I just got back yesterday from my dream trip I thought I had rea all your comments and no, I wasen't walking into the Lions den. I even did the flowers with photo bit. This was it Valentina Kovalenko was my dream girl. I wont tell you all the bad bits there are no good bits.
After parting with montains of cash for apartment, transfer from station (200 meters)station anouncements, translator I wont go on. Finally I get taken to the office to meet her, it wasn't her, they insisted it was, brought the photo up on the screen. I said well thats not her they said she had changed her hair. Either it wasn't her or a photographer has done a good paint job. Went for dinner, she admits not writng any of the letters, someone else in the office did, said she got a phone call with my reply and told them what to write. She knew nothing about me except what they had brieffed her with, by the way translator present even though she managed to learn english in the time it took to get to the resturant (50 bucks a pop). I could go about the rest, maybe you have some questions, do my best, to answer.
By the way wrote to fiance.com as yet no reply.
did you talk to her on the phone, did you get her private mailing address? why did you go if you never even talked to that lady. before the trip you could have asked us to check on her for you. you are in Germany?
if it was not her, who got the flowers? we are checking into your feedback and investigating. we put her profile on hold. our manager Alex will report here on the investigation results.
read posts here about preparing for a trip.
THIS is why I don't believe in letter writing at all. When I try ot decribe all of the potential drawbacks of letter writing I try to imagine a scenrio like this before I srart writing. But truth can be stranger than fiction.
Its so much easier to just go meet girls FOR REAL at a Romance Social.
Spent 9 days in Kharkov back in 2003 many beautiful women there.
Again this is an example of not getting into a 1 on 1 b4 the big meeting. Or having back up plans. You cannot trust Agencies they are out to make money anyway they can some of them !!!
If the Agency wont give you direct communication links (email phone) after you have done perhaps 3-4 to and throws via them move on.
There are good Agencys out there but there are many more bad ones.
I ended up getting on well with our NZ manager in Moscow at the Embassy (immigration part) she filled me in many stories of scamming agencies etc. Some men wasted much time and money on nothing !!
Sorry "MS" to here about this experience dont give up. I know there is 1 beautiful women there in Kharkov most likely still on her own too what a waste !!!!
I had been writing to this girl also but never to point of a trip to see her. Her letters were not very personal and she asked many times about a meeting. I wonder if you got same letters as me.
I would have walked out of agency office if girl did not look anything like picture. Sorry to hear your story. Did you book apt through agency? I would like to remind guys about a backup plan. I have read here many times about advice in seeing only one girl for 2 weeks. This is another example of first meeting being short( 3-4 days), you have NO idea what will happen.
Even on my first trip to Moldova - when I was to meet a girl I had MET BEFORE (at a Romance Social in Odessa) I had a backup plan. Five months had passed since I had last seen her and though we kept in contact by phone and letters, I still did not know her well enough to spend three weeks (my plan) for certain with her.
I had several womne I could have called.
As it turns out I didn't call any of them - but in retrospect I SHOULD HAVE.
No Olga i didn't have a private address beacuse she said she didn't have one, and also not a phone although that was just another lie, i give you my permission to read the replies i had you. It just all seemed so, well like it was real.
Appreciate your comments jet I was just trying to be straight with her, god the number of women i blew off beacuse of this one.
I always kept in touch with 10-15 women, through attrition, it always goes down and as new girls come, I replenish.
Until I have firm commitment with a girl, I will not cease my letter writing to others, this is a crapshoot, many more misses than hits, got to have your 'ammo'.
As always, treat this as a learning experience or it will eat at you, with time and other girls wasted.I've been around almost one year and I am still on a learning curve. Need to be in ti for the long haul and you will be rewarded.
If a girl ever writes to you that she does not have a phone either at home or mobile then it the whole thing is lie and a scam. Cut your losses and move on. I have been to Ukraine 12 times. I have met and dated probably about 150 ladies. I only remember one not having a phone. All had mobile phones and if they didn't they had a home phone.
I think men should keep their eyes open as well as girls.
There are people who want to f**k each other.
Scam girls and western men coming for joy, relax and sex.
I think they deserve each other.
Genuine people are seen clearly, but sure you need time to learn to distinguish.
I, Woman, also passed though some painful experience. But it's ok, I don't complaine.
I've learned how to talk and show to western man his place in Ukraine...
Sorry, it's not that high. We are not thai girls.
As well as some western men are also disappointed by their visits.
they get their "schooling".
Those who come here for f**k, will be f**ked.
Those, who come for life with nice sincere intelligent woman, will find her.
Anyway, everybody always find what wants, without doubs. Just to be sure in goals and desires.
I am sorry to disagree with you Monada, I came to your country with nothing but good intentions the agency had me over the girl had me over, in fact everyone i met tried to screw me I even got cheated buying a train ticket, I am just a normal guy, not a bloody millioniare, they treated me very badly I am sorry to say.
I KNOW of guys who went to Ukraine just for sex. They just got sex. They spent money, made false promises, and got plenty of sex.
I KNOW of guys who went realistically and legitimately seeking a wife. They legitimately and realistically found wonderful wives.
And I KNOW of guys who were sincere in every way, just a little unrealistic, and misguided. They sometimes ended up getting f**ked (but NOT having sex) and having their broken hearts and empty wallets handed back to them.
moes seven - I sympathise with you. I only experienced on a limted scale however.
When I was in Latvia and again in Ukraine most recently I noted that EVERYTIME I was in taxi or at a bar, without a Russian speaker with me - the prices were raised. Without fail.
The ONLY way to EVER get a taxi is to negotiate the price before you get in. But even THAT doesn't always work. Often the driver would DEMAND more money when you got there and suddenly they get aggressive and lose all ability to speak English. And for a buck or two, of course, I'm not willing to engage in an physical confrontation.
But it semed to happen all the time.
And on those rare ocassions where you DON'T negotiate before you get in - say there is just one taxi or its raining - you KNOW you will pay 2 to 3 times more than you have to for a similar ride with a Russian speaker.
Its not enough money to bankrupt me or to prevent me from returning to Ukraine, but it is the truth.
the next time when you come here, ask some normal people to help you.
Better if you contact with a good girl who can guide a little and give some advices
1/ learn is to distinguish real girls and fakes and if translator is talking to you or girl herself.
2/ better if you come to particular girl and she meets you in airport and guide...
for that don't be scrudge to send the girl money for trip.
but is the girl is in village or stupid or doesn't know english - it's impossible
3/ try to move your correspondence with girl into private, you'll see if she is really sincere
4/ taxi price is 1 hrivna for 1 km + tips
5/ have the head on it's place and everything will be ok :)
For the reasons you described,I am learning the language. I couldn't stand just sitting there not knowing what was going on and being said in my presence, whether it be in taxi, in restaurant, in cafe, ordering food..........
what was worst is not being able to communicate directly with GIRL!