Last July a friend of mine was playing about on he had just split up with his gf and was down he was corresponding with some girls then he quit. For me I have never had any problem meeting girls but i find Ukranians girls very attractive so I advertised as well and met one girl so we corresponded for 3 or 4 months and so I decided to go my brother was in Budapest at the time and where she lived was only a train ride away. But when i got there my brother and his hungarian girl friend dissuaded me from going so I didnt I felt bad and text her and said look im sorry for messing you around can I just send you some money for your time she replyed and said I dont want money from you. Still I felt really bad so we didnt correspond for 3 or 4 months and I thought about her again last month this time I went! She waited for me at the train station and had taken a week off to spend with me from work without pay! Shes in college part time as well and studys music im 32 shes 24 her english was reasonable but her friend came with us and translated I asked her friend why do you do this do you want money ? she laughed and said Im not here for money im here for my friend. So thats how it went everyday theyd pick me up at 10am and brought me all over the place it was sooooooooo interesting. At night then we went for lunch and some beers just me and the girl no translator I met her mum who had no english and was grilled for about 2 hours but I enjoyed it she was a smart and interesting woman. Her mum teachs in the local university for 150 dollars a month madness! So she got really quiet at the end of the week and I rang her friend and she told me that she was sad I was going etc. Well the next day I told I really really liked her would she marry me and the answer was yes! I bought her a new mobile phone that day but she never asked and told me I shouldnt I also left her some money as well about 100 dollars I gave her friend 80 dollars by the way taxis etc from train station to my hotel she covered for me they were like 20 dollars etc also I felt bad for not turning up the first time.
So thats my story anyone have any comments or advice ,She has one year in college and wanted to stay to finish that before she comes to be with me advice welcomed thanks !
o haha started learning russian today as well loved ukraine so much had a great time people very honest and nice
city was uzogorod
Sounds like you had a great time and met a nice girl. Getting grilled by her mother for two hours sounds like the girl and her family are pretty serious about hitching their daughter up with a foreign gentleman.
I say go for it. In my experience with women from Ukraine I always try to keep an eye on the bigger picture due to having been burned once by a player. But in the end she never burned me half as much as my ex-wife.
In other words I try to get an idea of what the real deal is….what is she really after.
But that’s just me…I’ve ruined a few potentially good relationships with this outlook, but everyone has to protect themselves in this game now.
One thing I never do is throw money around …it sets a pattern of expectations which is arduous to maintain and it feels like I’m buying the girl.
Again…only my opinion.
I hope you do well…from the minor details of your story it sounds like you have a good-un.
Thanks Kirkland
Im a naturally wary person and sometimes it feels too good to be true she works a awful lot some 12hr shifts saturday etc and still barely meets ends meet.200 euros per month working rest days! Also she has a small business selling Avon the the ladies in work buy from her etc She also talks alot about her friends husbands being heavy drinkers one friend had a husband die in his 40,s leaving her a widow at 38. Her neighbour is a alcoholic and drinks anything making it very noisey sometimes. I drink only socially and dont smoke this amazed her and her friends her mother as well who neither drinks or smokes.And she herself smoked when younger but not now. She likes a odd beer but is very strongly against spirits. I noticed alot of underage kids on streets etc maybe 14 plus drinking this is quite bad I think and my girl frowned alot at them. There was alot of casinos there as well and she said she cant understand how people have no money and yet can waste their money there.I cant imagine how hard it must be for them all at least here we have jobs and security for a man it must be hard to be unemployed or on very low wages not able to give her partner or children what he wants to I can see this would lead to heavy drinking etc. I asked her what she wants in life and she said just to be happy in her words we only get one shot at life her mother was against her meeting me but after meeting me we got on great I really liked her mum. She has told me she really wants to travel and see the world I usually get away a few times a year anyway so this is no problem. At the moment she is gone for a week to Egypt with her class her first time out of the Ukraine
anyways what do all the rest of you guys think?
i reckon we have as good a shot as anyone its the same as any relationship just a bit of give and take they are still strong willed women maked a bit more old fashioned which may appeal to alot of us I know it does to me.
You ask what I think so here goes:
If this is a real story it sounds like a happy one and that you are in a successful and wonderful relationship.
