Hi, guys!
You have been disputing here a lot about women scammers.
Yes, I agree, there are such women, who really spoil reputation of Ukrainian women.
And I do agree with you that all measures should be taken to combat such women.
But what shall other ladies do, who got to the scam list by mere accident??
Here is my TRUE story how I got to AFA SCAM list.
I have no intention to justify myself, only to let you, guys, know that not all women listed in scam lists are actually scammers.
I have been to one of the socials AFA organized in Kiev last spring, where I by chance met my cousin’s ex-girl friend. She asked me if I was registered only on AFA site, and I told her about some other quite nice dating agencies.
You most probably know that on such socials there are not only a lot of beautiful women searching for love, but also a lot of AFA’s staff (managers etc). One of them has heard our talk and asked me to leave, saying that I was breaking the rules of AFA socials.
I had nothing to do but to go away.
I have almost forgotten about it, but some weeks later, I was informed by AFA that they had deleted my profile and put me into their scam list, because I was “recruiting” their women clients to become the members of the dating agency I am planning to organize and that they have the complain from one of the clients whom I asked to send me the money for that purposes.
I don’t know where to look for the justice and where to go.
I keep writing to AFA officials, but without any result so far.
I don’t know what to do.
Have you, guys, any ideas???
Here, general attitude seems to be not only that if you get scammed, you have only yourself to blame; but by getting scammed, you ruin the reputation of the FSU women!!!!!!!!!!
In Spain, it's far easier for Latin and South Americans to find jobs than for the FSU's to find jobs, because Latin and South Americans are seen as hard working and honest, while the FSU men are seen as thieves and women as hookers.
I did make a constructive reply to this thread however just having had it clarified by Oleg the powers that be deleted all my posts of today (yesterday UK time) due to a computer gliche. Perhaps my reply may reappear later but then perhaps not!
It's not a general attitude, it's called common sense. You do only have yourself to blame. By getting scammed you don't ruin the reputation of the person scamming, you show the lack of common sense.
Funny how Dr. Kook has for his second successive post have labeled women as hookers. I'm mean really how would you know prostitutes are expensive in Istanbul? If you weren't looking for such a commodity! Another loser on a smear campaign because he didn't use good judgment. Like I said before good Doc is Natybo was as hot as you said, it seems the consensus here is you need to spend your money more wisely, like buying a pair of glasses.
I believe a thief to be a somewhat more honorable person the the drug barons, runners etc. that come out of Koop's 'squeaky clean' Latin & South America!
It really does suck that some women get stuck on these scam sites because of some spurned guy decides to get even. I mean look at the campaign that is going on in the forum now.
Also idiotic sites like UAProfiler has been found to be a suspect in pinning women on their site as scammers just to prove that they are doing their job and research and selling their detective services.
It seems A Foreign Affait (AFA) operates a little shady. I've had problems with them myself. My wifes pictures ended up on their website from one of their affiliates. I called them and asked them to remove them, they refused to do so, they told me they needed the woman to call to remove it. I told them, well I let my wife speak through an attorney. The next day they had listed above her profile as married. Like they had something to do with it. I called them again and said that wasn't good enough for her, remove it or you will hear from her via an attorney. They finally did remove it. Absolute pain in the ass. I told them they were being a little deceitful using her on their website to promote her as being married through their site and work.
This is the ugly side of scamming and the reason I hate womens names being put here in the forum. We don't know what the circumstances are, second chances of any of us having correspondence with the same woman is remote and third we don't know how truthful the person who is claiming they have been scammed.
Fiance should eliminate post's regarding scammers. This is not an anti scam site and it's each individuals responsibility to research the credibility of the women they are corresponding with. Along with using common sense you won't get scammed. Of four people I know that are married to women of the FSU I posed a question. How many scammers did you run into in your search. The number was two or less and no money exchanged hands. Something resonates there to me.
It's not so much about getting even as putting them out of the scam biz and protecting the next guy. You could reun your mouth if I wired her money long distance (many men actually do that). I saw her in person for nearly 2 months. Remember, in the first time, I left her witin a week due to her demands. I went to Sofia, Bulgaria, where, after dating a few much older and even more demanding gals, I came back to her. This once, she was much better.
I know which way she now goes to work. I only wish my return ticket hadn't come due when it did ($200 per change). All I needed was a couple more days there. I used my digital camera to record our last conversation when I handed her the money. All I need do is wait around her work route one day, grab her arm, take her to police, and if they don't prosecute her, they will at least deport her, no doubt.
