont give a shit if she never see's 300$ usd a month .
they are thier mate ive lived vast time in adelaide / perth bit in melbourne i know a stack of russian birds hear married aussie guys ---------and i never see a worry .
Because they put HIM FIRST -NOT HIS WALLET !
BUT yes if you land a girl who has been on 300 usd a month for like 10 years all of sudden you arrive and her world collapses you know ohh mums sick needs an opp --dads cars stuffed we dont have $600 to fix it ---thank god you have arrived .
no Dont wear those capers for a moment ---we are aussies baz we look after direct family as you well know ----we don't need all the furry bits / hangers on -we can go broke all on our own .
ive been through it bazz ive been going to russia since january 1999 we have all been burnt but once bitten twice shy !
My girl i spoil to death ----my choice and iam on a big quid = so be it ! i dont think bazz with certain girls its a good idea bring em to aussie -id rather live there in russia to be honest ------your in control there -but i know what you mean melbourne birds like refrigerators no class all gimmi gimmi want everything no loyalty - just crap id not be with an aussie bird ever even if john howard promissed me $1000 a week free rest of my days .
Good old aussie girls your neighbour gets a $40 rise a week all of a sudden she has a new bed partner --our girls are crap mate specialy the over 35's . 6 screaming kids all named sharon --you know brought up suburban- sunshine in the 70's spent 1/2 thier lives thier footprints in the rooflining of a panel van and 6 kids screamers to prove it whos the dad ?? they dunno it was to dark to see him lol lol.. = junk !
And look at our girls mate hear all ''bush pigs at 30 '' working on thier tripple chin at 35 who the hell id want em ay bombastic shitheads .and hear the birds have the audacity to want a bloke 49 years to be with woman 49 years they have to joking id be long time dead before id be with a bird over 34 yukkk = boilers ay
hahahaha holy shit what a story.
Yeah Mike Ive been there done that with the Aus girls, last one had been in 5 relationships in her life, 3 are dead, 2 are in therapy!... I got out with a pulse and a nasty aversion to ducking under nearest car when I hear a female say "owyagownmate".
appreciate you taking the time to give me the rundown on the "game"
I/O great info and advice, yes I see where your'e coming from, makes sense totally.
I tend to look outside the square on most everything, sometimes it works for you sometimes it doesnt, but I see that, if theres no bottomless pit of $ then thats the way to go.
As a matter of interest, you guys that know the lay of the land, can you name a couple of towns/small cities that might fit the bill so I have somewhere to start?