If not it is a fabricated advertisement for Eurorussian. You do not say where you are from but you used the term dollars so I assume if you are from somewhere other than Au or the states you would have used the term for your own currency. Your English resembles state's English more than Au to me but there are parts of it out of place for US English. This makes me suspect that you are a very good interpreter. The detail seems more as a woman's description than that of a man.
So I guess my opinion is 60/40, that is 60% chance that you are a deceiver and 40% that you are honest. The fact that the web address you gave does not come up is even more confusing. In who is the last time the data base of the site was updated was May of 2007 which seems a long time since an update.
Irish actually dude 100 percent with alot of american friends i play alot of role playing stuff online and probaly picked up some stuff from them. I have a sis just back from Oz actually she had a great time her boyfriend lives over there.
And I aint promoting anything Im just very happy at the moment and explaining how I got there a little bit scared myself marriage is a big thing and I dont want to be screwed over. Didnt tell any of my family yet and we are close so probaly it will be a shock for them lol Should I marry her before she finishs college next year or should i marry her this year dont really wanna have a wife not in the country with me!
Russianeuro or eurorussian? Check other post on Russianeuro. Russianeuro doesn't need any advertising surely?
The English is a bit dodgy. If he's an interpreter I've seen better. The use of "sooooooo interesting" kind of smacks a little of FSU female. And I've never went for lunch at night.
I wasn't going to say anything until I'd read a bit more.
So Colin....what's your story?
I am having trouble believing you are 32. You did want to meet her, you didn't, you did meet her. Can she finish school where you are? Do you love her? Why are you so insecure? I am not sure what you are looking for input on? The fact that you have to wait a year and you are wondering how many men will do the same as you did in the meantime? I think patience is a virture , for suckers. If she is the one, I would proceed now. If you are unsure I would make another aquaintance there. A week isn't hardly enough time to know someone. You surely didn't figure it was going to be easy. "Reckon"? Are you from Arkansas?
That squelches my questions about English because I do not know how Irish English is. But raises another question. Why did you give her 100 dollars and her friend 80 dollars when the Euro is your native currency and is just as accepted over there.
It also throws a big shadow on the theory that you are a smart Interpreter advertising for eurorussian when the site is actually russianeuro. If the case was that you were advertising you would have to be a dumb Interpreter to turn the url around backwards.
So until further notice I am going to have to think that you are real unless the moderator says your ip address is in Nigeria and hope you have a good sense of humor :-).
I would agree with realsweetdeal in that if you leave her alone for a year she will get tired of waiting for you. you will have to decide when to marry but if you love her or really think she is the one which I assume you do you should be with her at least once every 3 or 4 months. You got by with leaving her at the train station once but you likely will not get by with leaving her sit in Ukraine for a year without seeing you.
we do have a saying here in NZ,, sounds very Irish:)
such a short time and you ask for marriage.
do you plan to get to know her in a years time?
even the Irish are not that Irish:))
but there's the exception i guess,, we all do things different.
your english is dodgy Collin but you are a uncultured lot, yeh..
i still cannot believe your minimum wage is so much higher then ours,, been a uncultured lot:)
when do you plan to visit again, i wouldn't wait to long.
you are lucky to be so close.
i really wonder how you got drilled by mother without interpreter,, using daughter to interpret, yeh.
mate you didn't get drilled at all, sounds like a lot is unsaid to me.
imagine how belittled or pissed off the daughter would be with straight shooting questions between you and mother.
i wouldn't feel to comfortable about all this Collin, of cause unless you are Irish
re kiwinorth ,I guess posting on a forum you are gonna meet certain unnice people I dont so insults dude and getting them dosnt bother me either. Ireland at this moment is a great place to live loads of work small unemployment divorce is one of the smallest in Europe only the weather is bad! I hear NZ is pretty nice too so there you go.
Btw a large percentage of NZ are decended from Irish as well lol. And one of your late presidents was from my area haha.
Thats funny I thought my English was fine lol Bit of work getting through yours to be honest re read what you wrote.