How would anyone research the credibility of these women if sites do not post scammer info?
But nasfan,
'Common sense' doesn't come from the implement between their legs that many only think with, I learnt a long time ago that for each one that becomes educated there are another ten dumbasses behind him, you or I could stay on this forum for the next 20 years and we'd still be preaching the same advice, just to a different generation of 'idiot' :)
But you're right, the guys that post 'scam' here are merely guys with an axe to grind, they just want to keep talking and talking about it as if it's front page news. They seem unwilling to post to a recognised blacklist because there you post your experience, for others to read, and that is the end of it, you can't keep talking about it. What a shame that such guys can't move on with their lives and can only find it in themselves to keep going back rather than moving forwards.
There you go nasfan, as I said, guys with an axe to grind and once they've reached the end of their line they resort to wise cracks, to try to wind up others, that are totally off subject.
Desperate I am not sure of a good solution to your problem. When unscrupulous or ignorant people place someone on a black list it is very difficult to reverse the damage. I guess you could write them a letter and tell them that you are going to write a scam report on their site to all of the scam sites if they do not remove you from their list. And if they refuse don't hesitate to report them to the scam lists for doing this to you.
If they are an American company you could threaten them with copy write because to post someones photo on a website they need to have permission to do so. I am not sure how difficult it would be for someone from another country to have this enforced though.
I realize you probably do not want to do something bad to them but when people have no goodness in their heart then you need something like this to bargain with.
It is also unfortunate that the Doctor selected your thread to spread manure on.
80% of what got posted on my original thread was politics. Now Ozzy here is worried about selecting others' threads "to spread manure on."
To answer your concerns about American company v. foreign company, I imagine it would be as difficult as collecting your money from an international scammer.
And lastly, I agree, it is about goodness of hearts.
Guys, thanks for what you have written here, but you have been mostly discussing your own problems : ) and have not understood the point!
I just wanted to ask you, the initiators for the creation of SCAM lists, for the advice how to try to solve my problem (as well as the problems of dozens of other ladies)!
Land of oz, special thanks for your advice! I shall try to do it, but it seems to me, i shall not have any success. It is easy to get to SCAM list, but impossible to get out from it.
What i want to say is that not all the girls posted in SCAM LISTS are actually scammers!
Listen to your heart! And don't make ungrounded and hasty conclusions!
Deperate...it has been written here many times that black lists should be only part of information on girls. They can be very inaccurate. I don't know of any easy way to get removed. Guys should use that info as they would use info on girls profile. Black lists have a lot of gey in them. I don't use them, I merely communicate with girls until they ask for something, which just leads me to dropping them. Hope you find a guy that is openminded!!
I did a little bit of looking. I thought there may be a common law copywrite on using a photo of someone without permission. I did not find that but did not dig very deep so it may be there. So we get to who owns the photo and what use rights have have you conveyed to russian-women-scam-list.com. If you own the photo that is posted (you provided it or paid for it to be taken) then you have an understood copywrite on it.
Now assuming you do own this photo and have not given russian-women-scam-list.com rights to use it then they are violating copyright law. You ask them to remove it and they did not. The next step would be to contact their Internet provider and explain to them that they are hosting a website that is violating copyright law and if they do not remove it there will be consequences. Both the site host and the site owner are in the United States so United States law will govern them. If you need help with the letter send me a private message.
You presume that the internet provider speaks English? Whilst your plan is idea in theory it will never work in practice, that's the problem with these introduction and/or dating sites, it is literally a lawless society, unregulated, and they seem to be able to get away with whatever the hell they like.
Indeed my business, I, have my own website, the website is registered to my 'offshore' company, should I choose to post some copyrighted photo's on there then there ain't a lot that can be done about it, the country in which my offshore company is registered wouldn't give two hoots about it!
Yes that is correct Martin. The hosting company of AFA's scam site is in Delaware with US phone numbers which of course could be out sourced as well as a physical Delaware address. I think AFA has offices in Georgia, Arizona, and California but am not certain about that.
If they were in a 3rd world country then you would have no recourse but if the hosting company is legitimate they will not put up with copyright violations and the revenue they get from hosting a site will not weigh very heavy against the resk of a law suite.
Marteen and Ozzy are missing the point: Fraud (scam - criminal) is more serious than copyright violations (civil), and if these countries aren't prosecuting frauds, do you think they'll care about copyright violations?