My girl has reasonable English and her friend was there as well who has perfect English and translated everything while my girl just frowned alot her mother asked me hmm about my mum and dad my family what they worked at also she was a big music freak and teachs it in a local uni so she asked me alot of that as well.My brother met a real nice girl when we were in Hungary last year and lives there they were she was very interested in why he would move there but thats love. She said she dosnt usually meet people from different countries and her questions reflected that.!
re land of oz
I used dollar because of the fact that they seem to be big dollar users more so than euro users and regonise it more.
I changed my euros for dollars in the hotel and the euro is alot stronger than the dollar so it suited me
Believe me I am 32 wish I was younger though! Whos 100 percent about anything but thanks for the feedback man
for me I like to hear what different people think about what I doing so then I can evaluate it all up and make my own decision and Im not mentioning any more sites not a issue to me lol.
Basic facts emailing a girl since last July found her mails interesting and sweet. Finally met her and really liked her alot and no not in love but could see that happening very easily. I take marriage very seriously and so obviously I have doubts back home and back to reality sort of deal. As to being a woman no haha im very happy in my masculinity.
Dated alot at home but these Eastern European girls attract me alot more!
hey Collin that sounds good, there's always more to the storey,
don't take my comments personal about Irish:)), yes we have a lot of Irish here and they certainly are a good lot:)
yeah most of the fresh Irish i meet here are musicians, such a happy lot. music mad.
as uncultured people we have more here then anywhere around the world, it just us:)
a lot of bones are still worn as jewelery:)
and we all love a good trusty knife, rifle chasing pigs or deer in the never nevers:)
as my english, I'm not english, and want no part of the so called proper english, we have our own way and slang here just like island, i think it drives those russians crazy, both good and bad.
yeah mate my english is real dodgy, going to find me a russian to fine tune it:)
unnice, i like that:)
you seem to have things sorted, wish you the best.
thats what i like to hear dude ye! thanks for the support just got a earful from my brother haha hes not impressed !
english is just a made up lanuage anways .......did they ever make anything original haha hope to get to see your great country some day..
Colin, ok maybe I misjudged you. There was alot of missing information in your thread. What is it like like about the European women, what characteristics intigue you? I am curious? I am an American I don't have alot of experience with russian women other that email and telephone correspondence. My point is remove the word "recon" from your vocabulary. It is a statement that parallels "fixing" mainly used by toothless uneducated American hill-billies. Good luck with the girl. I don't know what expectations other men have in their search for their soul-mate. I have thought about it, "good" probally isn't "good-enough". I would think that the word "perfect" might yield a person a better chance at happiness in the future. The visa is the first of many expenses and people lives are affected. I hope you make a good decision for you and her. Remember you can't create "real love" and personally I don't think you can stop it either. Ride the wave as far as it takes you. Good luck. Remember timing is everything. RSD
Hi Colin
I am also Irish by the way, I have a GF who lives in Sumy in Ukraine.
The only thing that puzzles me about your post is that you asked this lady to marry you after only knowing her for a few days, I know you corresponded with her for some months, but really, you need more face time to get to know a lady, especially one that accepts a proposal from a man she barely knows, apart from that, good luck with this but tread carefully.
Hmm a number of things eastern I think are more old fashioned more akin to girls from 60,s maybe?
I remember one friend of mine married to a Lithuanian lady saying that at home its all about appearance there is so many good looking girls you have to make the effort to look good for example when putting out the trash you have to put make up on! She said she was very suprised to see one day a western girl in a shop late at night buying cigarettes in a pygamas! Im not gonna say eastern girls are better looking but maybe a higher percentage are good genetic mix.
Re Azure1
obviously the thing about marriage is to have the girl here with you no point if shes in the Ukraine is there?
probaly wont happen anytime soon though shes studying for her bachelors so I think she will be better of waiting to finish that.
asfan6 Martin_FFC 06.03.2008 6:43:23 What's a matter Marty. Didn't want to throw that last PM on the board? I knew you wouldn't.
Now what is the excuse? I don't really care how old you are, how many times you've been to Ukraine
that's not the issue. If you are 49 you need to give up the alcohol and cigarettes, you're a tired looking 49. As you aways badger others, you're drifting away from the subject.Everything
I use here are you own words. I still remember the dossiers you kept on others here.
Remember Telling Glad what my email address was. Though you were wrong, you were documenting others posts. What's good for the goose is good for the
Gander. Don't try to sell me on the culture bullshit. You can save that for someone else to bullshit. I was around many Brits, a lively bunch as with the Irish don't have a problem with saying what's on their minds. Though Remember, you're not a Brit, you and your wife claim to be Europeans. Since you don't like your own homelads too much. Remember those are not my words but
Marty it's very cathartic to come clean. It will do your soul some good.
You've always tried to be better than others here. You always belittled those who
challenged you. You went as far as to post fake profiles on other sites. You
hounded and harassed others that didn't answer your questions.
Have a great day Liar.
Married my ass.
nasfan6 Martin_FFC 05.03.2008 22:47:35 Martin_UK
Member Send: 09.10.2005 11:01:56
Bearing in mind that I am not American, a green card is totally irrelevant.
My wife and I have discussed everything to the finest detail, she's in that much of a hurry to get a western passport that after 2+ years of being together, and 9+ months of marriage, she remains in Ukraine, working and supporting herself, whilst we work together solving some (Ukrainian) family issues.
Please do not typecast all relationships based on your own sorry experience(s), you have no focking idea what a strong bond my wife and I have, we truly are the best of friends, we take what we have between us very seriously and we have a lot of fun in the process.
Who's the loser, me with a loving wife and best friend or you, a bitter & twisted individual whose only want is to spread gloom and despondancy?
Seems to me you have forgotten your time lines again. 2+ years?
As of April-May 2004 you never stepped foot in Zaporozhye.
04-05-2004, 10:25 PM
Members Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 746
Anyone here ever been to Zaporozhye in Ukraine (Mexican brothel owners excluded) and got anything to say about it.
I might be going there from Odessa on Friday of this week, if I go I'll be looking for an apartment in Zaporozhye also, anyone got any tips?
Thanking you
Senior Crony
Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out
They leave the west behind
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
That Georgia's always on my my my my my my my my my mind
9 Months of Marriage
Let’s revisit this post. You must have gotten Married during this time to make the dates work, in either way you were lying your ass off.
Makes me real curious to see when and if you are really married. By the Way Mexican Brothel owners, little bit of a racist statement isn’t it. I recall you accusing Izi of being racist about some Somalians killing some cops in the UK. What a Hypocrite. No Marty I promised some guys I would hound you to hell for the things you did to them. I never forget a promise. I know you will never produce evidence, you will use your excuse that your life is private(Private Lie) but when it something to brag about, you spew it all over these forums. You have no life, doubt if you have a wife, you are a keyboard clown. I would change my profile on
Send: 08.12.2004 2:50:43
Thanks Shaggy and others,
One thing that was pleasing, I received a couple of very ladylike replies to the effect 'thank you for your attention but please look for another lady'. I know all about the FSU culture but it is a long time since I've met such politeness on the internet!
Yep, I guess the scammers must be here as everywhere but like everywhere, if you're searching in the under 25, drop dead gorgeous category then you're at high risk with a decreasing risk the older the age and the lesser the looks.
Anyway, I'm in Ukraine 18 December until 03 January thus still hunting!
Thanks again guys
You can't produce what you don't have. You have fabricated a whole life here, the only problem you thought most would go away, except this one Stubborn Irishman who doesn't take lightly his friends being insulted by a common puke like you. You need to change the lie on, You're a pathetic liar there also, you claim not to smoke and drink, but you're always buying duty free cigarettes and on the piss all the time. Now that's truly a sad life. I never had to get drunk to go visit my wife and I had a hell of a lot longer flight. You are such a loser.
nasfan6 Martin_FFC 05.03.2008 21:28:32 You haven't disproved one thing. You have obfuscated all the way. You can run but you can't hide forever Marty. I still wonder what the near future means 1,2,3 years. Just like my many times.
You also know you lied here saying you never posted Nors Profile on a gay site.
Let this remind you.
Hi Nor, I would have responded to your post online but your
> thread was deleted and I'm guessing that you are not free to post any
> longer so please excuse this email but if this may be the final
> communication between us then I'd like to clear some air whilst
> setting th